Re-Opening of Schools letter issued by Ministry Of Federal Education and Professional Development
گورنمنٹ آف پاکستان ۔ منسٹری آف فیڈرل ایجوکیشن اینڈ پروفیشنل ٹریننگ کی جانب سے سکولز کے دوبارہ کھلنے کے حوالے سے نوٹیفیکشن جاری کر دیا گیا ہے۔ جس کے تحت سکولز کو مختلف مراحل میں کھولا جائے گا۔
سالانہ امتحانات کا ایک شیڈول مرتب کیا جائے گا.
تمام اساتذہ کرام اور سٹاف 11 جنوری سے سکولوں میں پابند ہو گا۔
سیکنڈری اور ہائیر سیکنڈری کلاسز کا آغاز مورخہ 18 جنوری سے کر دیا جائے گا۔
کلاس اول سے کلاس ہشتم تک تمام کلاسز کا آغاز مورخہ 25 جنوری سے ہو گا۔
تما م یونیورسٹیز اور کالجز کو 01 فروری سے کھولا جائے گا۔
اس دوران کرونا کا مکمل جائزہ لیا جاتا رہے گا اور ضرورت پڑنے پر فیصلہ میں ردوبدل ہو سکتا ہے۔
تمام محکمہ فوری طور پر اس پر عمل درآمد کو فوری طور پر یقنی بنائیں ۔
Government of Pakistan
Ministry of Federal Education
and Professional Training
C-Block Pak Secretariat Islamabad
Islamabad, the January 05. 2021
The 25 Meeting of the IPEMC was held jointly with NCOC and Health Ministry chaired by the Minister of Federal Education and Professional Training Key decisions were taken after a thorough consultation regrading
1. Phased reopening of schools
2. Exam scheduling for 2021.
The tentative dates for phased reopening of schools is as below
• Monday, January 11, 2021 — Schools Reopen for Teachers and Staff to begin preparation for academic work as well as implementation of SOP’s for school reopening.
• Monday. January 18, 2021 — Grade 9 – 12, reopen across Pakistan
• Monday. January 25, 2021 — Grades 1-8, reopen across Pakistan
• Monday. February 01, 2021 — Universities and Colleges will reopen
3. All dates above are subject to regular COVID-19 health status review and updates.
4. All Examination boards have agreed to hold Board exams in the month of May and Early June 2021 to compensate for the academic losses and coverage of syllabus.
5 All concerned departments are requested to issue notifications for implementation
of the above decisions
1 The Secretary, Higher Education Department, Government of the Punjab. Lahore.
2 The Secretary, School Education Department. Government of the Punjab, Lahore.
3 The Secretary, Higher Education Department, Government of KPK, Peshawar.
4 The Secretary Elementary 8 Secondary Education Department Government of KPK Peshawar.
5 The Secretary College Education Department. Government of Sind, Karachi.
6 The Secretary School Education Literacy Department, Karachi.
7 The Secretary Higher Education Department, Government of Balochistan.
8 The Secretary Secondary Education Department. Government of Balochistan Quetta.
9 The Secretary Higher Education Department, Government of AJK, Muzaffarabad
10 The Secretary Education & Special Education Department. Government of Gilgit Baltistan,
11 The Secretary, Elementary and secondary education Department Government of AJK Muzaffarabad
12. Capt. Mohsin Aziz Director (Naval Edu. Naval Headquarter (NHQ) E-9 Islamabad
13. Air Commodore Mustafa Anwar SI(M) Assistant Chief of Air Staff Education,Air Headquarter (AHQ) Peshawar
14. Maj Gen Muhammad Asghar, DG FGEIs Directorate 190, Sir Syed Road Rawalpindi
15 The Chairman Higher Education Commission Islamabad
16 The Secretary, Inter Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC) Islamabad
17. The Director General, FDE. Islamabad
18. The Chairperson, PEIRA Islamabad
19. The Chairman, FBISE Islamabad
1.PSO to Minister FE&PT
2. SPS to Parliamentary Secretary FE&PT
3. SPS to Secretary FE&PT
4. PA to TA