F.Sc Biology Chapter No.13 Gaseous Exchange 1ST YEAR MCQ

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Biology – 1st Year
Chapter Name : Gaseous Exchange
Chapter No. 13 
Question Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]
Note : All MCQ’s selected in this test are from OLD F.Sc. board , UHS and PMC(Pakistan Medical Commission) Islamabad Papers.

Book Name :  Biology
Chapter No. 13
Chapter Name : Gaseous Exchange 
Total MCQ from Text Book :  159
Book Version  :

Published By : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore
Approved By : Govt of the Punjab and Federal Ministry for Education
Test Type : MCQ’s
Exam conduct By : Inter Boards of Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab & Federal
Class / Grade  : 11 ( F.Sc. Intermediate)
Total Marks : 159
Total Time :  159 minutes

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GRADE 11 - BIOLOGY CHAPTER NO.13 Gaseous Exchange

GRADE 11 - BIOLOGY CHAPTER NO.13 Gaseous Exchange

1 / 159

In human blood circulatory system the percentage of carbon dioxide
carried as carboxyhaemoglobin is:

2 / 159

Which of the following is NOT a beneficial property of respiratory surface?

3 / 159

% age of CO2, carried as carboxyhaemoglobin is

4 / 159

In cockroach how many spiracles are present?

5 / 159

The narrowest and most numerous tubes of lungs are termed as:

6 / 159

Respiratory rate in human, at rest is in range of ______'times per minute.

7 / 159

When haemoglobin is 98% saturated, the oxygen content per 100 ml of blood is

8 / 159

Lungs are covered with double with layered thin membranous sac called

9 / 159

Organismic respiration is also known as:

10 / 159

In man, which of the following structure is analogous to the spiracle of

11 / 159

Extraction & conservation of energy from food molecules during cellular respiration is in the form of:

12 / 159

Respiratory organs in hydra are:

13 / 159

In pulmonary respiration gaseous exchange take. lace through.

14 / 159

Tiny thin-walled ducts called parabronchi are present in the lungs of:

15 / 159

Parabranchi are present only in the lungs of

16 / 159

Oxygen contents of fresh air are:

17 / 159

If the CO2 concentration in the blood increases, the breathing shall:

18 / 159

Which structure is involved in the gaseous exchange of plants?

19 / 159

The photorespiration started when the amount of oxygen became:

20 / 159

In which form the CO2 is mostly carried in blood?

21 / 159

Blood is not involved in transport of gas in:

22 / 159

Myoglobin occurs in

23 / 159

Membrane, which covers the lungs and reduces the friction, is called:

24 / 159

Breathing is also known as:

25 / 159

Which of following affect oxygen absorption?

26 / 159

Break down of alveoli of lungs is called

27 / 159

Oxygen is transported in blood mainly by:

28 / 159

Respiratory organs in hydra are:

29 / 159

Exchange of gases in earthworm is due to:

30 / 159

Which of the following is a condition of emphysema?

31 / 159

How much the air spaces comprise of the total volume of the leaf:

32 / 159

How much carbon dioxide is transported as bicarbonate ion in the plasma

33 / 159

The most efficient and highly modified for gaseous exchange in equatic
animals are:

34 / 159

Cancer is also known as:

35 / 159

How many pairs-of spiracles are present in thorax?

36 / 159

In tobacco plant, how many stomata are present in 1 cm2 of leaf.

37 / 159

Myoglobin consists of polypeptide chains.

38 / 159

A respiratory problem commonly found among premature infants with a gestation age of less than seven months.

39 / 159

Structure, which closes the passage to lungs when food is coming, is

40 / 159

closes the respiratory passage during ingestion of food

41 / 159

Exchange of gases during organismic respiration is carried out only by:

42 / 159

Up to 40% of the total volume Of the leaf is:

43 / 159

Emphysema is breakdown of:

44 / 159

Respiratory gases are exchanged between:

45 / 159

Lungs of birds have thin walled ducts called

46 / 159

The main sites of exchange of gases in plants are:

47 / 159

There are ______ stomata per square cm of leaf surface in tobacoo plants:

48 / 159

The form of energy used in respiration is

49 / 159

Important factors which affect the capacity combine with oxygen is

50 / 159

Oxygen is transported in blood mainly by:

51 / 159

How much air lungs can hold when they are fully inflated:

52 / 159

Haemoglobin, present in muscle fiber is known as:

53 / 159

In cockroach how many spiracles are present?

54 / 159

In birds during respiration the flow of air is:

55 / 159

The covering of lungs is called:

56 / 159

The Oxygen contents of fresh air is about

57 / 159

Lungs are spongy due of the presence of million of

58 / 159

Which of the following has no blood but respires?

59 / 159

Exchange of gases in earthworm is due to:

60 / 159

Due to photorespiration, the amount of CO2 fixed into carbohydrates is

61 / 159

Voice box is also known is:

62 / 159

Cancer is caused by metastasis. Metastasis is a process in which

63 / 159

Which type of respiratory organs are present in spiders and scorpions?

64 / 159

CommonIeature of human and insect trachea is:

65 / 159

During inspiration, diaphragm:

66 / 159

MyCobacterium tuberclosis causes:

67 / 159

Single circuit heart is present in:

68 / 159

How much air lungs can hold when they are fully inflated:

69 / 159

The functional respiratory organ of a fully formed tadpole is:

70 / 159

Photorespiration takes place when;

71 / 159

The process of inspiration takes place as;

72 / 159

In a planarian the gaseous exchange is carried out:

73 / 159

Lungs are covered with double membrane sacs called

74 / 159

The amount of Carbondioxide present in air is about:

75 / 159

How much CO2 per 100 ml of blood is present in atrial blood?

76 / 159

Amount of O2 normally carried by 100 ml of pure blood is:

77 / 159

How many times water is douser than air?

78 / 159

Respiratory pigment present in muscles is called

79 / 159

Which of the following statement about haemocyanjn is wrong?

80 / 159

The process in which RuBP is converted into serine is called:

81 / 159

How many molecules of oxygen can bind with a molecule of myoglobin:

82 / 159

During transport of CO2 blood does not be come acidic due to:

83 / 159

Openings which lead in the nasal cavitiestare:

84 / 159

Amount of O2 normally carried by 100 ml of pure blood is:

85 / 159

Floor of chest cavity in human is:

86 / 159

If more oxygen is present, the rubisco starts:

87 / 159

If more oxygen is present, the rubisco starts:

88 / 159

Vocal cords occur in:

89 / 159

During rest the breathing occurs rhythmically at the frequency of times per minute in human

90 / 159

Which of the following characteristic is not shown by the diving mammals
during act of diving?

91 / 159

A child breathes nearly times a'minutes:

92 / 159

The glycine produced during photorespiration enters.

93 / 159

Carbonic anhydrase is an enzyme in REICs that catalyse a reaction between carbon doioxide and

94 / 159

In fish, oxygenation of blood takes place in

95 / 159

Respiratory pigment present in musclesis called:

96 / 159

How many times water is more viscous than air?

97 / 159

At high attitudes RBCs of human blood will:

98 / 159

More than ten compounds of tar of tobacco smoke are included in causing

99 / 159

Which of the following have higher content of Oxygen?

100 / 159

Which of the following prevents collapsing of trachea?

101 / 159

The energy is extracted and conserved from food molecules in biologically useful way such as:

102 / 159

In Cockroach the partly digested food is stored in

103 / 159

Cancer expands systemically by

104 / 159

When oxygen tension is 115 mm of mercury then haemoglobin saturation is

105 / 159

For gaseous exchange through membranes,______ is better respiratory
medium then water.

106 / 159

Due to photorespiration, the amount of CO2 fixed into carbohydrate is reduced by:

107 / 159

Which of the following plays on important
role in swallowing and breathing?

108 / 159

Cancer is not basically a malignant tumor. It is tumor which can;

109 / 159

The respiratory problem most among smokers is

110 / 159

Carbon monoxide has greater affinity for hemoglobin as compared to oxygen:

111 / 159

Parabronchi are present in

112 / 159

Movement of CO2 and O2 across the alveoli and capillaries takes place by

113 / 159

At high altitudes RBCs of human blood will:

114 / 159

During photo-respiration glycolate diffuses into the membrane bounded organelle named as:

115 / 159

The volume of air taken inside the lungs and expelled during exercise is

116 / 159

Cancer expands systemically by

117 / 159

Histamines are released into circulatory system during the disease.

118 / 159

Exchange of gases is carried out only by the process

119 / 159

Oxyhaemoglobin dissociates in o oxygen and deoxyhaemoglobin at

120 / 159

Which statement about Haemoglobin is wrong?

121 / 159

Water is _______ times viscous than air:

122 / 159

The exchange of gases in a mammal takes place at:

123 / 159

Sound box or voice box is another name of:

124 / 159

One of following respiratory disorder causes release of inflammatory
chemicals such as histamine into the circulatory system that cause severe contraction of the bronchiole

125 / 159

The amount of oxygen in exhaled air is about

126 / 159

All of the following contain cartilage except:

127 / 159

A liter of water contains ml of oxygen:

128 / 159

The air spaces may comprise upto_____ of total volume of leaf surface:

129 / 159

In insects the oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried to and away from cells by:

130 / 159

The respiratory system is most efficient in

131 / 159

Vocal cords are stretched across

132 / 159

During photorespiration, Glycine is converted into serine in the

133 / 159

Operculum is present in:

134 / 159

The covering of lungs is called:

135 / 159

Carbonic anhydrase is found in:

136 / 159

In earthworm exchange otgases mainly occurs through:

137 / 159

The floor of the chest is called:

138 / 159

Oxygen contents of air per litter is:

139 / 159

The pulmonary disorder associated with breakdown of alveoli is referred to as

140 / 159

The respiration rate is lowest at:

141 / 159

Arterial blood contains __________ of CO2 per 100 ml of blood

142 / 159

Tuberculosis is a disease of lungs caused by

143 / 159

Parabronchit are present in:

144 / 159

One of the following is a contiguous disease.

145 / 159

The exchange of gases (CO2 and O2) between the organism and its environment is called:

146 / 159

Sudden deep inspiration may be due to

147 / 159

Cellular respiration is the process in which cell utilizes Oxygen to produce:

148 / 159

The respiration problem most common among smokers is

149 / 159

Removal of consumed air out of lungs is:

150 / 159

Number of air sacs in birds is:

151 / 159

In which of the following the reaction of photorespiration does not take place;

152 / 159

Pleura is double layered thin membrane that covers

153 / 159

Rate of carbon dioxide fixation is lowered due to:

154 / 159

The exchange of gases in a mammal takes place at:

155 / 159

Which is the end product of glycolysis?

156 / 159

Water is more viscous than air:

157 / 159

Percentage of Carbon dioxide carried in the form of bicarbonate in plasma is

158 / 159

Glycine is converted into serine in;

159 / 159

Respiratory pigment present in muscles is:

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