Category : General Knowledge
Topic : Assessment in Education  [ B.Ed & M.Ed ] QUIZ No.2
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in United States, Australia, Canada, Marshal islands, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, New Zealand, Italy, England, South Africa , Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQs]

All Candidates / Students seeking for Preparation of Any Exams for Jobs (Headmaster,Principal,Senior Headmaster or Lecturer or SS Education) or Entrance Test in Universities and Colleges, We make a best selection of MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) with Questions and Answers Test on our website. All These MCQs are authentic and Taking after our Verification of our Audit Teams from different areas of the World. These Thousands of MCQs cover different National and International Topics. All These MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) are downloadable in pdf format. In this Chapter we cover the Quiz/Exams about ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION.
Job Seeking Candidates use for CSS (Central Superior Service) , FPSC (Federal Public Service Commission Islamabad) , PPSC (Punjab Public Service Commission) , SPSC(Sindh Federal Public Service Commission) , KPPSC(Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission) , BPSC ( Balochistan Public Service Commission) , UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) , PCS (Punjab Civil Services Exam) , IBPS (The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) , UPPSC(UTTAR PRADESH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION PRAYAGRAJ ) ,

In India IAS exam (officially known as the Civil Services Examination) is organized and conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

These ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION General Knowledge MCQs are best for different departments like Railway, Banking , Education (Schools and Colleges),Electricity(WAPDA) or in any Private Industry.

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Education - Educational Assessment Test No.11

1 / 80

If a criterion referenced test is reliable, then score test are:


2 / 80

Test designed to measure the learning during specific time of an individual is referred type of test as:

3 / 80

An ability test includes:

4 / 80

Other. things being equal, which type of test tends to have the lowest reliability:


5 / 80

Construct validity is established through:

6 / 80

Which of the following is not a strength of multiple choice items:


7 / 80

Test designed to measure the number of items an individual can attempt correctly in a given time is referred type of test as:

8 / 80

The quality of test that measures "what it claims to measure" is

9 / 80

Good distracter is that which:

10 / 80

The quality testing in education is only possible by using..

11 / 80

Diagnostic evaluation is done:

12 / 80

Is calculated by adding all the scores in distribution and then diving that sum by the numbers of scores..

13 / 80

Monitoring the outcomes  with reference to the objectives the term used is called:

14 / 80

Measurement answers the question

15 / 80

Item Analysis focuses to find out:

16 / 80

Improvement of scores on a post test after having the pre test the threat affecting the results is referred as:

17 / 80

What the individual can perform in future is measured..

18 / 80

Th most Significant advantage in the true-false test is

19 / 80

The first step in constructing a test is to..

20 / 80

27% of the papers with the highest scores = lowest score = 10. When H=8, L=3 for item No. 10. What is the index of difficulty for item No. 10?

21 / 80

Achievement Test batteries are widely used at:

22 / 80

The Main purpose of Classroom testing is:

23 / 80

The type of interview when interviewee is one..

24 / 80

What is the Average of 20, 21, 22, 23..

25 / 80

The scores of student in a paper is

26 / 80

A test answers the question

27 / 80

A sum of questions is

28 / 80

The instrument to measure is

29 / 80

The scale that is used for attitude measurement is named as:




30 / 80

The collection of productive work called to evaluate that performance of students is:

31 / 80

The best measure to avoid the guessing in a structured  test is to use:

32 / 80

If the scoring of the test is not effected by any factor, quality of test is called:

33 / 80

CRT is clearly defined and delimited domain of

34 / 80

The quality of test to give same scores when administered at different occasions is:

35 / 80

Test item discriminates 100% when its value for discrimination is..

36 / 80

The planned interview is:

37 / 80

The quality of test showing ease of time, cost, administration and interpretation is called:

38 / 80

We use simulation as a teaching technique in..

39 / 80

 A symbol indicating the performance of the student is

40 / 80

High and low achievers arc sorted out by..

41 / 80

The characteristic of a test to discriminate between high achievers and low achievers is..

42 / 80

Test item is very easy when value of facility index / difficulty level is higher than:

43 / 80

Measurement is the

44 / 80

The most significant advantage of true____false items is..

45 / 80

Facility index (Difficulty level) of an item determines'?

46 / 80

Learning difficulties during instruction can be checked with the help of evaluation type called:


47 / 80

Use of many selected responses in a test can provide good:

48 / 80

Variation in the scores of an individual from time to

time could be best judged by reliability techniques of..

49 / 80

The basic function of educational measurement is to find out student's:

50 / 80

Usually NRT is not used for

51 / 80

The type of test Used for obtaining dependable ranking of the students is:

52 / 80

What is the Mode of 5, 6, 3, 5, 7, 2, 5, 7:

53 / 80

Test item is acceptable when its facility index / difficulty level ranges from:

54 / 80

 Evaluation is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing data in order to make

55 / 80

Seventy fifth percentile may also be termed as:


56 / 80

Evaluation Techniques are selected on the basis.of

57 / 80

The final product of measurement is:


58 / 80

Instructional objectives must include

59 / 80

The chief point of distinction between teacher_____made test and standardized tests lies in the area of:


60 / 80

Discussion is concentrated on one problem in..

61 / 80

A test designed to know the students position in a group is called

62 / 80

If the sample of the question in the test is sufficiently large enough, the quality of test is:

63 / 80

Test item is very difficult when value of facility index / difficulty level is less than:

64 / 80

Discrimination power of an item is acceptable when its value ranges from:

65 / 80

When constructing multiple choice items, it is best to:

66 / 80

The type of marking and reporting system is:

67 / 80

Evaluation answers the question

68 / 80

Test item can not discriminate low achievers and high achievers when its value is lower than:

69 / 80

The most comprehensive term used in the process of educational testing is called:

70 / 80

The standard error of measurement is a measure of:

71 / 80

The primary determinant of a grade is the________of students

72 / 80

Essay test have advantage over the objective because they:

73 / 80

The I.Q of a student having twelve years mental age and ten years physical age will be:

74 / 80

 The first draft of objectives needs to be

75 / 80

Bad distracter is that which:

76 / 80

Spearman-brown prophecy formula is..

77 / 80

An aptitude test measure is..

78 / 80

The first and most important step in making a test is..

79 / 80

In a multiple choice .test number of alternatives (N) is 4.

What would be the score of candidate who has done 40 items correctly and,9 items wrongly?

80 / 80

What is interview called when interviewee are more than one..

Your score is

The average score is 50%


[mtouch quiz 110]

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