Continuous Assessment Process:
- During the first 8 working days of each month, DTE conducts a monthly test in classes 3, 4 & 5.
- He / She completes assessment activity in 2 neighboring schools in one day according to plan.
- He / She provides answer sheet to other schools for marking.
- After collection, DTE makes 10% rechecking using software provided by DSD.
- He / She enters marks in CTSC File and provides result to school before 15th of every month
- Head teacher’s working is assessed on the basis of indicators provided in CTSC File
Mentoring in CPD
DTEs visit the attached schools as per schedule. During one visit, they mentor the following mentoring areas of 1) scheme of work -taleemi calendar-, 2) lesson plan, 3) activity-based teaching and learning, 4) use of support material, 5) interaction with students, 6) classroom management, 7) students’ assessment, and 8) homework.
Professional Development Day
Mandatory Professional Development Day (PD Day) is held for PSTs quarterly at their respective CTSCs and for DTEs every month at their respective DTSCs. The PD day helps teachers and DTEs to share their experiences at a common forum.
- PD Day at CTSCs
As a part of their support network, PSTs meet at their respective CTSCs on the last working day of the month to participate in a follow up PD organized and delivered by DTEs.
- Filling in of participants opinion form is mandatory
- CTSC head conducts the session on problem solving for all the PSTs according to the schedule of PD day.
- All the PSTs submit their problems in writing to CTSC head. The report is sent to DISC on PD day of DTEs to be presented to DEO.
- The concerned DEO takes action/decision accordingly
- Grades of PSTs awarded by concerned DTEs are displayed
- Topics for the discussion are finalized by the DTEs on the basis of
- Topics identified by PSTs
- Topics selected on the basis of students assessment feedback
- Topics selected on the basis of observation of DTEs during mentoring
- One of the 3 groups of PSTs in a district meets on PD day at respective CTSC (as shown in figure). While all the DTEs of that group conduct the PD day (One Group = 3 Clusters).
- Total clusters in district = 60 Total groups in districts = 20 (3 clusters / groups)
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