Category : General Knowledge
Topic : Research Methods [ B.Ed & M.Ed ] QUIZ No.1
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Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQs]

All Candidates / Students seeking for Preparation of Any Exams for Jobs (Headmaster,Principal,Senior Headmaster or Lecturer or SS Education) or Entrance Test in Universities and Colleges, We make a best selection of MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) with Questions and Answers Test on our website. All These MCQs are authentic and Taking after our Verification of our Audit Teams from different areas of the World. These Thousands of MCQs cover different National and International Topics. All These MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) are downloadable in pdf format. In this Chapter we cover the Quiz/Exams about RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION SYSTEMS.

Job Seeking Candidates use for CSS (Central Superior Service) , FPSC (Federal Public Service Commission Islamabad) , PPSC (Punjab Public Service Commission) , SPSC(Sindh Federal Public Service Commission) , KPPSC(Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission) , BPSC ( Balochistan Public Service Commission) , UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) , PCS (Punjab Civil Services Exam) , IBPS (The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) , UPPSC(UTTAR PRADESH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION PRAYAGRAJ ) ,

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These RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION SYSTEMS General Knowledge MCQs are best for different departments like Railway, Banking , Education (Schools and Colleges),Electricity(WAPDA) or in any Private Industry.

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Category : EDUCATION
Category : M.Ed (Master in Education)

Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China etc.
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]

Time Limit : 78 Minutes
Total MCQ’s : 78 

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1 / 78

Pre-testing the instrument to detect weakness is:

2 / 78

Representation of same proportion of individuals in a sample as they exist in population is:

3 / 78

A tentative explanation of a phenomenon or event is:

4 / 78

There will be no significant different between the scores on a measure of achievement of high and low anxious students is a hypothesis written in form:

5 / 78

The best way to find a solution to a problem is:

6 / 78

The research concerned with classroom problem is:

7 / 78

What is true about hypothesis?

8 / 78

A random sample:

9 / 78

Survey studies observational studies and development, studies come under:

10 / 78

Research that focuses on fundamental laws, theories or processes is usually described as:

11 / 78

What is the type of survey studies in education: research:

12 / 78

Which one research has the features of primary and secondary sources of information?

13 / 78

Experimental research is based on:

14 / 78

The sampling in which individuals are selected from a list at specific interval /sequence is:

15 / 78

The specific procedure used to select a representative group from population is:

16 / 78

Cause and effect relationship is established in:

17 / 78

The sampling in which group rather than individuals are selected is:

18 / 78

First part of research report is: tee

19 / 78

The group selected for the purpose of research is:

20 / 78

Criticism is an important step in:

21 / 78

Sampling in which all individuals have equal chance of selection is: .

22 / 78

Data is collected through questionnaire, interview or of observation in:

23 / 78

Examples of "research by type" are:

24 / 78

Administration of the instrument on two or three respondents to find out its flaws in termed as:

25 / 78

Hypothesis which states no relationship between two variables is:

26 / 78

The research concerned with the use or testing of theories is:

27 / 78

How can data be expressed in descriptive research:

28 / 78

What is the importance of educational research:

29 / 78

Which measure of central tendency is influenced by extreme source?

30 / 78

A statement of a relationship between two or more events that can be used in prediction is called a:

31 / 78

In deductive method we proceed from:

32 / 78

The type of research by purpose:

33 / 78

An interview in which questions to be asked from the interviewee are determined in advance is called:

34 / 78

A theory is said to be powerful if it:

35 / 78

The Mean of the scores 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is

36 / 78

In historical research the wide range of written and printed material recorded for the purpose of transmitting information is called:

37 / 78

Last portion of the research report is:

38 / 78

The effect of independent variable on dependent variable is studied in:

39 / 78

The group to which a researcher would like the results of a study to be Generalizable is referred to as:

40 / 78

The score that is attained. by more subject than any other score is:

41 / 78

Which one of the following statement is NOT true?

42 / 78

The Arithmetic average of the scores is called:

43 / 78

The minimum size of a sample in experimental research is:

44 / 78

Upto the present time educational research had:

45 / 78

The research concerned with: development of theories is called:

46 / 78

The degree to which a test measures what it purpose to measure deflect its

47 / 78

he type of research which deals with the classroom problem is:

48 / 78

Why proportional sampling technique is used in the selection of individuals for a study?

49 / 78

Random sampling is necessary is:

50 / 78

Control group is a characteristic of:

51 / 78

What is the Mid-Point of scores called:

52 / 78

Research that focuses non-fundamental laws, tutorial or processes is usually described as:

53 / 78

The publications that contain description of education research by an author who was not a direct observer or participant is a source.

54 / 78

The Mode of the scores 4, 1, 6, 43,5, 4,5,6,3 is:

55 / 78

Randomly formed groups is a characteristic of:

56 / 78

The Median of the scores 11, 14, 5, 7, 8, 18, 15, 10 is:

57 / 78

The representative group selected by specific procedure from population is:

58 / 78

In selecting an achievement test for a research project the first step is to:

59 / 78

The research study which provides data to support theory and suggest development of new theory is e referred-as:

60 / 78

The research involved in explaining events of the past:

61 / 78

Following is the categories of "research by purpose":

62 / 78

What type of remains a historical research can find:

63 / 78

The type of research by method:

64 / 78

What type of research is conducted by a researcher when he is curious about conditions and occurrences that have taken place in the past?

65 / 78

In inductive method we proceed from:

66 / 78

Hypothesis which states relationship between two variables is:

67 / 78

The middle part of research report is:

68 / 78

Development and testing of hypothesis is necessary in:

69 / 78

The minimum sample size in descriptive research is:

70 / 78

How can educational research be useful for teachers:

71 / 78

Basis of Experimental research is:

72 / 78

The research concerned with current status of the subject of study is:

73 / 78

A pilot study is often helpful because it:

74 / 78

The important characteristic of a research problem is:

75 / 78

A first step in using sampling as a tool of research is:

76 / 78

Research study starts from:

77 / 78

How many parts has a research report:

78 / 78

Another name for an independent variable is:

Your score is

The average score is 56%


[mtouch quiz 120]

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