To, All the Vice Chancellors. Public Sector Universities Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Subject : Presentations ON AMENDMENTS IN KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA UNIVERSITIES ACT 2012 HELD ON 10-03-2020 and 06-07-2020
Dear Sir & Madam, I am directed to refer to the subject noted above. 2. The Secretary to Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Higher Education Department made Presentations to the Hon’able to Governor/Chancellor Public Sector Universities Khyber Pakhkunkhwa 10-03-2020 and 06-07-2020 on the above subject. 3 During the course of Presentations the hon’able Governor/Chancellor, inter alia directed that – i. Answer Papers of me University students shall not be checked by their class teachers. rather these should be sent to other universities for evaluation and marking. ii. This should be ensured that credible, honest and reputed officers are posted as Head of Secrecy Department, in each University. I am further directed to make sure that directives are Implemented in true letter and spirit please.
(SAIF UL ISLAM) Additional Secretary to Governor
Copy to Secretary to Govt of Khyber Pakhtunthwa, Higher Education Department Peshawar with the request to submit a consolidated biannual report tor perusal of the Governor.