Define Preposition and Discuss Different Types?
A preposition is a word used to show the relation of a Noun or a pronoun to some other words a sentence.
He always talks about his wealth.
He does not listen to what his parents say.
1. Simple Prepositions : At, by, for, from, in, on etc.
2. Compound Prepositions : Along , around, before, below,between, into, outside, within, etc.
3. Participial Prepositions: Concerning, considering, judging,regarding, respecting etc.
4. Double Prepositions : Two prepositions used with a single object are called double prepositions : from behind, from within, from beyond etc.
(1) A atone came from behind.
(ii) The news was sent far beyond the Atlantic.
5. Disguised Prepositions: The words like ashore, ahunting,o’clock, have disguised prepositions
(i) They went ahunting (a=on)
(ii) It is 7 o’clock. (O’ = of)
6. Detached Prepositions : Some prepositions are placed away from their objects such prepositions are called detached Prepositions,
(i) Whom were you talking to ?
(ii) What point were you insisting upon ?
7.Phrasal Prepositions : Some phrases do the work of Prepositions, such prepositions are called phrasal Preposition.
(prepositional phrases).
i) Salem succeeded by means of hard work.
ii) He failed on account of negligence.
Since and for
Since is used before a point of time while for is used before a period of time :
(i) I have not seen her for a long time.
(ii) She has been absent since Monday.
Since and from
Both since and from are used before a point of time, but since is preceded by a verb in the perfect tense, while from can be used with any tense :
(i) Saved started rowing from Tuesday last.
(ii) He will start rowing from tomorrow.
(iii) He has been rowing since moring.
Before, by, and within
Before and by are used with a point of time while within is used for a period of time :
(i) She returned before noon.
(ii) She will return by noon.
(iii) She shall return within one hour.
In and Into
In refers to a position already inside a place or thing while into denotes movement towards the inside of anything :
(i) Dr. Sharif is in the hospital.
(ii) Dr. Sharif went into the hospital.
In and at
In refers to a much wider space or time than at :
(i) Sahiwal is in the Panjab.
(ii) He lives at Sahiwal.
On and at
On is used before a particular date while at is used before a Particular hour.
(i)He was horn on the tenth of August,
(ii) He came to see me at 10 o’clock.
Between and Among
Between is used for two persons while among for more than two persons or things :
(i)The two brothers shared the property between themselves.
(ii)The sweets were distributed among the children.
Except and excepting
Except is a preposition while excepting is a participle.
(i)All were present except Ahmad.
(ii) All men are fallible not excepting saints.
The direct object comes before the indirect object and both are joined by a preposition. If their relative positions are exchanged, the preposition is omitted:
(i) The old man told a story to the children.
The old man told the children a story.
ii) He gave a pen to her as a present.
He gave her a pen as a present.
Many mistakes are committed in the use of prepositions when they are confused or misplaced. In the light of the foregoing discussion on the Preposition. Correct the following sentences :
You must reach here within 10 o’clock.
I shall start for Lahore on 3 o’cock.
Besides me was sitting my brother.
The test begins on 8 o’clock at Monday.
When Naseema came in the house Nargis is was into her room.
You should have reached here in this time.
You must return at the end of this week.
All were affected by the loss excepting Ali.
All men are mortal not except the kings.
I did not see her since three day
Particular words are followed by particular prepositions. Thus we say. “He died of fever”. We never say, “He died through fever or by fever or from fever or on account of fever.” The use of preposition: with words has become so much fixed that it is a mistake to make any deviation from the accepted usage. Here is a small list of such usages.
Words followed by At
Nouns : disgust, envy, guess, hint, jest, look, sneer, wonder.
Verbs : aim, bark, connive, drive, grasp, guess, hint, jeer, laugh,. marvel, shudder, wink.
Participles : alarmed,’ amazed, , amused, astonished, enrag-d, horrified, shocked, startled, surprised.
Words followed by In
Nouns: Confidence, delight, faith, interest, joy, pride, trust.
Verbs : believe, delight, enlist, excel, fail, glory, indulge, involve, persist.
Adjectives: accurate, backward, defective, deficient fertile, honest, proficient, temperate.
Participle : accomplished, experienced, interested, involved, Versed
Words followed by Of
Nouns: abundance, assurance, certificate, distrust, doubt. Judge, Result, Suspicion, Want.
Verbs: acquit , beware, Boast , despair, dispose , dream , repent, taste, treat.
Adjective : Afraid , Aware , Capable, Cautious, Certain , Confident, Conscious, Desirous , Devoid , Envious, Fond , Greedy, Guilty, Heedless,