Category : General Knowledge
Topic : Assessment in Education  [ B.Ed & M.Ed ] QUIZ No.1
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in United States, Australia, Canada, Marshal islands, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, New Zealand, Italy, England, South Africa , Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQs]

All Candidates / Students seeking for Preparation of Any Exams for Jobs (Headmaster,Principal,Senior Headmaster or Lecturer or SS Education) or Entrance Test in Universities and Colleges, We make a best selection of MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) with Questions and Answers Test on our website. All These MCQs are authentic and Taking after our Verification of our Audit Teams from different areas of the World. These Thousands of MCQs cover different National and International Topics. All These MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) are downloadable in pdf format. In this Chapter we cover the Quiz/Exams about ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION.
Job Seeking Candidates use for CSS (Central Superior Service) , FPSC (Federal Public Service Commission Islamabad) , PPSC (Punjab Public Service Commission) , SPSC(Sindh Federal Public Service Commission) , KPPSC(Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission) , BPSC ( Balochistan Public Service Commission) , UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) , PCS (Punjab Civil Services Exam) , IBPS (The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) , UPPSC(UTTAR PRADESH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION PRAYAGRAJ ) ,

In India IAS exam (officially known as the Civil Services Examination) is organized and conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

These ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION General Knowledge MCQs are best for different departments like Railway, Banking , Education (Schools and Colleges),Electricity(WAPDA) or in any Private Industry.

This online Practice Test with Examples leads the Candidates towards Success.

For HM/SHM/SS Education Preparation of Competition Exam we provide near about 2000 MCQ’s , Which definitely give you success in PPSC , SPSC , FPSC , KPSC , BPSC Exams..
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Education - Educational Assessment Test No.10

1 / 80

The purpose or table of specification is:

2 / 80

Procedures used to determine person's abilities is..

3 / 80

The purpose of the evaluation is to make:

4 / 80

The item in the column for which a match is sought is..


5 / 80

The most widely applicable test items is..

6 / 80

Instrument used for measuring sample of behaviour is:

7 / 80

Value that divides the data into equal parts is:

8 / 80

In a norm referenced test which item is-best. Whose:

9 / 80

The length of a test is an important factor in obtain


10 / 80

The difference between maximum and minimum values is:

11 / 80

which of the following statment is a criterion referenced interpretation:

12 / 80

The purpose of evaluation is to:

13 / 80

The test made to compare the performance of student

with the other students is called:

14 / 80

Test meant for prediction on 'a certain criterion are


15 / 80

Which questions arc difficult to mark with reliability:

16 / 80

The purpose of evaluation is 'to make judgment about educational..

17 / 80

The founder of modern intelligent tests was:

18 / 80

Identifying relationship between two  things is demonstrated by:

19 / 80

Students performance is compared with others students in..

20 / 80

A formal and systematic procedure of getting information is:

21 / 80

Tests involving the construction of certain patterns or solving problems in terms of concrete  materials are called..

22 / 80

Summative evaluation is used:

23 / 80

The list of suggested answers in M.C.Qs is..

24 / 80

Projective techniques are used to measure:

25 / 80

Alternative response item is..

26 / 80

Vast of all in scope?

27 / 80

The type of essay item in which contents are limted is:

28 / 80

The number of score lying in a class interval is:

29 / 80

Which one is not the type of test by purpose..

30 / 80

The formula for Mean is used:

31 / 80

The statement of problem in M.C.Qs is..

32 / 80

The incorrect options in M.C.Q are:

33 / 80

Broader in meaning is:

34 / 80

The process of obtaining numerical value is..

35 / 80

Objectives representing the purposes of instruction of a

teacher are called:

36 / 80

The score of a student getting 70 correct and 30
incorrect answers in M.C.Q items having four options by applying guessing correction formula will be:

37 / 80

Ruder-Richardson method is used to estimate:

38 / 80

The summative evaluation is..

39 / 80

The main advantage of essay type is:

40 / 80

A sum of questions is:

41 / 80

Which appropriate verb will you use to make an objective behavioral?

42 / 80

The score of 1 student getting 70 correct and 30
incorrect answer in True / False items by applying guessing correction formula will be:

43 / 80

Which question have increasing objectivity of marking:

44 / 80

Permanent difficulties in learning arc investigated in..

45 / 80

A multiple choice question is composed of question or

statement referred as:

46 / 80

The least in scope is..

47 / 80

Facility value of less than 0.20 means:

48 / 80

The test measures what we intend to measure

quality of the test is called:

49 / 80

The most commonly used guessing correction formula to predict and control is:

50 / 80

To assess achievement at the end or instructions is:

51 / 80

In which question marking will be more reliable?

52 / 80

"Table of specification" helps in:

53 / 80

The type of the test by method is:

54 / 80

Student's performance is compared with clearly defined learning tasks in:

55 / 80

Test that measure learning out come of students is:

56 / 80

Discrimination value of more than 0.4 means:

57 / 80

The formula to determine 1.Q was presented by:

58 / 80

The supply type test item is:

59 / 80

The alternative name of the "table of specification" is..

60 / 80

How many columns matching items have:

61 / 80

Running description of active behavior of a student as observed by the teacher is:

62 / 80

Limited to quantitative description of pupils performance is..

63 / 80

Frequent used tools of summative evaluation are:

64 / 80

Median of 1, 6, 4, 5, 2, 3, is:

65 / 80

The ability to select, organize, integrate and evaluate
ideas is demonstrated by:

66 / 80

The most widely used fomat on standardized test in USA is..

67 / 80

In Multiple - choice item, the stem of the items should be:

68 / 80

The correct option in M.C.Q is..

69 / 80

 The right sequence is:

70 / 80

The first step in measurement is

71 / 80

The appearance of normal curve resembles with..

72 / 80

A test very popular with class-room teacher is:

73 / 80

1.Q of a student having same physical and mental win age will be..

74 / 80

Objective type question have advantage over essay

because such questions:

75 / 80

Table of specification is prepared by..

76 / 80

The purpose of formative evaluation is:

77 / 80

In norm referenced test the comparison is between..

78 / 80

The Analysis of items is necessary in..

79 / 80

Evaluation that monitors learning progress is:

80 / 80

The tests designed to predict future performance is..

Your score is

The average score is 63%


[mtouch quiz 109]

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