Clarification regarding Rule 17-A omitted in Punjab

After letter for clarification regarding Rule 17 A omitted by S&GAD in Punjab written by Deputy Commissioner Hafiz Abad. The Section Officer Service and General Administration Department Punjab give reply and very clearly and loudly announce that, “no question arises for making appointment under Rule 17-1 of the rules ibid”.

Rule 17-A of the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1974 has been omitted after approval of the Provincial Cabinet Punjab.

Reference with your letter No. ADC(R)EA/1498 dated 30.07.2021 on the subject noted above. 2. The Regulations Wing, S&GAD has examined the matter and it is observed that since Rule 17-A of the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1974 has been omitted after approval of the Provincial Cabinet Punjab, hence, no question arises for making appointment under Rule 17-A of the rules ibid.


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Clarification regarding Rule 17-A omitted in Punjab
Deputy Commissioner Hafiz Abad letter regarding rule 17 A