HISTORY, CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION MCQs TEST NO.1 HISTORY, CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION ONLINE TEST TOTAL MCQ = 145 24 General Knowledge - HISTORY, CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION TEST NO. 01 General Knowledge - HISTORY, CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION TEST NO. 01 1 / 145 The only mosque in the world with six minaretes is the Blue Mosque” or the “Mosque of Sultan Ahmad”. It is situated at Istanbul Tehran Cairo Jaddah 2 / 145 Colossus of Phodes” was the huge statute of Helios, formerly called Apollo which stood at the entrance to the Harbour of Athens Harbour of Rhodes Harbour of Alexandria None 3 / 145 King Faisal shot dead by his Nephew in 1975 in the city of: Riyadh Jeddah Madina Makkah 4 / 145 Famous English Poet “William Wordsworth” died in 1851 1849 1852 1850 5 / 145 One of the ancient wonder “The Hanging Gardens of Babylon” were situated in Spain Iran Iraq Turkey 6 / 145 Aryans came to India about 2000 B.C from Arab Greece Iraq Central Asia 7 / 145 Great Philosopher “Confucius” belonged to Japan Nepal China Sri Lanka 8 / 145 Archaeologists have recently revealed through a research that the Roman Empire was destroyed by the fatal disease of: Malaria Influenza Plague Cholera 9 / 145 “Elysee Palace” is the official residence of: Prime Minister of England President of Italy President of Turkey President of France 10 / 145 The “Holy Quran” was translated first time in: Persian Sindhi Ibrani Pushto 11 / 145 “The Church of Saint Sophia” is among the Seven wonders of the world (later list). It is situated in None Ankara Izmir Istanbul 12 / 145 The famous oil painting “Mona Lisa” is the creation of Pablo Picasso None Leonardo da Vinci Florence Nightingale 13 / 145 “Ustaad Daman” was the poet of Urdu Language Saraikee Language Sindhi Language Punjabi Language 14 / 145 The only Hindu State in the world is Bhotan Sri Lanka India Nepal 15 / 145 “Dulhan” is a famous poem of Baluchi language. The poet is Jam Darag Ishaq Shamin Tofeeq Ahmad Gul Khan Naseer 16 / 145 Who was the first Punjabi Poet Hazrat Sultan Bahu Amir Khusro Bhul-e-Shah Baba Farid Ganj Shakr 17 / 145 The Height of “Empire State Building” situated in Manhattan, New York, U.S.A is 350 metre 390 metre 400 metre 381 metre 18 / 145 Todar Mal was the revenue minister of King Akbar Tipu Sultan Aibak Aurengzeb 19 / 145 Who was awarded Nobel Prize in 1945 for the discovery of penicillin and its curative effects in various infectious diseases Sir Alexandar Fleming Louis Pasteur Madam Curie None 20 / 145 Length of “the great wall of China” is 2400 km 2500 km 2300 km 2200 km 21 / 145 “Maiden Pakistani” who was awarded by Nobel Prize in 1979, was Dr. Sammar Dr. Abdul Salam Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan Dr. Muneer Ahmad Khan 22 / 145 Pakistani Culture is a Islamic Culture All Mixed Culture Arabic Culture 23 / 145 Among the following countries which is not the member of U.N.O None Lebanon Switzerland Syria 24 / 145 Famous English Poet John Keats died of T.B at the age of: 25 35 30 20 25 / 145 “Christopher Columbus” (who discovered Central America). From which country he belonged Italy Spain China Greece 26 / 145 An ancient wonder Mausoleum of Halicarnassus” created in 353 B.C by Queen Artemisia in memory of her husband. King Mausalus. It was destroyed by: Earthquake Destroyed in battles Flood Fire 27 / 145 “John Milton” was a famous English poet. What tragedy was faced by him at his old age ? Lost his eye sight Lost his son Lost his all property Lost his legs 28 / 145 “Trpitak” in the Holy Book of Hindus Buddhists Jews Sikhs 29 / 145 “The pharos of Alexandria” an ancient wonder was situated in an Island near Alexandria. What was it. A Statue None A Tower A Light House 30 / 145 Famous Novel “The Three Musketeers” was written by George Eliot Alexander Dumas Victor Hugo Thomas Hardy 31 / 145 “Sultan Muhammad Ghori” defeated Pirthvi Raj in 1193 A.D and founded the Muslim Rule in India. The battle was known as Battle of Panipat Battle of Tarain Battle of Haldighat Battle of Kanauj 32 / 145 Among the ancient wonders of the world which one is still exists None of the above Temples of Artemis Statue of Zeus Pyramids of Egypt 33 / 145 Which of the following historical sites of Pakistan is on the World Heritage List Takht-i-Bahi All of the above Lahore Fort Mohenjodaro 34 / 145 Muhammad bin Qasim was the 1st Muslim who invaded India and made Sindh a Province of Arab dominion. He came to India 705 A.D 712 A.D 760 A.D 760 A.D 35 / 145 Omar bin Abdul Aziz” was a Caliph of: Safavid Dynesty Abbasid Caliphate Omayyad Caliphate None 36 / 145 Nobel Prizes were First awarded in the year 1901 1900 1905 1902 37 / 145 “Abdul Latif Bhitai” was a famous poet of: Balochi Language Barohi Language Urdu Language Sindhi Language 38 / 145 The only Pakistani Poet who got the “Lenin Prize” was Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi Ahmad Faraz Faiz Ahmad Faiz Iftikhar Arif 39 / 145 Who is called “Man of Iron and Blood”? None Eisenhower Napoleon Prince Bismarck 40 / 145 Which of the following in called “The Bible of English Constitution” Prerogatives of Crown Magna Carta Petition of Rights Conventions 41 / 145 Which ancient city is considered as “Pearl of Gandhara Civilization” Kamra Wah Taxila Hasan Abdal 42 / 145 Babur founded Mughal Dynasty defeating Ibrahim Lodhi at Panipat in 1524 A.D 1550 A.D 1520 A.D 1526 A.D 43 / 145 Chenghez Khan was a Mongol conqueror who came to India during the rein of Sher Shah Suri Aibak Aurengzab Iltutmish 44 / 145 The only human achievement visible from the moon is...... Hardrian’s WallThe Wailing Wall None of above The Great Wall of China 45 / 145 Aibak died during the game of Wrestling Football Polo Rugbi 46 / 145 “Alberuni” wrote a book “An inquiry into India” with great historical value. He came India along with Sultan Mehmood of Ghazni Babur None Sher Shah Suri 47 / 145 “Hyde Park” London is famous for Remarkable Fountains Beautiful Flowers Huge Area Public meeting and assemblage 48 / 145 Which city is the oldest inhabited capital in the World Tehran Cairo Damascus Athens 49 / 145 Who is called “the Shakespeare of Punjabi literature”? Waris Shah Ustaad Daman Bhul-e-Shah Sultan Bahu 50 / 145 Who abolished Slavery in America? None Ibrahim Lincoln George Washington Johnson 51 / 145 The World’s famous Madame Tussaud’s museum is situated in: Rome Paris New York London 52 / 145 Which civilization is oldest among the following Gandhara Muslim Persian Harappa 53 / 145 “Queen’s House” is the official residence of: Head of the State of Canada Royal Family of Manacco None President of Sri Lanka 54 / 145 The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant has been closed permanently. It was located in Latvia Kazakhstan Ukraine Belarus 55 / 145 “Shintoism” is the religious mythology of Greece Japan Nepal China 56 / 145 “W.C. Rontgen” was awarded 1st Nobel Prize in Physics for his remarkable discovery of X-Rays. From which country he belongs Great Britain Sweden U.S.A Germany 57 / 145 Who is called “The Indian Napoleon”? Samudra Gupta Sher Shah Suri Tipu Sultan None 58 / 145 “The pharos of Alexandria” an ancient wonder was situated in an Island near Alexandria. What was it. A Statue A Light House None A Tower 59 / 145 Qutabuddin Aibak was the first Muslim King of Delhi Sultanate and founder of Mughal Empire None Tughluq Dynasty Slave Dynasty 60 / 145 Dr. Abdul Salam won the Nobel Prize in the field of Bio-Chemistry Chemistry Physics Medicine 61 / 145 How many Arab-Israel Wars have so far been fought Three Four Five Two 62 / 145 “Temples of Artemis (Diana)” (ancient wonder) is said to have been amongst the most beautiful temples in the world. It was built in the honour of the Greek goddess of moon at None of the above Iraq Athens Tureky 63 / 145 Mongols destroyed Baghdad and overthrew Arab Empire in: 1258 A.D. 1250 A.D. 1265 A.D. 1240 A.D 64 / 145 Who is the author of “The History of the Decline and fall of the Roman Empire” Macaulay Holinshed Edward Gilbon Herodotus 65 / 145 Who was called “The Islamic Coordinator” King Fahad King Faisal Z.A. Bhutto Yasser Arafat 66 / 145 Famous Novel “A Tale of Two Cities is written by: Thomas Hardy None Charles Dickens Alexander Dumas 67 / 145 From which country “Herodotus” The father of History belongs Egypt Portugal Italy Greek 68 / 145 The first country which recognized Pakistan after its creation was: Afghanistan Egypt Saudi Arabia Iran 69 / 145 Who won the battle of Waterloo Allied forces Duke of Wellington None Napoleon 70 / 145 National Democratic Front of Bodoland is struggling for a separate homeland in the Indian State of Assam Goa Nagaland Bihar 71 / 145 “Sir Ronald Ross” was awarded Nobel Prize in Medicine in1902 for his work on Malaria Typhoid Tuberculosis Cholera 72 / 145 The headquarters of World Trade Organization is in London New York Geneva Paris 73 / 145 The first unmanned space ship landed on the moon on 31st December, 1966 30th May, 1966 30th July, 1966 30th June, 1966 74 / 145 “Punjabi Qisa Saif-ul-Malook” is written by: Shah Hussain Fazal Shah Mian Muhammad Buksh Maulvi Ghulam Rasool 75 / 145 Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) was the King of: Portugal Greece Egypt Macedonia 76 / 145 “Third Battle of Panipat” was fought in 1560 1761 1710 1716 77 / 145 The creator of “Mona Lisa” belonged to France England Spain Italy 78 / 145 "Guru Garanth Sahib” is the holy book of Hindus Jews Sikhs Buddhists 79 / 145 The famous shrine of Hazrat Bari Imam is located at Lahore Multan Islamabad Karachi 80 / 145 Salang Tunnel in Afghanistan linked Kabul withJalalabad Kandahar Tora Bora Jalalabad Mazar-i-Sharif 81 / 145 Waris Shah” a Punjabi Poet is famous for his: Sohni Mahenwal Laila Majnu Mirza Sahiban Heer Ranjha 82 / 145 The famous Punjabi love story “Sassi Punnoo” is written by Waris Shah Fazal Shah None Hashim Shah 83 / 145 We often came across the news wherein ‘Red Square” is often described. It is situated in Lenin grad New York Moscow Beijing 84 / 145 “Yusuf Zulekan” a Punjabi love Story is written by: Mian Muhammad Maulvi Ghulam Rasool Faqir Muhammad Faqir None 85 / 145 Famous wonder of the world “Leaning tower of Pisa” is situated in Rome France Italy Belgium 86 / 145 “Khushal Khan Khattak” was a famous poet of: Barohi Language Balochi Language Urdu Language Pushto Language 87 / 145 The Sea border in the ‘Gulf of Tonkin’ is disputed between China and Japan Vietnam Philippines Thailand 88 / 145 Who is called “Desert Fox” Hitler Napoleon General Rommel Richard Cobden 89 / 145 One of ancient wonder “The statue of Zeus (Jupiter)” was carved at about 2,400 years ago by 90 / 145 The Tashkent Declaration 1966 was signed by the President of Pakistan Muhammad Ayub Khan and the Indian Prime Minister: Lal Bahadur Shastri Jawaharial Nehru Indira Gandhi V.P. Singh 91 / 145 “Faiz Ahmad Faiz” famous Urdu Poet died in 1982 1984 1981 1983 92 / 145 Who is called “Lady of the Lamp” None Mother Tressa Jane Eyre Florence Nightingale 93 / 145 “Taj Mahal” a magnificent white marble mausoleum is situated at Delhi Ahmadabad Hyderabad Agra 94 / 145 December 3, (every year) is observed all over the world as: International Literacy Day International Day of Human Rights International Day of Disabled Persons International Civil Aviation Day 95 / 145 “Hayat-e-Jawaid” written by Altaf Hussain Hali is on the life of: Ghalib Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Saadi Shirazi None 96 / 145 “Bear” is a symbol of Russia Egypt China Turkey 97 / 145 Who was the author of “Ain-i-Akbari”and “Akbar Nama” Mahmood Gawan Abbul Fazal Todar Mal Alberuni 98 / 145 Hazrat Baba Farid Ganj Shakr is buried in Okara Lahore Multan Pakpattan 99 / 145 The battle in which English won and later captured Lahore is None Battle of Sabraon Battle of Kirki Battle of Wandiwash 100 / 145 Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar was a famous sufi poet of Balochistan Punjab Sindh K.P.K 101 / 145 “Rohtas Fort” is situated near Jhelum. It was built by: Aurengzab Sher Shah Suri Akbar Shah Jehan 102 / 145 “Confucianism” is the religious mythology of China Japan Greece Nepal 103 / 145 Hazrat Mian Mir was great religious reformer. He is buried in Lahore Multan Sahiwal Pakpattan 104 / 145 Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalander was buried in: Pakpattan Sehwan Sharif Shahbaz Garh Sahiwal 105 / 145 1965 War between India and Pakistan continued incessantly for 17 days 20 days 15 days 22 days 106 / 145 Famous Painting “Mona Lisa” was the creation of Inigo Jones Yrancois Boucher None Leonardo da Vinci 107 / 145 “Mother Teresa” (India) was awarded by Nobel Prize in the field of Medicine Peace Agriculture Psychology 108 / 145 “Indra Ghandi” Prime Minister of India was assassinated by Sikhs in 1985 1982 1981 1984 109 / 145 Famous Novel “Pride and Prejudice” is written by: Jane Austen Byron Emily Broute Jane Eyre 110 / 145 Who were the original residents of northern India before the arrival of Aryans Baddoos Puritans Dravidians None 111 / 145 Hazrat Baha-ud-Din Zakirya is buried in Lahore Multan Shaiwal Thatta 112 / 145 “Gita or Vedas” is the holy books of Buddhists Jews Sikhs Hindus 113 / 145 Indus Valley Civilization was destroyed by? Mongols Mughals Aryans Egyptians 114 / 145 Who was known as “The Prophet of Italian Unification”? Papandre Admiral Boscowenb None Mizzini 115 / 145 Who is called “The master builder”? Shah Jehan Aurangzab Akbar Jehangir 116 / 145 The Headquarter of International Atomic Energy Agency is in Berne Rome Geneva Vienna 117 / 145 Famous Economist “Karl Marx” belongs to Germany U.S.A Former U.S.S.R England 118 / 145 “Razia Sultana” was the only Muslim Woman Monarch of Hindustan. Her regime lasted 3 years 7 years 4 years 5 years 119 / 145 Babur was the founder of Mughal Dynasty. He defeated None Muhammad Tughlaq Ibrahim Lodhi Sher Shah Suri 120 / 145 Who is the 1st Secretary General of U.N.O Kurt Waldheim U. Thant Trygve lie Dag Hammarskjold 121 / 145 Who was known as “Citizen King” of France Henry VI Louis Phillipe Napoleon None 122 / 145 “Jalal-ud-Din “Rumi” was a great poet. His poetry is in Persian Urdu Arabic Sindhi 123 / 145 The headquarter of U.N Security Council is in New York Washington Vienna Geneva 124 / 145 “Second Islamic Summit Conference” was held at Lahore in 1973 1975 1974 1971 125 / 145 Who is called “Father of History” Bancroft Gibbon None Herodotus 126 / 145 “Rehman Baba” was a poet of Barohi Language Urdu Language Pushto Language Sindhi Language 127 / 145 Master piece Novels “War and Peace” and “Anana Karenina” was written by None Tolstoy Hardly Oscar Wild 128 / 145 Play “Othello” was written by Bernard Shaw Shakespeare Milton Russell 129 / 145 The slave King buried in Lahore is Muhammad Ayaz Iltutmish None Qutb ud Din Aibak 130 / 145 All Nobel Prize are given in Stockholm by the King of Sweden except the peace prize, which is given in the city of Hague London Oslo Geneva 131 / 145 “Jam Darag” is known to be the only romantic poet of Baluchi Sindhi None Pushto 132 / 145 “Gautam Buddha” was born in 483 B.C 460 B.C 450 B.C 480 B.C 133 / 145 ‘Temple Trees’ is an official residence of the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka King of Nepal King of Bhutan President of Maldev 134 / 145 The prizes are formally awarded on the death anniversary of Alfred Nobel on 1st December 10th December 31st December 25th December 135 / 145 An English writer known for his free translation of the “Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam” is: Shelly Coleridge Edward Fitzgerald Byron 136 / 145 Which City of Pakistan is known as “Data ki Nagri” Peshawar Sialkot Karachi Lahore 137 / 145 The theme of the famous play “Caeser and Cleopatra” by G.B. Shaw is a Comedy History Romance Tragedy 138 / 145 “Dragon” is a symbol of England Russia China U.S.A 139 / 145 Who is called “Father of Comedy”? Shaw Aristophanes None Shakespeare 140 / 145 Sher Shah defeated Hammayun in 1540 A.D. As a result, hebecame the emperor of Hindustan. The battle is called Battle of Haldighat Third Battle of Panipat Battle of Kanauj Battle of Sanugarh 141 / 145 Who is known as “Man of destiny” and “little corporal” Napoleon Bismarck Hitler Alexander the Great 142 / 145 Identify the cause of disturbances in the ‘Maluku’ island of Indonesia Muslim and Christian religious conflict None Maximum autonomy from the centre demanded Complete independence and statehood proposed 143 / 145 “First Islamic Summit Conference” was held in 1969 at Tehran Makkah Riyadh Rabaat 144 / 145 “Ibn-i-Batuta” was a Moorish traveler who visited India in 15th Century 12th Century 14th Century 13th Century 145 / 145 Which of the following countries is under an absolute monarchy: Thailand Kuwait Norway Oman Your score isThe average score is 45% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Read more articles Previous PostMCQ ONLINE ECONOMICS TEST NO.01 Next PostADVERTISEMENT NO.41/2016 CHILD PROTECTION OFFICER, INSPECTOR OF BOILERS, STATISTICAL OFFICER You Might Also Like ADVERTISEMENT NO.41/2016 CHILD PROTECTION OFFICER, INSPECTOR OF BOILERS, STATISTICAL OFFICER November 17, 2016 SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC Past PAPER No. 4 September 20, 2021 WORLD Largest & Most dangerous AIRPORTS MCQs April 26, 2021 SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC Past PAPER No.25 April 23, 2022 Everyday Science GK Multiple Choice Questions Quiz No. 4 October 9, 2020 Chemistry Chapter No.7 ThermoChemistry 1st Year MDCAT MCQs June 13, 2020 Leave a ReplyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional) Δ