SSE(English) removed from Service due to Social distance
WHEREAS, the Chief Executive Officer (DEA), Rajanpur paid a surprise visit of Govt. 1-ligh School Kotla Nasser Tehsil & District Rajanpur on 06.10.2021 at 10:00A.M and observed that MR. ABDUL QAYUM SSE (English) BS-16, posted at Govt. High School Kotla Nasser Tehsil & District Rajanpur was found present in the classroom but there were no Educational activities observed in the classroom, students were sitting without surgical mask and social distance in the classroom and pointed out by the CEO (DEA) Rajanpur regarding violation of SOPs of COVID-19, he has replied that it is not my duty.
AND WHEREAS, the Chief Executive Officer (DEA), Rajanpur served an Explanation upon above said accused Educator on the charge of inefficiency and misconduct and directed him to explain his position in written within 03 days positively vide his office Memo No. CEO/DEA/RP/ADMN/1860, dated 06.10.2021.The accused Educator has submitted his written reply / defence to the office of Chief Executive Officer (DEA), Rajanpur.
AND WHEREAS, as per written report of the Chief Executive Officer (DEA), Rajanpur vide his office Memo No. CEO/DEA/RP/ADMN/1980, dated 18.10.2021, the written reply / defence of above said accused Educator was found unsatisfactory and contrary to conduct rules wherein he has admitted all the charges leveled again him with lame excuses and committed the charges of inefficiency, disobedience and misconduct repeatedly. Moreover, the Chief Executive Officer (DEA), Rajanpur has directed the undersigned to initiate disciplinary proceedings against the accused Educator and decided the case being competent authority in this case under the rules.
AND WHEREAS, the undersigned being competent authority served a personal hearing Notice upon above said accused Educator on the charges of inefficiency / poor performance and misconduct under terms and conditions as mentioned in letter of agreement and directed him to appear before the undersigned on 26.12.2021 at 03:OOP.M venue at this office for submission of written reply / defence vide this office Memo No. 1201, dated 21.10.2021.
In this context, the accused Educator has submitted an original application alongwith roll number slip to this office with the request to give another opportunity for above said purpose as his Supplementary Examination, 2020 of Master of Arts in (Political Science) Ext, from The Islamic University of Bahawalpur will be conducted on given date and time.
AND WHEREAS, the undersigned served another personal hearing Notice upon above accused Educator on the above mentioned charges and directed him to appear before the undersigned on 01.11.2021 at 03:00P.M venue at this office for submission of written reply / defence vide this office Memo No. 1226, dated 26.10.2021. The accused Educator appeared before the undersigned on given date and submitted his written reply / defence but he failed to defend his position and committed the charges leveled against him repeatedly. As per written report filed by the Senior Headmaster, Govt. High School Kotla Naseer dated 17.11.2021, the accused Educator has disobeyed all the directions time and again given by the higher authorities. A number of explanations were served upon him by the Head of the institution concerned but the accused Educator did not bother to submit any written reply / defence. The accused Educator was directed time and again by the !lead of the institution concerned to maintain the discipline in the class being class In-charge but he ignored to comply with the directions given by the Higher Authority. Sometimes, he has denied to attend class period.
IT IS THEREFORE, I, District Education Officer (SE), Rajanpur being competent authority in this case in exercise of powers conferred upon me under PEEDA Act, 2006 concluded that the charges of inefficiency / poor performance and misconduct leveled against the above said accused Educator have been proved. So, the contract letter of agreement in favour of Mr. ABDUL QAYYUM S/0 Karim Bakhsh posted as SSE (English) BS-16 at Govt. High School Kotla Naseer Tehsil & District Rajanpur (CNIC No. 32403-6689762-71 (Personal No. 31742349) is hereby terminated with immediate effect.
Endst No. /…3q.; /ADMN; Dated 12(// / 2021
A copy is submitted /forwarded for information and necessary action to:
1. The Chief Executive Officer (District Education Authority), Rajanpur.
2. The District Monitoring Officer, Rajanpur.
3. The District Accounts Officer, Rajanpur,
4. The Senior Headmaster, Govt. High School Kotla Naseer Tehsil & District Rajanpur with the direction to stop the monthly salary of above said accused Educator without any delay. S. The accused Educator concerned.
6. Office tile.