General Knowledge - ECONOMICS TEST NO.01

General Knowledge - ECONOMICS TEST NO.01

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The value of the output of all goods and services produced within a nation's borders, normally given as a total for the year. It thus includes the production of foreign owned firms within the country, but excludes the income from domestically owned firms located abroad, is called

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Safety stock of grains held by the government is:

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The biggest market of Pakistani Imports is

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In the budget 2001-2002, the government has decided to wind-up one of the following privilege of the new employees

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Family Planning in rural areas hampered mainly due to

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Pakistan’s domestic demand for petroleum products in growing annually with the percentage of

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The first “World Population Conference” under the United Nations was held in 1975 at

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A free port is the port where

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Both-way trade between two countries is also known as

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Which of the following statement is not true

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The Islamic Development Bank would provide half a billion US dollars in Capital to create

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Family Planning Programme was started in Pakistan in:

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Financial year of USA starts from

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The world's most Powerful super computer is called

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In the budget 2001-2002, the largest sector of current expenditure is allocated on

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Embargoes are designed to

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Pinpoint the main objectives of World Trade Organization (WTO):

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The lowest number of people living below the poverty line among the SAARC Countries are in

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What do you understand by the term "Kerb" in foreign currency dealings:

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Dow Jones index' is the scale

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Trade by exchange of Commodities is called

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Cash crop is the crop

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The regulations of World Trade Organization (WTO) shall be enforced from

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Agreement between two countries is

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An economy when private and government enterprises both operates, is

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Identify the main functions of IMF:

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What percentage of population in Pakistan is under the age of 15

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When no tariffs are imposed on exports and imports, it is called

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In the budget 2001, 2002, what amount the government has allocated to undertake new water projects in the country:

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Which five year plan of Pakistan is yet to be implemented

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The number of family welfare centres in Punjab are

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Who is the first Tax Mohtasib of Pakistan

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The United Nations celebrated “International Year of Shelter for the Homeless” in

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Which country has maximum foreign project investments in Pakistan

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The lowering of the value of a currency in the international market or against specific other currencies, which makes exports cheaper and imports expensive is called

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Which of the following country will provide financial aid for the construction of Gwadar Port and Makran Coastal highway in Balochistan?

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The Balance of payment is understood as

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The lowest price below which a thing will not be sold is called its

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The Women’s Division was created in the Federal Government in January

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Difference between a countrys exports and imports is

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When a group of countries have removed all tariffs quotas and export subsidies on trade among themselves – that is called:

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The domestic production of crude oil in the country is approximately (per day)

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The per capita income of Pakistan is approximately

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Which one among the following statements is truly explain the `Laissez Faire' theory

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The outflow of the best and brightest students from developing countries is called

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Which province has the highest literacy rate

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