Category : General Knowledge
Topic : General World Issues
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China etc.
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]


General Knowledge Test No. 08

General Knowledge Test No. 08

1 / 59

Dogger Bank in Pacific Ocean famous for__________

2 / 59

For which crop, black volcanic soil and tropical climate is most suitable without excess rainfall?

3 / 59

Groundnut crop is the monopoly of______

4 / 59

Which of the following is a rift valley?

5 / 59

Tobacco, a product of high
commercial value these days and
which grows under a wide range of
climates, is a major plantation of__________

6 / 59

Eskimos are the primitive people living in ________

7 / 59

Which two of the following products have great commercial value in Tropical Monsoon Region?

8 / 59

What is Sericulture?

9 / 59

Which continent leads in contribution to world's rice prodUction to the maximum and how much?

10 / 59

Of all the animal pests that attack crop plants, the most common and which cause the maximum damage are____________

11 / 59

Which country has extensive
mechanized agriculture and which is the main crop produced in that country?

12 / 59

Myanmar, whose chief mineral resources comprise silver, lead, and tin, is engaged in chief industrial activity of ___________

13 / 59

Which of the following countries is kn n as Island of Cloves?

14 / 59

Cocoa is a tropical plant and requires heat and moisture. Which of the following countries is leading in cocoa production in th world?

15 / 59

Height of Lahore from sea level is_______________

16 / 59

For which agricultral produce, Sudan is famous and which comes-under Tropical Grassland (Savanas) Region?

17 / 59

Which of the following countries is the -largest supplier of meat?

18 / 59

Panama Canal is under the control of____________

19 / 59

Which country tops in the production of coconut in the world?

20 / 59

Which country leads in production of barley among the following_____

21 / 59

India is the world's largest producer of___________

22 / 59

A local wind blow from sea to land is____________

23 / 59

Besudes tobacco, tea and cotton, which is the other agricultural produce of China?

24 / 59

Speleology is the scientific study of______________

25 / 59

Which of the following crops is regarded as 'Cash Crop'?

26 / 59

Which is the most important crop of the Nile delta?

27 / 59

In which country was the first oil-well drilled in 1859?

28 / 59

The concept of heartland was given by___________

29 / 59

Ruhr coal field is situated in___________

30 / 59

The number of Central Asian .epublics (CARs) is____________

31 / 59

Korea Bay lies in____________

32 / 59

When was Pakistan-Iran border line demarcated?

33 / 59

Coffee requires hot and moist climate and grows best on slopes. Which of the following countries is leading in coffee production?

34 / 59

Lakhra coal field is located in__________

35 / 59

Galapagos Islands are situated in_______________

36 / 59

Name the types of forest which accounts for the most of the total forest area in the world

37 / 59

Wheat being a plant of temperate zone, grows well on plains away from sea and having moderately dry climate. World's
production of wheat is obtained from

38 / 59

Jute requires hot, moist climate with adequate amount of rain and rich soil. Which country in the world is leading in jute production ?

39 / 59

Which one of the following is not a `Cash Crop'?

40 / 59

Which gas present in the Earth's atmosphere can absorb solar ultraviolet radiation?

41 / 59

The most severe storm is a_____________

42 / 59

Atmospheric pressure at sea level is____

43 / 59

Higher summer temperature, stiff soil capable of supporting heavy weight of plant are essential for_____________

44 / 59

A famous natural bridge is located in____________

45 / 59

In which province of Pakistan
Volcano mountains are located?

46 / 59

Which types of forest are found in the areas where the rainfall is between 80° to 120°?

47 / 59

A light year is equal to_________________

48 / 59

The first irrigated forest in Pakistan Chhanga Manga was established in _______

49 / 59

Which of the following is an
ag icultural produce of Taiwan?

50 / 59

Which is the largest cotton producing country in the world?

51 / 59

Biggest Hail storm was recorded in 2003 in _______

52 / 59

Truck farming is a____________

53 / 59

What is the diametre of Earth?

54 / 59

Which type of clouds are called, rain clouds

55 / 59

More or less like coffee, tea requires warm, moist, tropical climate and grows well on hill slopes. Which of the following counrtries is leading in tea production?

56 / 59

Wihich of the following is the correct group of Kharif Crops?

57 / 59

Which one of the following fertilizers contains a high percentage of nitrogen?

58 / 59

Among the world's largest cotton growing countries. Pakistan stands at number__________

59 / 59

Height of Islamabad from sea level is____________

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The average score is 28%
