2nd Year Biology Solved MCQs with Answers Pdf Download

2nd Year MCQs Biology
Chapter No. 18 Reproduction

11. Which of the following statements is true of clones?
(A) Clones show variation
(B) Clones have DNA identical to parent
(C) Clones are formed by meiotic division
(D) All the choices are incorrect

(B) Clones have DNA identical to parent

12. Vegetative propagation does not involve:
(A) Root parts
(B) Stem parts
(C) Leaf parts
(D) Flower parts

(D) Flower parts

13. The mass of dividing undifferentiated cells of the cut end of the shoot is called:
(A) Callus
(B) Peribleni
(C) Dermatogen
(D) Pericycle

(A) Callus

14. One of the following is not a method of asexual reproduction:
(A) Spontlation
(B) Gametogenesis
(C) Apomixis
(D) Parth en no gcnesi s

(B) Gametogenesis

15. Tissue culture is a technique used to produce a large number of plants quickly which are all:
(A) Variable
(B) Unicellular
(C) Identical
(D) All (A), (B) and (C)

(C) Identical

16. Which of the following disadvantages applies to tissue culture?
(A) Clone may be genetically unstable
(B) Clone may be infertile
(C) Clone karyotype may be altered
(D) All of the choices are comet

(D) All of the choices are comet

17. A flagellated motile sperm fertilizing a non-motile egg is called:
(A) Isogamy
(B) Anisogamy
(C) Oogamy
(D) All of the choices are correct

(C) Oogamy

18. A type of syngamy in which both fusing gametes are flagellated but different in size are known as:
(A) Isogamy
(B) Anisogam
(C) Oogamy
(D) All of the choices are correct


(B) Anisogam

19. A type of sygnamy in which both fusing gametes are flagellated and same in size are known as:
(A) Isogamy
(B) Ansogamy
(C) Oogamy
(D) All of the choices are correct

(A) Isogamy

20. In gymnosperms the main plant is diploid and:
(A) Homosporous
(B) Heterosporous
(C) Micros porous
(D) Megasporous

(B) Heterosporous

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