Biology 11th Class MCQs Chap No.4 The Cell download pdf

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Biology – 1st Year
Chapter Name : The Cell
Chapter No. 04
Question Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]
Note : All MCQ’s selected in this test are from OLD F.Sc. board , UHS and PMC(Pakistan Medical Commission) Islamabad Papers.

Book Name :Ā  Biology
Chapter No. 04
Chapter Name : The CellĀ 
Total MCQ from Text Book :Ā  141
Book Version Ā :

Published By : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore
Approved By : Govt of the Punjab and Federal Ministry for Education
Test Type : MCQ’s
Exam conduct By : Inter Boards of Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab & Federal
Class / Grade Ā : 11 ( F.Sc. Intermediate)
Total Marks : 141
Total Time :Ā  141 minutes


Note : This website is prepared for your Exam preparation. If you get any benefit from this website than Share Website link of these MCQs with your friends.




1 / 141

The chloroplast have grans embedded in the

2 / 141

SER produces

3 / 141

The organelle involved in autophagy is

4 / 141

Mitochondria contains

5 / 141

All the related to secondary cell wall, except:

6 / 141

Secretions are formed (synthetized) in

7 / 141

Fungal cell wall is made up of

8 / 141

Who changed the idea of Robert Hook that cell is the empty space?

9 / 141

An exception to cell theory is

10 / 141

The secretory granules are pinched off at the followings face of the Golgi body

11 / 141

Pepsin is released and packed in

12 / 141

Robert Brown reported the presence of:

13 / 141

Mitochondria an, Invoived In

14 / 141

The plastids that impart colour to the petals of flowers and fruit are

15 / 141

Which statement about the nuclear envelop is not true

16 / 141

Golgi apparatus is concerned with cell:

17 / 141

The smallest size of the cell which you can see with your naked eyes

18 / 141

Omnis cellula e cellula is hypothesized by

19 / 141

Ribosomal RNA is synthesized and stored in

20 / 141

Particles rich In oxidative enzymes Such as peroxidases and glycolic acid oxidase is

21 / 141

Flagella are composed of

22 / 141

Cell membrane has 60-80%:

23 / 141

Organelle of symbiotic origin is:

24 / 141

The filaments involved in determination of cell shape and integration cellular compartments are

25 / 141

Which of the following are prokaryotes

26 / 141

The soluble part of the cytoplasm is called

27 / 141

The seat for Krebs cycle is

28 / 141

The fluid which surrounds the thylakolds is called

29 / 141

Which of the following mechanism is necessary to sustain the structural & functional integrity of living organisms

30 / 141

Glucose Is synthesizeci In the

31 / 141

The colourless triangular or tubular plastids found in underground parts of the plant and store food are

32 / 141

Range of resolution of electron microscope is

33 / 141

Accumulation of lipids in brain cells lead to

34 / 141

All living things have common origin. This was stated by

35 / 141

Detoxification of harmful drugs Is the function of

36 / 141

Chlorophyll molecule resembled with which part& heamoglobin

37 / 141

In prokaryotic the cell wall is composed of

38 / 141

Is called as sub cellular non membranous orcianellc

39 / 141

Which of the following show criss .crost arrangement

40 / 141

The storage diseases are caused by

41 / 141

In unit membrane model, the part attached to globular protein is

42 / 141

Vacuoles serve to

43 / 141

Tay sach disease is because of substance of enzyme that Is Involved in catabolism of:

44 / 141

Chlorophyll Is present In

45 / 141

The processed enzyme are budded off as Golgi vesicles and are called

46 / 141

The structure of cell which provide shape and rigidity to the cell

47 / 141

The organelle In plants that possess enzymes In addition to glycolic acid oxidase and catalase not found In animal cells.

48 / 141

Organelle involved In formation and decinripositibn of hydrogen peroxide in the cell is

49 / 141

The life and activities of a cell is controlled by

50 / 141

? Oxidation of fatty acids occur In

51 / 141

The resolution of typical compound microscope is:

52 / 141

When many Ribosomes get attached to same stretch of mRNA, it is known as

53 / 141

Centromere is a part of

54 / 141

Each centriale contains

55 / 141

AI organisms are catagarized into plants and animals by

56 / 141

Short living organelle abtlent in lipid poor seeds

57 / 141

Lipid accumulation in which vesicles lead to lipid storage disorders

58 / 141

Nucleolus is the site for the synthesis of

59 / 141

Cytosol is the component of the which one of the following

60 / 141

Ribosomes are chemically composed of

61 / 141

Eukaiyotes include animals, plants, fiingi and

62 / 141

Nucleus Is stained with

63 / 141

Glyoxisomes. contain enzymes for

64 / 141

Tay-Sach's disease result due to accumulation of:

65 / 141

Mitochondria contain

66 / 141

Infolding of inner membrane of Mitochondria are called as

67 / 141

OrnnIs Cellula-e-Cellula" was hypothEisized by:

68 / 141

Which of the following is not found In secondary cell wall:

69 / 141

One of the most common enzyme found in peroxisome is

70 / 141

The protein present In niicrotubules is:

71 / 141

Which of the following is the site of lipid synthesis

72 / 141

Cell wall is present in

73 / 141

The material present in the channels of Endoplasmic Reticulum is separated from the cytoplasmic material by tubular membranes called

74 / 141

In lipid rich seeds , Glyoxlsomes are the site for break down fatty acids to

75 / 141

Cytoskiletcm Is made up of

76 / 141

Which of the following reaction take place in mitochondria

77 / 141

Which of the following substance can pass easily through the cell membrance

78 / 141

Who formulated cell theory

79 / 141

Cell theory was finally formulated by

80 / 141

Golgi bodies originated.from

81 / 141

Tubulin fiber is present in

82 / 141

Cell wall is secreted by:

83 / 141

Chromoplast impart colours to the plants other than

84 / 141

All of the following are membrane bound organell except

85 / 141

Organelle are responsible for division of labour In

86 / 141

Membrane bound and containing colour other than green are called

87 / 141

Omnis cellula-e-cellula was hypothesized by

88 / 141

The sites for breakdown of fatty acid to succinate are

89 / 141

Golgi complex is associated with;

90 / 141

In dividing cells the chromatin material is replaced by

91 / 141

Gastric juice contain enzyme for digestion of

92 / 141

Cristae are found in

93 / 141

A group of ribosomes attached to mRNA are known as:

94 / 141

Which of the following substance is highly structured & necessary for existence?

95 / 141

What is the correct term used for a single organism

96 / 141

When cross-section of centriole is observed it shows as it consists of:

97 / 141

A structure found attacked to membranes in cell. It consists of 2 parts. Name it.

98 / 141

The model of unit membrane is found in

99 / 141

Single membrane bounded Organelle is

100 / 141

The digestive vacuoles and autophagosornes are called

101 / 141

The cell which transport or conduct water and mineral from soil to aerial part of the plant .

102 / 141

Lysosomes are different from other organelles due to

103 / 141

The organelle present only during a short period In germination of Lipid rich seeds and is absent In lipid-poor seed such as pea Is

104 / 141

The plasma membrane and everything present within it is called:

105 / 141

Secondary lysosomes are formed by

106 / 141

Who reported the presenceof hucleus In the cell?

107 / 141

Modification of proteins & lipids into Glycoproteins plycolipids Occurs in

108 / 141

Cell theory is

109 / 141

In cross section each centriole consists of a cylindrical array of

110 / 141

The function of peroxisome is

111 / 141

Nucleoli are rich in

112 / 141

Erythrocytes have Pores Per Nucleus

113 / 141

Lysosomes are formed from

114 / 141

Which of the folk:liking the coil membrane.

115 / 141

Cell theory is not applicable to

116 / 141

The primary cell wall is composed of cellulose , pectin and

117 / 141

The strength and rigidity of a cell wall is due to

118 / 141

Lysosomes are surrounded by how many membranes

119 / 141

When many Ribosomes get attached to same stretch of mRNA they form a structure called

120 / 141

Cell organelle such as cilia, flagella, basal bodies and centrioles are derived from special assemblies of

121 / 141

De Duve discovered the cell organelle: .

122 / 141

The structure absent in animal cells

123 / 141

Which membrane is found in prokaryotic cell

124 / 141

Stroma is fluid in the chloropiast which surrounds the

125 / 141

Plastids are present only In:.

126 / 141

The function of centromere is

127 / 141

The surplus food is stored in the plant in

128 / 141

The diploid number of chromosome in frog cell is

129 / 141

Ribosomes are synthesized inside

130 / 141

The resolution of human naked eye is

131 / 141

The number of chroOlosothesin sokinurn tubersurri and chimpanzee

132 / 141

The exact replica of chromosome Is

133 / 141

A polysome is formed by

134 / 141

Which is not found In secondary wall?

135 / 141

The assembly and disassembly of the spindle structure during mitosis is the role of

136 / 141

Which resemble to plasma membrane

137 / 141

Most of cellular secretions are in natu re:

138 / 141

Secretions are the products formed within the Cells is:

139 / 141

Light is trapped in the

140 / 141

Gastric Juice producing glands are present in which of the following layer of stomach

141 / 141

The vesicle of golgi bodies are formed by

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