First Year Biology MCQs with Answers download pdf

Biology MCQs 11th Class Part 1, Chapter No. 8 Fungi. FSc, 1st Year, First Year Multiple Choice Questions, Medical College Admission Test ( MDCAT ) , ECAT & University Admission Entry Test Exams Online Preparation, Chapter Wise Question Answers, Old Board Papers reference with Each Question, All Queries accommodated within 24 Hours. Click here to Contact us for any Query/Question regarding Exams.

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Biology – 1st Year
Chapter Name : FUNGI
Chapter No. 08
Question Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]
Note : All MCQ’s selected in this test are from OLD F.Sc. board , UHS and PMC(Pakistan Medical Commission) Islamabad Papers.

Book Name :  Biology
Chapter No. 08
Chapter Name : FUNGI 
Total MCQ from Text Book :  140
Book Version  :

Published By : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore
Approved By : Govt of the Punjab and Federal Ministry for Education
Test Type : MCQ’s
Exam conduct By : Inter Boards of Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab & Federal
Class / Grade  : 11 ( F.Sc. Intermediate)
Total Marks : 140
Total Time :  140 minutes

محترم اساتذہ کرام و  پیارے طلبا و طالبات
ہم نے یہ ویب سائٹ آپ کے فائدے اور امتحانی تیاری کو مدنظر رکھ کر بنائی ہے۔ اگر آپ کو اس سے کوئی فائدہ ہوتا ہے اور آپ کو یہ ایم سی کیوز امتحان کی تیاری کے لئے سود مند ہیں ۔ تو آپ اپنے  کم سے کم دس دوستوں کو اس کا لنک ضرور  شئیر کریں۔تاکہ اس سے آپ کے  بہت سارے دوسرے دوستوں کا فائدہ ہوسکے۔

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1 / 140

Mushroom that also grow over nematodes is

2 / 140

Which of the following structures are associated with asexual reproduction in fungi :

3 / 140

Fungi are principle decomposers of

4 / 140

Asexual Reproduction in yeasts occurs by:

5 / 140

Asexual reproduction Is uncommon In:

6 / 140

Nuclear fusion in basidium is followed by

7 / 140

Both blue green algae and green algae are

8 / 140

Which of the following lichen attaches with the rock

9 / 140

Ascornycetes produce:

10 / 140

The rapid growth of hyphae of fungi takes place due to

11 / 140

Sexual reproduction is absent in:

12 / 140

Digesting enzymes are secreted by which part of rhizopus

13 / 140

Reindeer moss is a:

14 / 140

Histoplasmosis is a serious infection of

15 / 140

In fungi spores are produced inside the reproductive structures called:

16 / 140

Antibiotics affect

17 / 140

Non septets multinucleate hyphae is found in:

18 / 140

Ovary of wheat Is damaged by

19 / 140

Which of the following fungus is responsible for causing thrush in human beings:

20 / 140

Common name for penicillium is

21 / 140

Which of the following types does not belong to cicutercnnycota?

22 / 140

The First eukaryote whose genomic sequence was completely studies 1996.

23 / 140

Each ascus comprise Ascospores

24 / 140

Arthrobotrys is fungus

25 / 140

Saprobes are

26 / 140

Brush-like arrangement of its conidia j characteristic of

27 / 140

One of the following is used to relieve one kind of headache migrine

28 / 140

This is not a reproductive structure or fruiting body

29 / 140

The ecologically very important bio-indicator of air pollution are:

30 / 140

Septate hyphae are

31 / 140

An ascus is to ascomycetes as is basidiomycetes.

32 / 140

Unicellular yeasts reproduce by;

33 / 140

About how much world's fruit is lost because of fungal attack?

34 / 140

One of the followings is obtained from fungi and is used to inhibit fungal growth

35 / 140

The most common type of asexual reproduction In fungi is the:

36 / 140

Fungus is not able to decompose :

37 / 140

This is not a similarity b/w spores and conidia

38 / 140

Molds such as Penicillium can grow on oranges and jelly, kept in a refrierator because these

39 / 140

Which is used to inhibit fungal growth ?

40 / 140

All the fungi are:

41 / 140

Histoplasmosis is disease of

42 / 140

The closest relatives of fungi are probably.

43 / 140

Which statement about fungal nutrition is not true?

44 / 140

Rust fungi are

45 / 140

Modified tip of hyphae use to absorbnutrients from tissues of living host.

46 / 140

The plant body of fungi is also termed as

47 / 140

A symmetric division of mycollum la

48 / 140

Pink yeast is another name of:

49 / 140

Sac fungi belong to the group:

50 / 140

Stored food material in fungal cells is:

51 / 140

Rusts and smuts come under

52 / 140

Sexual phase has not been observed in:

53 / 140

Toxins reproduced by algae are

54 / 140

The most common rust fungi are:

55 / 140

How many ascomycetes spp. are involved in lichen formation:

56 / 140

One of the followings is poisonous mushroom

57 / 140

Brown rot is the disease which is not developed in

58 / 140

Nuclear fusion In bash:Hum is followod by

59 / 140

Which of the following is fruiting body

60 / 140

Yeasts, members of fungi, are

61 / 140

Pick the structure which is not a dikaryotic mycelium

62 / 140

The chief component of the cell wall of the majority of fungi Is the:

63 / 140

Which statement is not true out Deuteromycetes?

64 / 140

Aseptate hyphae are found In

65 / 140

Which of the following cells/structures are associated with asexual reproduciton in fungi?

66 / 140

Oral and vaginal thrush also called candidosis are cause by

67 / 140

The lichen with branching shaped growth form is

68 / 140

Milk, egg and meat may also

69 / 140

Oral thrush and vaginal thrush (candidiasis or candidosis ) is caused by :

70 / 140

Parasitic- fungi directly absorb the nutrient from the living host cytoplasm

71 / 140

Example of soil dwelling carnivorous fungus is

72 / 140

Armillaria is a fungus that affects:

73 / 140

Poisonous mushrooms are called :

74 / 140

Ergot is diseased toxic in

75 / 140

Asexual reproduction In ascomycetes is by

76 / 140

An association between a fungus and the roots of higher plants, for mutual benefit is called:

77 / 140

Which of the following fungi product haustori

78 / 140

The absorptive nutrition of fungi is aided by

79 / 140

A functional artificial chromosome was made in which of the following fungus.

80 / 140

Pencilin is obtained from

81 / 140

Citric acid is obtained from some species of :

82 / 140

A nonhyphal unicellular fungus is :

83 / 140

Which of the following NOT edible?

84 / 140

Gametamgia are

85 / 140

Most of the visible part of lichen is

86 / 140

Spores formed by slime molds

87 / 140

Biotemediation is done by mainly

88 / 140

In rust ,disease spotsare produced on of host plant

89 / 140

Soredia are

90 / 140

Chitin is found in the cell wall of:

91 / 140

Antibiotics obtained from a soil fungus and used in organ transplantation for preventing transplant rejections Is

92 / 140

Rust disease is caused by:

93 / 140

The yeast reproduces asexually by producing:

94 / 140

A symbiotic relationship between Algae and fungi is called:

95 / 140

It is the form of an elongated multinucleited large cell

96 / 140

A single MyceliUm may produce upto a kilometer of new Hyphae in only:

97 / 140

Red rot Is disease of

98 / 140

Zygospore Is

99 / 140

Yeast reproduces sexually by forming

100 / 140

Zygote of rhizopus directly develops into

101 / 140

Members of Basidiomycota are commonly called

102 / 140

An association between a fungus and roots of higher plants is

103 / 140

The Zygomycetes

104 / 140

Main fungi can tolerate temperature extremes below freezing?

105 / 140

Which one of the following is not saprotrophic fungus

106 / 140

Perforated hyphae are

107 / 140

Which of the following character does not belong to ascomycota

108 / 140

An asexual reproductive structure made up of small clusters of hyphae with algae

109 / 140

Athlete foot is of an

110 / 140

Penecilium contains

111 / 140

Suporficial layer of lichens is formed by

112 / 140

Club fungi, belong to the group:

113 / 140

Simple breaking of mycelium of some hyphgl fungi is:

114 / 140

A plant body which is not differential into root, stem and leaves is known as the

115 / 140

Mildews and most rust species are:

116 / 140

Which of the following adaptations-help fungi to live on land?

117 / 140

Due to the excessive use for genetic research is called the king of genetics

118 / 140

E. coli_______ of fungi are the

119 / 140

Which of the following is not a similarity of fungus with plants

120 / 140

Which of the following is used for lowering blood cholestror?

121 / 140

In penicilium aonidia are

122 / 140

Asperglius is

123 / 140

Property not belongs to Aspergillus:

124 / 140

Which of the following is not symptom of Ergotism?

125 / 140

The fungi which obtain their food from organic matter are called:

126 / 140

Extensive damages are caused to wheat due to

127 / 140

In mitosis of fungi

128 / 140

Reindeer moss used as food for reindeers in arctic region is a

129 / 140

Lovastatin is used for lowering blood:

130 / 140

Which of the following is termed 'death angel'?

131 / 140

Black spores are formed in

132 / 140

The group of Fungi in which sexual reproduction is not been observedi:

133 / 140

A species of smut fungi causing smut disease in sweet corn is

134 / 140

Spore produced inside the reproductive structures called:

135 / 140

About how many of all kinds of vascular plants have mycorrhizal association ?

136 / 140

Aseptate hyphae are

137 / 140

One of the following is used for giving flavor, aroma and characteristic color to some cheese

138 / 140

All of following belong to Deuteromycota oxcept:

139 / 140

Carcinogenic aflatoxins are produced by:

140 / 140

Fungi can tolerate a wide range of pH from

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