11th Class Biology MCQs Chapter No.5 Variety of Life

F.Sc Biology 1st Year MCQs Chapter No.5 Variety of Life. FSc, First Year Multiple Choice Questions, Medical College ( MDCAT ) , ECAT & University Admission Entry Test Exams Online Preparation, Chapter Wise Question Answers, Old Board Papers reference with Each Question, All Queries accommodated within 24 Hours. Click here to Contact us for any Query/Question regarding Exams.

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Biology – 1st Year
Chapter Name : Variety of Life
Chapter No. 05
Question Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]
Note : All MCQ’s selected in this test are from OLD F.Sc. board , UHS and PMC(Pakistan Medical Commission) Islamabad Papers.

Book Name :  Biology
Chapter No. 05
Chapter Name : Variety of Life
Total MCQ from Text Book :  122
Book Version  :

Published By : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore
Approved By : Govt of the Punjab and Federal Ministry for Education
Test Type : MCQ’s
Exam conduct By : Inter Boards of Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab & Federal
Class / Grade  : 11 ( F.Sc. Intermediate)
Total Marks : 122
Total Time :  122 minutes

محترم اساتذہ کرام و  پیارے طلبا و طالبات
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GRADE 11 - BIOLOGY CHAPTER NO.05 Variety of Life

GRADE 11 - BIOLOGY CHAPTER NO.05 Variety of Life

1 / 121

The capsomers presOnt in the capsid of adenovirus are:

2 / 121

Enzyme which converts single stranded RNA genome into double stranded viral DNA is called:

3 / 121

Mad cow disease is caused by:

4 / 121

In the lytic cycle of a bacteriophage, the host DNA is:

5 / 121

The enzymes involved in viral replication are synthesized;

6 / 121

Orders include.related:

7 / 121

In the lysogenic cycle the DNA of a bacteriophage:

8 / 121

Twort In 1915 and D'Herelle tn,1917 Independent and by discovered the

9 / 121

BacteroribageTeplicates only in ---------- cell

10 / 121

E Chatton introduced the term eucariotique for describing

11 / 121

In the lytIc cycle of a bacterlophage, the host DNA Is

12 / 121

The word "virus" Is derived from a Latin word:

13 / 121

Zea mays is the biological name of

14 / 121

In the binomial system of taxonomy, developed during 1E3''' century by C. Linnaeus, the first word of an organisms name (e.g. Homo sapiens) is it

15 / 121

The property of proteins to have encoded information for their own replication is found in:

16 / 121

The eukaryoties multicellular organisms are classified into

17 / 121

To accommodate Euglena like organisms and bacteria, kingdom protista was proposed-by

18 / 121

Binomal system of Nomenclature of organisms was devised by

19 / 121

Organplle of symbiotic origin is

20 / 121

The genome surrounded by a protein coat collectively.called as:

21 / 121

The prodess in which the phage is called a prophage is termed as:

22 / 121

The volume of phage is about what times less than host

23 / 121

Pig could be the source of Infection of hepatitis

24 / 121

inflammation of liver Is called

25 / 121

The infectious proteins are

26 / 121

Which one of the following is not aRNA virus?

27 / 121

Which one Is not the characteristic of viruses?

28 / 121

The virus which can be passed to other generations is known as

29 / 121

About 60% of adults are immune is disease:

30 / 121

icosahedral viruses have

31 / 121

Which of the following disease is caused by paramyxovirus

32 / 121

The hereditary material in viruses may be

33 / 121

Parvoviruses have a size of

34 / 121

Venome meaning poisonous is a word:

35 / 121

Viruses cause disease in their host during:

36 / 121

Which of the following is an insect:

37 / 121

Paralnyxoviruset cause the disease;

38 / 121

Temperate phage may exist as

39 / 121

A plant virus usually consists of an outer coat of protein and an inner core of

40 / 121

Pigs aro reservoirs to

41 / 121

Symeptoms shown by patient during actue attack of HBV

42 / 121

The word "virus" Is derived from a Latin word:

43 / 121

Viruses range in size from

44 / 121

All organisms are related to one another at some points in their

45 / 121

Non-enveloped naked viruses are known as?

46 / 121

Of the following which one is the fish

47 / 121

____ involves synthesis, maturation and release of new pliages:

48 / 121

Reproduction in viruses can takes place only when they are inside the body of

49 / 121

The major cell infected by HIV is

50 / 121

The number of carisomeres prpsent in herpes virus capsid is:

51 / 121

Phylogeny describes a species

52 / 121

Reshuffling of the heritable material-can take place In viruses although they do not contain any structure equivalent to the

53 / 121

All eukaryotes that did not fit the definition of plants, fungi or animalia were included in

54 / 121

Our digestive system contains which viruses

55 / 121

Phylogeny descibes a species

56 / 121

The common name of Allium cepa is:

57 / 121

"Host guest relationship" results in

58 / 121

Which category is most general and has emergent properties:

59 / 121

Cells infected by HIV

60 / 121

Infusion hepatitis is caused by

61 / 121

family includes related

62 / 121

Which, of the following statement Is correct about HIV

63 / 121

Measiesand mumps is caused by a virus belonging to a group called as:

64 / 121

Solanum tuberosum is the scientific name of:

65 / 121

The capsid of Herpes virus Is made up of

66 / 121

Lytic property of bacteriophages was rediscovered by

67 / 121

The tail of bactericiphage releases lysozyme to dissolve a portion of bacterial ______

68 / 121

Which one of the following is false about AIDS

69 / 121

In temperate phase, the bacteriophage becomes a

70 / 121

Capsid is made up of protein subunits called

71 / 121

The common name of Allium ceps is

72 / 121

Which one of the following is not a viral disease:

73 / 121

The phase of lifecycle of baCteriophage, which results in the increase of infection

74 / 121

The term filterable virus was described by:

75 / 121

The hereditary material of smallest virus is

76 / 121

Of the following which one is oncovirus

77 / 121

Viral DNA incorporated inside bacterial DNA is called:

78 / 121

The Basic unit of classification is

79 / 121

_____can not be used as criterion for species recognition among predominantly asexually reproducing organisms

80 / 121

Induction is a process in which:

81 / 121

Serum hepatitis is also ,known as

82 / 121

Which of the following characteristics of viruses is not like that of living things

83 / 121

The genus. name of corm plant is:

84 / 121

In binomial nomenclature, the first name is of its.

85 / 121

What is meant by host biosynthetic machinery?

86 / 121

Scientific name for tomato is

87 / 121

The division of Zea mays is

88 / 121

Rabies is due to

89 / 121

Lytic cycle completion occurs about

90 / 121

Delta hepatitis is another name of

91 / 121

Protista was proposed by

92 / 121

A temperat phage may .exist as:

93 / 121

Which phages'consist of head and tail

94 / 121

The fact that a virus can ' be transmitted from an infected organism to a healthy organisrn of the same kind was determined in 1892 by:

95 / 121

A virion is a

96 / 121

When HIV was discovered and named:

97 / 121

The HIV virus causes:

98 / 121

Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a species?

99 / 121

Of the following which one is not the characteristics of species

100 / 121

In general appearance which Phages are icosahedral

101 / 121

All of the folkniving diseases are caused.by RNA virus except:

102 / 121

Disease which is highly contagious:,

103 / 121

Why HIV patient become susceptible to other diseases :

104 / 121

Head and tail of a phage is made up of:

105 / 121

Mad cow infection and mysterious brain infection in man are caused 20by.

106 / 121

The smallest known viruses contain RNA in spherical capsid are the:

107 / 121

Which is NOT a disease of viruses

108 / 121

An Isolated virus la not coneldorod living sinco It

109 / 121

Prions are made up of:

110 / 121

Influenza viruses are

111 / 121

Temperate phage may exist as

112 / 121

Which one of the following is a helical shaped virus?

113 / 121

Hepatitis A is also known as

114 / 121

The smallest virus is of

115 / 121

Hepatitis "B" is also called

116 / 121

The disease in-which vascular lesions in epithelial layers of ectodennal tissue are formed:

117 / 121

Tobacco mosaic virus was crystallized by

118 / 121

Smallpox is caused by:

119 / 121

Twort In 1915 and D'Herelle In 1917 independent and by discovered the:

120 / 121

Foot and mouth disease is caused by:

121 / 121

The first infectious diseaie, against which vaccine was developed was a

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