Clarification about Payment of family pension to widow daughter issued on 12-11-2014
No. FD-SR-III-4-281/2014
Dated Lahore the 12th November 2004
Mr. Muhammad Jehanzeb Khan
Finance Secretary,
Government of the Punjab
1. All Administrative Secretions to Government of the 2.Punjab The Principal Secretary to Governor of the Punjab
3.The Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Punjab
4. The Military Secretary to Governor of the Punjab
5. All Commissioners in the Punjab
6. All District Co-ordination Officers in the Punjab
7. All Administrator District Governments on the Punjab
8 All Heads of Attached Departments. Government of the Punjab
9 The Registrar. Lahore High Court, Lahore
10 All District and Session Judges in the Punjab
The Secretary, Punjab Public Service Commission Lahore
12 The Secretary Punjab Provincial Assembly Lahore
13. The Director General, Audit & Account, (Works) Lahore
14. The Provincial Director, Local Fund Audit Punjab Lahore
15 The Chief Pilot, VIP Flight, Lahore
The Incharge, Public Policy & Change Management Wing, S&GAD
I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that this Department is receiving requests from various Quarters for clarification about payment of Family Pension lo widowed daughter under the following circumstances :-
(a) Definition of “Dependent on parent needs to be clarified. There are some cases in which, widowed daughter provided affidavit that she depends on parents but there are her sons and daughters who are on reasonable jobs. It needs clarification if she is entitled to family pension or Otherwise.
(b) In some cases, the family pension on death of Government servant or his widow was stopped because no other member was entitled for pension. Now the question arises as to the entitlement of a widow daughter for grant of family pension beyond 10 years whether these cases are to be opened and
pension is to be granted to the Widowed daughter w.e.f. the date of issue of the above letter.
(c) There are some cases in which at the death of pensioner no person was entitled to family pension, but after lapse of one year, the husband of the daughter of the pensioner expired. It may also be clarified whether in such cases the widowed daughter will be granted pension from the date of death of her husband.
2. The above issues have been examined in Finance Department and it has been decided as under.-
(a) In case the sons/daughters of a widowed daughter hold job, there appears to be no question of her dependency upon Parents, In such a situation, a widowed daughter is not entitled for family pension:
(b) In case a daughter of Government servant becomes widow after death of her father/mother, she is fully entitled for Family Pension w.e.f. the date of death of her spouse.
(c) In case no one was eligible for family pension on the eve of death of Government Servant but after lapse of one year if the husband of the daughter of Government servant expires, the widow daughter will be entitled for family pension.
Deputy Secretary (SR)
Endst. No. & Date Even,
A copy a forwarded for information and necessary action to the:-
1. Accountant General, Punjab, Lahore.
2. All District Accounts Officers m the Punjab.
3. Treasury Officer. Lahore.