Financial and physical progress on development Schemes-school EDUCATION Department
In Departmental ADP Review meeting held on 27 12 2019, it has been noted that progress against Block Schemes pertaining to your Districts is nil after a lapse of 06-Months of current Financial Year i.e. 2019-20 pertaining to School Education Sector.
2 The breakup of release of funds against various blocks pertaining to School Education Sector may be seen overleaf. So far, most of the schemes are at tendering stage. It may hamper our development progress in coming days.
3 It is, therefore. requested to kindly look into all the schemes pertaining to School Education Sector and also to direct to all concerned to accelerate the utilization of funds against the development portfolio of School Education Sector Your personal efforts will be helpful to use the precious public funds in a timely manner to achieve the desired objectives Progress on the enclosed format may kindly be arranged by DEAs on enclosed Performa via hard & soft at email address.