Government of the Punjab decided to rename the 6000 Primary Schools in Punjab. These schools were upgraded as Elementary School in FY 2022-23. The New title of these Schools is “Afternoon Schools”.
I am further directed to ensure the new name on Schools Gate as “Afternoon School”. These all schools was converted into Government Elementary Schools under the Scheme “Upgradation of Primary Schools”.
I am directed to Inform that more than 6000 Primary Schools were upgraded to Elementary Level during FY 2022-23 under scheme titled “Afternoon Schools Programme (Up-gradation of Primary Schools)”, but there are many schools which are displaying old name of the scheme.
2. I am further directed to request you to look into the matter and ensure that such schools display correct name of “Afternoon Schools” at the gates.
No & Date Even A copy is forwarded for information and necessary action to:-
i). The Programme Director, PMIU-PESRP, Link Wahadat Road, Lahore.
ii). The Director Public Instructions (EE), Punjab, Lahore / Focal Person of ASP.
iii). All Deputy Commissioners in Punjab.
i. PS to Secretary, School Education Department.
ii. PS to Special Secretary, School Education Department.
iii. PS to Additional Secretary (B&P), School Education Department.
iv. PS to Deputy Secretary (P), School Education Department.
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- Punjab Schools Winter Vacation 2024 notification issued
- Job Descriptions of Assistant Education Officers (AEOs)
- New Name of 6000 Primary Schools in Punjab
- Monitoring of Public Sector Schools in Punjab by AEO’s
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#New upgraded schools in Punjab
#Afternoon Schools in Punjab