11th Class Biology MCQs Chapter No.9 MCAT Quiz Download

Biology MCQs 1st Year Chapter No.9 Kingdom Plantae. F.Sc, First Year 11th Class Multiple Choice Questions, Medical College ( MDCAT ) , ECAT & University Admission Entry Test Exams Online Preparation, Chapter Wise Question Answers, Old Board Papers reference with Each Question, All Queries accommodated within 24 Hours. Click here to Contact us for any Query/Question regarding Exams.

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Biology – 1st Year
Chapter No. 09
Question Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]
Note : All MCQ’s selected in this test are from OLD F.Sc. board , UHS and PMC(Pakistan Medical Commission) Islamabad Papers.

Book Name :  Biology
Chapter No. 09
Total MCQ from Textbook :  159
Book Version  :

Published By : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore
Approved By : Govt of the Punjab and Federal Ministry for Education
Test Type : MCQ’s
Exam conduct By : Inter Boards of Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab & Federal
Class / Grade  : 11 ( F.Sc. Intermediate)
Total Marks : 159
Total Time :  159 minutes

محترم اساتذہ کرام و  پیارے طلبا و طالبات
ہم نے یہ ویب سائٹ آپ کے فائدے اور امتحانی تیاری کو مدنظر رکھ کر بنائی ہے۔ اگر آپ کو اس سے کوئی فائدہ ہوتا ہے اور آپ کو یہ ایم سی کیوز امتحان کی تیاری کے لئے سود مند ہیں ۔ تو آپ اپنے  کم سے کم دس دوستوں کو اس کا لنک ضرور  شئیر کریں۔تاکہ اس سے آپ کے  بہت سارے دوسرے دوستوں کا فائدہ ہوسکے۔

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GRADE 11 - BIOLOGY CHAPTER NO.09 Kingdom Plantae

GRADE 11 - BIOLOGY CHAPTER NO.09 Kingdom Plantae

1 / 159

The ferns are mostly.

2 / 159

Chick pea is

3 / 159

Which of the following is not found in any member of bryophyte

4 / 159

Whisk ferns are

5 / 159

Fliament of the stamen is

6 / 159

The wood of Albizzia labbek is used In

7 / 159

Vida, Melilotus and Trifoluim are culthiated as

8 / 159

Papilionaceae family is famous due to its main importance as source of

9 / 159

Dichotimous division is present in

10 / 159

Roots that arise from lower side of the rhizome are called

11 / 159

Tick the wrong relationship

12 / 159

Which structure, in the life cycle of an angiosperm is triploid?

13 / 159

Katha is obtained from

14 / 159

Arachis hypogea is the common name for

15 / 159

Apple and Pear belongs to plant family:

16 / 159

Short thick and underground stem is found in

17 / 159

A structure which is formed inside microspore wall and it includes the male gametes or sperm is called

18 / 159

Imbricate may be defined as

19 / 159

The sporophyte of ______ lacks seta

20 / 159

Sori are

21 / 159

Living genus of psilopsida is:

22 / 159

Vasuclar System is absent in :

23 / 159

Double fertilization is a characteristic of:

24 / 159

Porela is an example.of class

25 / 159

Capsicum frutescens belongs to family

26 / 159

World's horse best fooden crop is

27 / 159

Haploid stage during life cycle of bryophytes starts !begins with and ends at respectively.

28 / 159

Lycopsida are commonly called

29 / 159

False indusium covers the

30 / 159

The plants of Sphenopsida are also called

31 / 159

The simplest of all bryophytes are

32 / 159

Double fertilization is characteristics of which of the following?

33 / 159

Which of the following gives rise to protonema on its germination;

34 / 159

Pinus is a plant is which fertilization occur after, of pollination

35 / 159

Female gametophyte in flowering plants is

36 / 159

Which is called dormant embryo

37 / 159

Plant differ from algae as they have

38 / 159

Out of 360,000 known species of plants how many belong to angrosperm.

39 / 159

The magasporangium after fertilization is transformed into a seed & the integuments becoming the:

40 / 159

Selaginella is

41 / 159

Polytrichum is a

42 / 159

First time leavei are evolved from.

43 / 159

The first division of zygotic nucleus at the time of its germination in bryo

44 / 159

In which condition ovary is superior

45 / 159

Prothalus of adiantum is

46 / 159

Which of the following .plants called arthrophytes.

47 / 159

Which of the following comprises of synergids, egg cells, antipodal coils and polar nuclei?

48 / 159

Family of sweat pea is:

49 / 159

In angisperms-male gametes are formed in the

50 / 159

Megagametophyte of a flowering plants consist of how many cells

51 / 159

Mosses are :

52 / 159

Yew is the common name for

53 / 159

At the tips of the branches in psilopsids are produced the:

54 / 159

In which plants leaves.are always in whorls

55 / 159

The acidic fruit of TaMarindus Indica are rich in

56 / 159

Maiden hair ferns are so called because

57 / 159

Gama cups of marcantla are Involved In

58 / 159

Plants used to make ropes

59 / 159

The piocess of evolution of leaf was completed in more than million years:

60 / 159

Rose family consist of about 100 genera and

61 / 159

Marchantia has now many thallus forms

62 / 159

Members of subdivision Hepaticopsida are commonly called

63 / 159

Rhynia had

64 / 159

After pollination the pollens are transferred to which of the follwing part of

65 / 159

Ligules are

66 / 159

First complete seeds appeared about 365 million years ago during late

67 / 159

Pericarp is

68 / 159

Ovule of angiosperms is protected by

69 / 159

Calyptra is attached with

70 / 159

An underground stem which groi; laterally from normal axis

71 / 159

_______is used as base for laxatives

72 / 159

Leaves in the form of scale like outgrowths are shown by

73 / 159

Fronds are

74 / 159

Which one of following is not extinct?

75 / 159

Oil extracted fronthe seeds of.Cytiometera caullflora is used for

76 / 159

Sori are protected by the bent margins of the leaflet forming false.

77 / 159

Scattered Vascular bundles are found in the stems of

78 / 159

A flower consists of which of the followings.

79 / 159

Tick the correct relationship

80 / 159

The male gametophyte of an angiosperm is

81 / 159

In Angiosperms the Ovary matures into which of the following structure after fertilization.

82 / 159

A heterosporous plant is one that

83 / 159

The process of evolution of leaf in plants was completed in more than

84 / 159

Microspore of seed plants that contain micro gametophyte included gametes is called:

85 / 159

Certain grasses yield aromatic oils e.g

86 / 159

Archegonia and antheridia formclusters and missed with sterile hairs to form

87 / 159

All seed producing plants are called

88 / 159

Technically a seed may be defined as a fertilized;

89 / 159

Horsetail belongs to subdivision;

90 / 159

Bryophytes are.

91 / 159

The common name for Solanum Melanoma is:

92 / 159

Clitoris ternates Is used against:

93 / 159

Arachis hypogia belongs to family:

94 / 159

Two kinds of spores are present:

95 / 159

Trachieds are found in

96 / 159

Pick the correct order

97 / 159

The extant plants of psilopsida are

98 / 159

The single healthy megaspore retained with the magasporangium germinates to forMan egg containing female gametophyte called:

99 / 159

Gametophyte of lycopsids

100 / 159

The plant is not homosporous.

101 / 159

The first complete seed plant appeared in the period.

102 / 159

Papiliona ceous term is used for

103 / 159

Which of the following are regarded as non-essential parts of the flower?

104 / 159

Which family of angiosperms has greater commercial importance than any other family

105 / 159

Family poaceati has a characteristic inflorescence called:

106 / 159

How.many species of liverworts and selaginella are discovered respectively

107 / 159

The part of flower which develops into fruit is:

108 / 159

A root less and leafless plant which produce sporangia on tips of branches

109 / 159

The biological name of Kachnar

110 / 159

Confiers are the groups of

111 / 159

Amphibious plants belong to group

112 / 159

Tubercles at the base of the leaves of lycopsids are

113 / 159

The brownish coveting of rhizome of adiantum is

114 / 159

The thalloid gametophyte of_________ does not depend upon sporophyte for nourishment.

115 / 159

In horn worts at the junction of foot and spore forming region which structure is present

116 / 159

Zea mays is the biological name of:

117 / 159

Arabic gum is obtained.frorn:. .

118 / 159

Tracheophyta is further sub-divided into :

119 / 159

The nature of sporangia of ferns is

120 / 159

Which is used against snake bite

121 / 159

A plant which show double fertilization

122 / 159

Gametophyte of psilopsids is

123 / 159

In sporophyte of adiantum the group of sporangia are protected by bunt margins of pinnules called

124 / 159

Formation of is the characteristic of angiosperms because in it megasporohyll become folded and joined at margins.

125 / 159

The leaflet show dichotomous venation in

126 / 159

Endosperm of flowering plants is

127 / 159

All bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) share certain characteristics. These are

128 / 159

One of the oldest fossil plant is the:

129 / 159

Plant used as blood purifier

130 / 159

The pistils of graminae are

131 / 159

The male gametophyte of an angiosperm is the

132 / 159

Circinate venation is the characteristic feature of

133 / 159

Earliest vascular plants like lycopsida lack

134 / 159

A sorous has three main parts

135 / 159

Pteridium is the plant of

136 / 159

What is similar between bryophytes and psilopsida?

137 / 159

Gametophyte in bryophytes is:

138 / 159

Pollen tube of pollen grain carry male gametes deep Into fertilize the egg

139 / 159

Bryophytes are generally through to have evolved from

140 / 159

The phenomenon involved in the fertization by movement of sperims

141 / 159

Important terrestrial adaptations that evolved exclusively in seed plants include all of the following except

142 / 159

The broyophytes are non- vascular plants:

143 / 159

The mega gametophyte of angiosperms contains

144 / 159

A haploid spermatozoid fuses with haploid egg to produce diploid:

145 / 159

Which one of the following group is not placed in kingdom Plantae, in latest classification system?

146 / 159

Which group of plants exhibit maximum diversity?

147 / 159

Small leaves having a single undivided vein are called:

148 / 159

Pulse producing plants are belonging to the family:

149 / 159

The hyaline-scales of javi are called

150 / 159

Microphylls of lycopods are

151 / 159

Transport of H2O, minerals and prepared food in nonvascular plants occur through

152 / 159

The number of species included in the class Hepaticae of bryophytes is

153 / 159

The immature and young frond is coiled, this pattern of development in called

154 / 159

Sporophyte of adianturn is

155 / 159

Cilia used as organ of locomotion by in ferns.

156 / 159

The bark of Bauhinia is used in

157 / 159

Sporophyte of which plants is less conspicous

158 / 159

The simples bryophytes are

159 / 159

Which of the following plant is an example of false leafy liverworts

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