SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC Past PAPER No.20

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Category : EDUCATION
Category : PPSC Past Papers & Model/Sample Papers

Topic : Education
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in United States, Australia, Canada, Marshal islands, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, New Zealand, Italy, England, Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China.
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQs]

Time Limit : 50 Minutes
Total MCQ’s : 50

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SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC Old PAPER No. 20

SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC Old PAPER No. 20

1 / 50

According to Roger, in problem solving the most important is

2 / 50

The I.Q of the gifted children is

3 / 50

Which one is not positive reinforcement

4 / 50

Child thinks logically in

5 / 50

Psychology is the study of

6 / 50

Out of sight, out of mind is the characteristics of

7 / 50

Which type of growth of child is important

8 / 50

Laws of learning were founded by

9 / 50

First intelligence test was developed in

10 / 50

The IQ of average child is

11 / 50

Cognitive learning theory is known as

12 / 50

Who did discriminate the personality characteristics

13 / 50

Founder of the Intelligence tests was

14 / 50

In cognitive development, late childhood is

15 / 50

Emotional development is effected by

16 / 50

Guidance in education started in

17 / 50

The formula to deternmine I.Q is given by

18 / 50

The meaning of the Word psychology is

19 / 50

Guidance is helpful in

20 / 50

Who says Man is a conscious animal

21 / 50

Carl Rogers presented

22 / 50

Development means change in

23 / 50

In cognitive domain infancy is the stage of

24 / 50

Psychoanalysis a school, thought in psychology was introduced by

25 / 50

Operant conditioning was presented by

26 / 50

In the cognitive domain, early child hood is

27 / 50

Permanent change in behavior as a result of experience is

28 / 50

The characteristics of pre operational stage is

29 / 50

Age of pre operational stage In Piagetian cognitive Development theory is

30 / 50

According to behaviorism, which one is important for change in behavior

31 / 50

Cognitive development means

32 / 50

The founder of Humanistic Approach is

33 / 50

Concept of meaningful learning structure of content and discovery was presented by

34 / 50

Concept of Meaningful learning through perception was presented by

35 / 50

The founder of client centered therapy was

36 / 50

Interest attitude appreciation, skill and achievement are primarly the product of

37 / 50

Law of learning associated with Reinforcement in Operant conditioning is

38 / 50

In cognitive development, adolescence is beginning of

39 / 50

LQ stands for

40 / 50

The characteristic of sensory motor stage is

41 / 50

Change in behavior is due to reinforcement in

42 / 50

Whose role is important in moral development

43 / 50

Who developed the first intelligence test

44 / 50

Stimulus is necessary for response in

45 / 50

The IQ of mentally retarded child is

46 / 50

Stern formula to determine I.Q is

47 / 50

Growth means an increase in

48 / 50

What is the name of the psychologist ho said that most of the fear of human beings are conditional learned

49 / 50

Face to face relationship in which one tries to solve the problem of the other is called

50 / 50

Who is considered the father of guidance

Your score is


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