PPSC Past PAPERs No.41 SS Lecturer Education Headmaster MCQs

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Category : EDUCATION
Category : PPSC Past Papers & Model/Sample Papers

Topic : Education
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China etc.
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]

Time Limit : 40 Minutes
Total MCQ’s : 40

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SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC PAST MODEL PAPER No. 41

SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC PAST MODEL PAPER No. 41

1 / 40

The statistical study of population is called

2 / 40

One of the advantages of external examination system is that

3 / 40

All forms of pay allowances or rewards going to employees in educational Institution are signified as

4 / 40

Social reforms were the main topic of

5 / 40

Micro teaching is used to train

6 / 40

WWW stands for

7 / 40

Norm referenced interpretation of test results are directed primarily to the purpose of

8 / 40

The most important aim of education in character formation was told by

9 / 40

A head teacher should take at lest periods in a week

10 / 40

Staff development means

11 / 40

To adopt the modern trend in teaching profession teacher must be

12 / 40

All teachers are involved in curriculum implementation at the level of

13 / 40

Which of the following types is selection type of test item

14 / 40

Assessing students performance in quantitative terms is called as

15 / 40

CAI stands for

16 / 40

The process of making judgment in class room teaching is called

17 / 40

In human resource management, leaders perform

18 / 40

The process of training and developing people in knowledge, skills, mind and character in a certified program is the model of education

19 / 40

The scheme of Pilot school was introduced in the education policy of

20 / 40

Curriculum is derived from the Latin word Currier, which means

21 / 40

The hypothesis which states that there is no relationship difference between variables

22 / 40

Supervision is a contact between

23 / 40

The focus of Bloom's taxonomy is on

24 / 40

The leadership grants complete freedom to the members of the organization

25 / 40

Five thousands mosque schools will be opened was the feature of the National Education Policy

26 / 40

The process in which competent personnel are taken in order to achieve the goals of an organization is called

27 / 40

Sophia means

28 / 40

Permanent learning difficulties are investigated in

29 / 40

Data gathering instrument through which respondent answer questions to statements in writing is

30 / 40

Median of 1,6,2,5,4,3

31 / 40

Education refers to discover the universal principles of truth, beauty, and goodness which government human conduct was stated by

32 / 40

In which type of research the participants examine their own educational practice systematically

33 / 40

Micro-teaching is a flexible tool, which is used to refine

34 / 40

Curriculum plan should NEVER be considered a finished product or a

35 / 40

Floor area per student at secondary level is

36 / 40

Types of the item easiest to score is

37 / 40

in what situation teacher and student share and exchange their ideas on a topic

38 / 40

The overall purposes of a subject for teaching are referred as

39 / 40

In POSTCORB, R sands for

40 / 40

Research is directed towards the solution of a

Your score is


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