For Completion of all Promotion cases all offices remains open on Saturday and Sundays in all over Punjab. They are requested to prepare the cases for promotion from BS-16 to B5-17, BS-17 to BS-1S, BS-18 to 65-19 and 85-19 to BS-20 (Male & Female) and submit to this Directorate upto 22.06.2024.
Receiving of CS dossiers for promotion of the officers teachers during Saturday and Sunday (22-23 June 2024)
In continuation of this Directorate Memo No 1878 /PC-Ill dated 20.05.2024. 2341/PC-111 dated 13.06.2024 and meeting dated 15.06.2024 wherein you were requested to prepared the cases for promotion from BS-16 to B5-17, BS-17 to BS-1S, BS-18 to 65-19 and 85-19 to BS-20 (Male & Female) and submit to this Directorate upto 22.06.2024.
2. It is to inform you that this Directorate will be remained open w.e.f. 22.06.2024 to 23.06.2024 (Saturday and Sunday) 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM and District Education Officers (SE) are requested to submit requisite promotion cases personally.
Lahore Punjab
1. PS to Special Secretary, Govt. of the Punjab, School Education Department, Lahore.
2. P.A. to all the Divisional Directors (SE) in the Punjab.
3. Assistant Director (PC•I) of this Directorate.
4. Assistant Director (PC-II) of this Directorate.
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