F.Sc Biology Chapter No.14 Transport FIRST YEAR ONLINE MCQ

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Biology – 1st Year
Chapter Name : Transport
Chapter No. 14 
Question Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]
Note : All MCQ’s selected in this test are from OLD F.Sc. board , UHS and PMC(Pakistan Medical Commission) Islamabad Papers.

Book Name :  Biology
Chapter No. 14
Chapter Name : Transport 
Total MCQ from Text Book :  252
Book Version  :

Published By : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore
Approved By : Govt of the Punjab and Federal Ministry for Education
Test Type : MCQ’s
Exam conduct By : Inter Boards of Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab & Federal
Class / Grade  : 11 ( F.Sc. Intermediate)
Total Marks : 252
Total Time :  252 minutes

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1 / 252

In plants cells how many factors determine water potential.

2 / 252

The femoral and sciatic arteries arise from;

3 / 252

Rate of blood flow Is 400-500 mm/second,

4 / 252

Which of the following environmental factors affect the rate of transpiration?

5 / 252

What is an antigen?

6 / 252

Which of the following has a double circuit heart?

7 / 252

The heart of reptiles and all other amniotes practically function as

8 / 252

One cubic millimeter of human male blood contains RBC:

9 / 252

The blood minus all cell and fibrinogen is called:

10 / 252

The plasma proteins constitute percent by weight of plasma:

11 / 252

In cockroach the heart is

12 / 252

In conduction of impulse from the S.A mode to (A)V node, there is a delay of about.

13 / 252

Which of the following can be attributed to atherosclerosis:

14 / 252

Liver receives blood from digestive system through

15 / 252

The lenticels are

16 / 252

Antibodies are manufactured by

17 / 252

The blood is filtered at

18 / 252

If pressure greater than atmospheric pressure is applied to pure water or a solution, its water potential.

19 / 252

The leucocytes that are about twice the size of red cells, possess a bllobed nucleus and are 2% of white cells on average are

20 / 252

The normal pH of human blood is

21 / 252

The ions involved in the openiiig and closing of stomata are:

22 / 252

Pore like sites in the cork layer of bark at which gaseous exchanve can take place are

23 / 252

A clot of blood contains:

24 / 252

The ions involved in opening and closing, of stomata are

25 / 252

The wave of blood, pressure or pulse due to heartbeat can be detected in which of the following:

26 / 252

Stroke is related to:

27 / 252

Solid chain like column of HO molecules in xylem does not break during creeping up due to

28 / 252

A substance produce by basophils that inhibits blood clotting is:

29 / 252

To which factor transpiration is inversely proportionally:

30 / 252

Cuticle make up of________ show least rate of cuticular transpiration

31 / 252

At 40 - 45 C, the stomata are:

32 / 252

Which is included in agranulocytes?

33 / 252

In human males one cubic millimeter of blood contains about how much red blood cells

34 / 252

By volume of the blood, in a normal person, plasma constitutes about:

35 / 252

The volume of dry seeds may increase upto 200 times after absorbing water by

36 / 252

Temperature causes colosure of stomata

37 / 252

The process not involved during ascent of sap in xylem:

38 / 252

Attraction between water-water molecules in xylem tissues is called:

39 / 252

Leaf having stomata both on lower and upper epidermis:

40 / 252

In higher vertebrates SA node helps in

41 / 252

Discharge of blood from blood vessel is called as:

42 / 252

In which of the following the every cell is in direct contact with a capillary

43 / 252

The total transpiration takes place through cuticle is:

44 / 252

_______ of epidermal cells of root is / are fully permeable to H20:

45 / 252

In cockroach heart lies in

46 / 252

How many RBCs are formed and destroyed every second:

47 / 252

In earthworm the sub neural vessel communicate with which one of tho following

48 / 252

Veins are the blood vessels which transport blood from body cells towards

49 / 252

Which of the following is / are involved in pulmonary circulation

50 / 252

Movement of water and minerals along______is negligible:

51 / 252

Pressure potential in cellular system is due to

52 / 252

Hepatic portal system connects

53 / 252

Casparian strips are present in cells of root:

54 / 252

Which disorder is related to abnormal hemoglobin?

55 / 252

The water molecules move along the cell walls of xylem vessels due to imbibition, this_________ was suggested by:

56 / 252

Cardiac muscle can be distinguished from other muscle fibres because cardiac muscle.

57 / 252

The pressure flow theory was first proposed in 1930 by

58 / 252

One cubic millimeter of blood contains how many white blood cells:

59 / 252

Blood flows at a rate of 400-500 mm per second in which of the following.

60 / 252

Single circuit heart is present in

61 / 252

The cells or water secreting glands in some grasses are:

62 / 252

The path way which is of greatest importance for both water and solutes:

63 / 252

One of the following is not cells but are fragments of large cells called megakaryocytes:

64 / 252

The formation of thrombus is called

65 / 252

The shrinkage of protoplast of a cell

66 / 252

In one of the following the blood pressure is low

67 / 252

Lymph nodes are present in which of the following regions in humans:

68 / 252

The blood vessel that transports blood from body cells toward heart Is a

69 / 252

Water reaches xylem in root by which path?

70 / 252

Granulocytes are formed in the

71 / 252

The blood vessels with walls that are only one cell thick are

72 / 252

Leucocytes involved in immune response by producing antibodies is called as :

73 / 252

Loss of liquid water in strawberry plant is called:

74 / 252

In an undamaged blood vessel, conversion of prothrombin to thrombin is prevented by

75 / 252

In a human, which of the following vessels is the blood pressure the highest

76 / 252

The white blood cells that give rise to macrophages which destroy larger particles by phagoytosis are

77 / 252

The difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure diminishes and finally disappears in?

78 / 252

Antibodies are secreted by

79 / 252

Uptake of minerals by root cell is:

80 / 252

How many type of Transpiration you have studied?

81 / 252

One complete heart beat lasts for about;

82 / 252

The pressure exerted by the protoplast against the cell wall:

83 / 252

A loose mass of oval or irregular cells with many intercellular spaces present in the bark of stem is a

84 / 252

Antibodies are manufactured in

85 / 252

Shrinkage of protoplast due to exosmosis of water is:

86 / 252

Which of the following cells store surplus food?

87 / 252

One complete heartbeat lasts for about:

88 / 252

Ascent of sap involves:

89 / 252

7000 - 8000 per mm3 of bloo(d) Which components of blood cells are?

90 / 252

When blood moves through the branching arteries and arterioles, the rate of blood flow tends to

91 / 252

Ascent of sap involves.

92 / 252

Which type of tissue form internal linning of blood vessels

93 / 252

Bean seed shaped cells in plants are:

94 / 252

Haemoglobin molecule in most cases, does not have ?-chain in it, instead F-chain is present in;

95 / 252

Which of the following is NOT true of guard cells?

96 / 252

The upward movement of sap through the xylem is;

97 / 252

Number of RBC in an adult man per mm3 of blood is:

98 / 252

Lenticels are present in:

99 / 252

The volume of dry seed may increase up to 200 times by:

100 / 252

How many layers are present In wall of the heart of man:

101 / 252

The process of movement of material within a cell due to involvement of contractile proteins:

102 / 252

The uncontrolled production of leucocytes result in:

103 / 252

The osmotic pressure of blood Is maintained by

104 / 252

Which of the following can be attributed to arthroscierosis?

105 / 252

One complete Heart beat consists of one systole and one diastole, and last for about

106 / 252

Which of the following processes cause substances to- move across membranes without the expenditure of-cellular energy?

107 / 252

Systole causes:

108 / 252

The blood cells and cell like bodies are about how much by volume of the blood in normal human:

109 / 252

The valves present in the veins are;

110 / 252

The conduction of impulses from SA node moves to

111 / 252

In frog the oxygenated blood is carried to left auricle by

112 / 252

The heart is enclosed in a double membranous sac called:

113 / 252

About 54% of total transpiration takes place through

114 / 252

Artherosclerosis is mainly because of deposition of which of the following?

115 / 252

Transpirational pull can carry xylem sap with high speed of in tall trees:

116 / 252

Which of the following is true about mammals?

117 / 252

Cells which are directly involved in transport of sugars and other organic substances:

118 / 252

The pressure exerted by protoplast against the cell wall is called:

119 / 252

The caspariin stripi are present in

120 / 252

How many layers are present in wall of the heart of man:

121 / 252

A condition of high blood pressure is known as:

122 / 252

Closely associated with root pressure is phenomenon called:

123 / 252

At ______the protoplast has just ceased to exert any pressure against cell wall:

124 / 252

When a flaccid cell is placed in distilled H2O .then cell will gain its original form. This process is called as:

125 / 252

Which of the following has a double circuit heart?

126 / 252

During photosynthesis the Rubisco acts as

127 / 252

The xylem sap of tall plants which is responsible for development of root pressure is under_______instead of pressure.

128 / 252

By active transport roots mostly take up tho materials:

129 / 252

Spleen is

130 / 252

Heart of man is:

131 / 252

Diseases like pneumonia, tuberculosis and emphysema lead to one of following.

132 / 252

Pace maker is situated in heart:

133 / 252

The systolic blood pressure in a normal individual is

134 / 252

Cytoplasmic strands that extend through pores in adjacent cell wall are:

135 / 252

Thrambus is also known as:

136 / 252

Haeme portion of Haemoglobin contains an atom of

137 / 252

Osmotic (solute) potential is always:

138 / 252

Sieve tube cells and companion cells communicate with each other through:

139 / 252

Lenticels are present in_________of stem of some plants:

140 / 252

Surose present in honey dew is_______:

141 / 252

The minerals moves down the concentration gradient through
plasmodesmata, the process is:

142 / 252

Which one of the following organs can be called a sort of blood bank

143 / 252

Each sieve tube member is associated by one or more:

144 / 252

Passive immunity is developed by injecting:

145 / 252

A foreign substance, often a protein which stimulate the formation of an antibody Is

146 / 252

The loss of water through Hydathodes in leaves is called:

147 / 252

Which one of the following is not a significant point of transpiration:

148 / 252

A clot of blood contains:

149 / 252

Hb Is found dissolved In plasma of

150 / 252

The condition cause narrowing and hardening of arteries is called:

151 / 252

The pace maker of human heart is

152 / 252

B - lymphocytes are responsible for the production of:

153 / 252

The renal vein brings the impure blood from

154 / 252

Air Space between Mesophyll Cells of a leaf comprises____of total volume of leaf:

155 / 252

If osmotic potential of cell A and B at equilibrium is -1700 kPa and Ws of cell B is -1400 KPa then what will be the Ws of cell A:

156 / 252

Both erythroctes and leucosytes are formed In

157 / 252

At capillaries the materials are exchanged t the blood and body tissues by which of the followings.

158 / 252

Which one is not the layer of wall of heart?

159 / 252

In maize leaf the stomata are present in

160 / 252

How many hypothesis explain the opening & closing of stomata?

161 / 252

A vessel carrying deoxygenated blood from heart and sends to lungs Is

162 / 252

In dorsiventral leaves the stomata are present

163 / 252

The destruction of antigens is caused by

164 / 252

According to pressure flow theory, which of the following serves as skin?

165 / 252

The arterioles divide repeatedly to form a dense network of microscopic
vessels between the cells of a tissue. These final branches are

166 / 252

The tricuspid and bicuspid valves close and the sound made is

167 / 252

Femoral artery supply blood to:

168 / 252

Lymph most closely resemble with:

169 / 252

Artherosclerosis is a major condition leading to

170 / 252

Type of blood cells which stay from 10-20 hours in the blood then enter tissues and become macrophages are called as:

171 / 252

Which hypothesis explains opening & closing of stomata?

172 / 252

A rye plant less than 1m tall has 14 million branch roots of combined length of______:

173 / 252

Which of the following has no muscular wall?

174 / 252

Femoral artery supply blood to:

175 / 252

A muscular wall is abscent in

176 / 252

Guftation in plants can be explained on the basis of

177 / 252

The cells which supply ATP and proteins to sieve tubes are:

178 / 252

Thalassaemia is a genetically transmitted abnormality of

179 / 252

Guttation occurs in plants through:

180 / 252

Blood coagulation is prevented by:

181 / 252

Which of the following solution will cause plasniolysis in a cell?

182 / 252

starch-sugar hypothesis explaining the opening and closing of was suggested by

183 / 252

An antibody molecule consists of how many polypeptide chains

184 / 252

The only cells of the leaf epidermis that contain chloroplasts are

185 / 252

The composition of materials flowing in phloem foregoing has been studied by using:

186 / 252

According to pressure flow theory, which of the following serves as sink?

187 / 252

Which one of the following blood roups belongs to the category of universal recipient:

188 / 252

Maximum water potential is of:

189 / 252

About how Much blood is in the circulatory system of a normal person:

190 / 252

Passive theories of transport include:

191 / 252

The colour of lymph is:

192 / 252

lmbibitions is absorption of water by:

193 / 252

Blood platelets are fragments of large cells called

194 / 252

The exchange and con(c) of minerals and ions in the blood and body cells is disturbed in

195 / 252

The normal pH of human blood is:

196 / 252

What is an antigen?

197 / 252

The type of white blood cells which destroys phagocytosis is:

198 / 252

The process that most likely/directly enables a root hair cell to absorb minerals by active transport and enables a muscle cellato contract is :

199 / 252

In earthworm the dorsal blood vessel acts as_____ vessel in the first 13 segments

200 / 252

A serum containing antibodies is called

201 / 252

Blood provides immunity by:

202 / 252

In embryonic life red blood cells are formed in the

203 / 252

In the embryonic life the red blood cells are formed in:

204 / 252

Match heart attack with one of the followings:

205 / 252

The mineral element In chlorophyll and haemoglobin are respectively

206 / 252

Electrical impulses in heart asises from:

207 / 252

Bleeding phenomenon is not shown by:

208 / 252

The uncontrolled production of white blood cells result in:

209 / 252

Which one of the following can act as a source in 2nd growing season?

210 / 252

The phenomenon associated with root pressure is:

211 / 252

Hydathodes are associated with

212 / 252

Most of the proteins in human plasma are synthesized in:

213 / 252

A low level of carbon dioxide favours

214 / 252

The valves preent in the walls of veins prevent the back flow of blood are

215 / 252

It is not a phagocyte cell:

216 / 252

At high altitude RBCs of human blood will

217 / 252

Lymph______ most closely resembles with

218 / 252

The lymph most closely resembles with

219 / 252

Open blood circulatory system is not found in:

220 / 252

Which of the following has falling blood pressure in them?

221 / 252

A substance that inhibits blood clotting is:

222 / 252

Closed circulatory system is present in:

223 / 252

Water potential of pure water is:

224 / 252

Lymph vessels are united to form

225 / 252

Three chambered hearts is present in:

226 / 252

Hardning of the artries due to deposition of cholesterol is called

227 / 252

The dew drops on the tip of the Grass Leaves involves the phenomenon:

228 / 252

_____is incorrect about guard cells:

229 / 252

Heparin is

230 / 252

Which of the following can move across a semipermeable membrane?

231 / 252

Heart of crocodile is

232 / 252

Double circuit heart is a characteristic of:

233 / 252

Lenticular transpiration accounts for:

234 / 252

Which of the following is true about mammals?

235 / 252

The roots of Prosopis tress are _________ meters deep.

236 / 252

The change in pH of guard cells is brought about by the:

237 / 252

Mycorrhizae are present in ______ families of higher plants.

238 / 252

Active transport is a selective process and is_______ dependent

239 / 252

The growth rate of plant is reduced due to

240 / 252

Rate of transpiration will be higher in

241 / 252

Blood provides immunity with the help of which one of the followings:

242 / 252

All of following have closed blood circulatory system except:

243 / 252

One of the following is considered to act as multisensorys hydraulic valves and respond to stimuli:

244 / 252

The number of which of the following increases during allergic diseases

245 / 252

Theory providing explanation of flow of water and minerals upwards from roots to leaves is provided by:

246 / 252

At night when the stomata are almost closed, transpiration usually occurs through

247 / 252

The blood groups in man were discovered by:

248 / 252

After a fatty meal how much fat globules may make up the lymph:

249 / 252

The cation required in coagulation is:

250 / 252

Which layer in arteries can withstand higher blood pressure during ventricular systole?

251 / 252

One of the following hormones stops active transport of K ions to the guard cells

252 / 252

Which one of the following can narrow the diameter of a capillary?

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