Category : General Knowledge
Topic : ISLAMIAT Quiz No.1
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in United States ( USA ), Australia, Canada, Marshal Islands, United Kingdom ( UK ), Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, New Zealand, Italy, England, Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran, China, Luxemburg, Finland, Austria , Canada, Sweden ,Ireland, Denmark, Singapore, Norway , Netherlands.
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [ MCQs ]


General Knowledge - ISLAMIYAT Multiple Choice Questions TEST NO. 01

General Knowledge - ISLAMIYAT Multiple Choice Questions

1 / 98

Which Umm-ul-Momineen died last?

2 / 98

One who tries to struggle against himself i.e. self evil is

3 / 98

When was Hajj made compulsory ..?

4 / 98

Muzdalfa is located between?

5 / 98

When does Hajji travel to Mina?

6 / 98

What is the meaning of Aqeeda ?

7 / 98

How many rukus are there in Quran?

8 / 98

After Hijrat to Madina , What first important thing Holy Prophet did ..?

9 / 98

How many madani surah are in holy Quran?

10 / 98

What is Waquf-e-Arafat?

11 / 98

Which is the longest surah in Quran?

12 / 98

How many ayat sajda are there in holy Quran?

13 / 98

Name the first Muslim among slaves ?

14 / 98

At whose request, Hazrat Abu bakar (RA) entrusted the task of compilation of holy Quran to Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit(RA)?

15 / 98

What is Arafat?

16 / 98

The holy Quran was revealed from ____?

17 / 98

Where did Muslims take refuge near the Makkah in 7th year year of Prophethood

18 / 98

In which night Quran was revealed ...?

19 / 98

When didi the second migration Habshah take place ...

20 / 98

Where does Hajji go after performing Say'ee?

21 / 98

How many essential beliefs are there in eman e Mafassal ?

22 / 98

When did Holy Prophet (PBUH) go to perform Hajj ?

23 / 98

When Zakat became Farz ?

24 / 98

What is the meaning of the Fateha?

25 / 98

The meaning of jihad fi sabil Allah is____?

26 / 98

Which surah is also called fasta-tul-Quran?

27 / 98

Mina lies between __________and ___________.

28 / 98

Which Pillar of Islam is declare as an Armour ?

29 / 98

Which event took place on 24 September in the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)...???

30 / 98

When the truce of Hudaibiya took place?

31 / 98

How many months prior lo the birth of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), Hazrat Abdullah Ibn-e-Abdul Matalib died?

32 / 98

What was the important event in the year of 13th Nabvi .....?

33 / 98

Which surah is known as Aroos-ul-Quran?

34 / 98

What is muzdalfa?

35 / 98

Which surah was first revealed?

36 / 98

How much of the Quran ,the longest surah comprises of?

37 / 98

The Holy Prophet was a direct descendant of...

38 / 98

Name the wife of the Holy Prophet (SAW) who was tilled as Umm-ul­-Masakeen?

39 / 98

Which Year is Called the year of Sorrow ..?

40 / 98

Which was the first capital of Islamic Commonwealth?

41 / 98

What was the name of Boat of Hazrat Nuh (A.S) ?

42 / 98

The portion of the wall of Ka'ba which is between its door and Hajr-e­-Aswad is called...

43 / 98

Name the person whose house became the centre of preaching of..

44 / 98

What was the title of Hazrat Ayesha (RA)?

45 / 98

Which is the most repeated verse, repeated 31 times in the holy Quran??

46 / 98

Who were Ashaab-e-Sufah?

47 / 98

Name the Masjid which was famous for Qibla changed ..?

48 / 98

Which is the shortest surah in Quran?

49 / 98

How many makki surah in Holy Quran?

50 / 98

Name the fundamental pillar of Islam which was mad farz in 9 AH

51 / 98

How many verses are there in holy Quran?

52 / 98

From where pebbles for throwing at shaitan are picked up?

53 / 98

Under whose Guidance, the whole Quran was arranged by Holy Prophet (SAW)?

54 / 98

The smallest numbers of verses in a surah is?

55 / 98

What was the first practical manifestation Of Islam ...

56 / 98

Who are called Umm-ul-Momineen?

57 / 98

Name the foster mother(s) of the Holy Prophet (SAW)?

58 / 98

When five Prayers became Farz ...?

59 / 98

From which surah the holy Quran opens?

60 / 98

In which surah, Bismillah is mentioned twice?

61 / 98

First Ghazwa(battle) took place between Muslims and kuffar is

62 / 98

Name the surah which does not start with Bissmilah?

63 / 98

How many manazils are there in Holy Quran?

64 / 98

What is the meaning of Eman e Mussafal ?

65 / 98

What was the significant event of 27 Rajab of 11th year of Prophethood ?

66 / 98

How many prophets are mentioned in Holy Quran?

67 / 98

When did Hazrat Hamza embrace Islam ...?

68 / 98

When Hijrat Started ...?

69 / 98

What is the Name of Camel Which the Holy Prophet (SAW) was riding in the Migration of Madina..?

70 / 98

Which surah is called Umm-ul-kitab?

71 / 98

At which occasion Salat became obligation (Farz) ... ?

72 / 98

In how many parts the Holy Quran is divided?

73 / 98

Name the plain where Hazrat Adam (AS) and his wife were re-united after years of wanderings?

74 / 98

How many fundamental pillars of Islam are there ...?

75 / 98

The Holy Prophet was born in the month of...

76 / 98

When was the Qibla Changed

77 / 98

Who did accompany the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the Migration of Madina ...?

78 / 98

Harat Muhammad (SAW) went to Syria with Abu-Tallb at the age of

79 / 98

What was the Literal meaning of Islam

80 / 98

Which surah is known as Saloos-ul-Quran?

81 / 98

Name the first written constitution of the world?

82 / 98

How many years after the birth of Holy Prophet (SAW), Hazrat Aamina died?

83 / 98

How many times Hajji runs between the Safa and Marwah hills?

84 / 98

How many mosque are mentioned in Quran?

85 / 98

What is the meaning of Eman e Mijamal ?

86 / 98

Which surah was last revealed?

87 / 98

Which Surah was recited by Holy Prophet at the time of Hijrah?

88 / 98

Who was ameen ul Ummat ?

89 / 98

How many Muhajireen were there at the time of Maawakhat ?

90 / 98

How many surah are in holy Quran?

91 / 98

In how much time the Holy Quran was revealed?

92 / 98

Which is the second longest surah?

93 / 98

What was the most important event of 6th Hijree

94 / 98

What was written on the Holy Prophet's (SAW) seal?

95 / 98

When didi the event of the Social boycott of Banu Hashim take place ...

96 / 98

Who preserved the verse and chapters of the Holy Quran under the instructions of Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

97 / 98

What is the meanings of Quran?

98 / 98

Kalma Tayyaba , Salat , Zakat , Hajj and Soam are the Fundamental _________of Islam ..?

Your score is

The average score is 54%


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