SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC Past PAPER No.36

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Category : EDUCATION
Category : PPSC Past Papers & Model/Sample Papers

Topic : Education
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/ Recruitment in United States, Australia, Canada, Marshal islands, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, New Zealand, Italy, England, Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China.
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]

Time Limit : 40 Minutes
Total MCQ’s : 40

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SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC PAST MODEL PAPER No. 36

SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC PAST MODEL PAPER No. 36

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Environment factors are responsible for the development the term used for this phenomenon is called

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A person having disagreement in himself is known as

3 / 40

All resources for school are used with the priority of the headmaster except

4 / 40

Esprit de corps, scalar chain and unify of command can be effective factor, in the management of any organization /school is by

5 / 40

Essential characteristics of textbook writer is that he/she must have a sound knowledge of

6 / 40

Feedback skills can be improved by

7 / 40

It is closely related to leading includes this continuous task of making decisions, communication implementing decision, and evaluating subordinates

8 / 40

it verifies progress through records, research, and inspection; ensures that things happen according to keep those to whom the chief executive is responsible

9 / 40

As the sender of the message, the best way to minimize misunderstanding due to language is to

10 / 40

The conflict perspective that conflict is a natural consequence and inevitable is the

11 / 40

Maintaining a balance between Nonathletic dimension and Idiographic dimension will provide better results, was finding of

12 / 40

One of the major constraints of our elementary school curriculum is

13 / 40

Dysfunctional conflict results can lead to

14 / 40

Facial expression and body language refers to

15 / 40

Conflict can have a number of positive outcomes such as

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One of the most important reasons of low quality of our textbooks is

17 / 40

The horizontal relationship of curriculum activities is called

18 / 40

Curriculum consists of

19 / 40

A gradual change in behavior until a desired behavior is achieved is then it is

20 / 40

Employees are motivated by social and psychological needs and by economic incentives is assumption of

21 / 40

The ability of the child to know what is good and what is bad is nature of development called

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The ability of the child to develop the thinking process is the type development called

23 / 40

In Pakistan teacher can play an effective role in curriculum change even without revising the functions of the

24 / 40

it involve the whole personnel function of selecting, training and developing the staff with right at right time, for right position, and maintaining favorable working conditions

25 / 40

What percent of GDP is recommended in new education policy 2009 for education in Pakistan in year 2015

26 / 40

There are a number of sources of conflict. When structure is the source of conflict we means that

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The most important factor, which resists the curriculum change, is

28 / 40

Body of organized contents and experiences is called

29 / 40

There are a number, of definitions for conflict. These definitions generally differ in terms of

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While selecting a content for curriculum one of the criterion is it

31 / 40

The best method of communicating when you need speed and feedback & you are willing to accept some distortion as the communication passes through several people is

32 / 40

It is less creative in nature as it depends on techniques laid down by the management

33 / 40

it is in the form of fiscal planning, controlling and accounting the costs, it is the final decision about a plan and priority

34 / 40

Administrators consider that as the workers are not stupid, therefore, they will make decisions with their commitments

35 / 40

The first stage of conflict is

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It is less creative in nature and helps in implementing policies of higher authorities

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It involves developing an outline of the things that must be accomplished and the methods of accomplishing them. The activity attempts to forecast further actions and directions of the organization

38 / 40

It headmaster wants to make learning task affective by modeling desired behavior in front of many student is the application of learning theory he will emphasize

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A behavior is increased after an observer see another person demonstrating the behavior is called

40 / 40

One of the major source of curriculum objectives is

Your score is


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