SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC PAST PAPER No.1

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Category : EDUCATION
Category : PPSC PAST Papers & Model Papers

Topic : Education
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in United States, Australia, Canada, Marshal islands, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, New Zealand, Italy, England, Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China.
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]

Time Limit : 50 Minutes
Total MCQ’s : 50

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SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC Old PAPER No. 1

SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC Old PAPER No. 1

1 / 50

Study of great books is at the core of

2 / 50

Piaget presented the theory of

3 / 50

The fourth five-year plan was started in

4 / 50

There was no national development programme or plan before

5 / 50

The Socratic method is known as

6 / 50

The ability to think in novel and unusual ways is called

7 / 50

Methods based on the facts that students learn association, activity and cooperation is known as

8 / 50

Founder of socio psychological development was

9 / 50

Students Portfolio is the collection of

10 / 50

The education confined to educational institution is

11 / 50

Anjuman Himayat-e-islam was established in

12 / 50

National Bank Foundation was established under the education policy

13 / 50

The five year plan was for the period

14 / 50

Acquaintance role is used for

15 / 50

Theory of self-actualization and sense of identity was presented by

16 / 50

Education is not pre planned in

17 / 50

Another name of working memory is

18 / 50

Translation of concrete experiences, development of logical thinking are given by

19 / 50

The graduates of Islamic Madarasas got Government services under the education policy of

20 / 50

The process of Adaptation in Piagetian Cognitive Development theory is

21 / 50

Which is the basic Emotion

22 / 50

The focus of cognitive domain is

23 / 50

The sixth five-year plan was started in

24 / 50

Solo Taxonomy provides systematic way of describing the learner's

25 / 50

Superannuation/retirement ago of a Govt. servant in Pakistan is

26 / 50

Evaluation is related to

27 / 50

Logical thinking according to Jean Piaget starts at the stages of

28 / 50

Definition of a profession is related to

29 / 50

Perception and attention play major role in

30 / 50

Model of eight types of learning was designed by

31 / 50

Educational psychology revolves around three areas: the learner, the learning process and

32 / 50

The objective of education, according to charter Act, was

33 / 50

The pioneer of identifying individual differences was

34 / 50

Who was the first psychologist

35 / 50

Heuristic method meant for

36 / 50

The process of helping individual make life adjustment at home school and other phases of

37 / 50

Knowledge is compartmentalized in

38 / 50

In which year, the fifth five-year plan was started

39 / 50

Hierarchy of needs was presented by

40 / 50

Educational Policy emphasizing islamization of knowledge was announced in

41 / 50

Experiments on learning by insight were performed by

42 / 50

Formal education is meant for

43 / 50

Epistemology means

44 / 50

At which stage of cognitive, development the child develops object permanence

45 / 50

Research is the

46 / 50

The major impact of the Aligarh movement was

47 / 50

Which is basic emotion

48 / 50

How many basic components of a curriculum have

49 / 50

Educational objectives are mainly derived from

50 / 50

Permission for establishing private educational institutions was granted in the education policy of

Your score is

The average score is 55%


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