Category : General Knowledge
Topic : Administration of Schools [ B.Ed & M.Ed ] QUIZ No.2
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in United States, Australia, Canada, Marshal islands, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, New Zealand, Italy, England, South Africa , Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQs]

All Candidates / Students seeking for Preparation of Any Exams for Jobs (Headmaster,Principal,Senior Headmaster or Lecturer or SS Education) or Entrance Test in Universities and Colleges, We make a best selection of MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) with Questions and Answers Test on our website. All These MCQs are authentic and Taking after our Verification of our Audit Teams from different areas of the World. These Thousands of MCQs cover different National and International Topics. All These MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) are downloadable in pdf format. In this Chapter we cover the Quiz/Exams about ā€œADMINISTRATION OF SCHOOLS IN EDUCATION SYSTEMSā€.

Job Seeking Candidates use for CSS (Central Superior Service) , FPSC (Federal Public Service Commission Islamabad) , PPSC (Punjab Public Service Commission) , SPSC(Sindh Federal Public Service Commission) , KPPSC(Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission) , BPSC ( Balochistan Public Service Commission) , UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) , PCS (Punjab Civil Services Exam) , IBPS (The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) , UPPSC(UTTAR PRADESH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION PRAYAGRAJ ) ,

In India IAS exam (officially known as the Civil Services Examination) is organized and conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

TheseĀ ADMINISTRATION OF SCHOOLS IN EDUCATION SYSTEMSĀ General Knowledge MCQs are best for different departments like Railway, Banking , Education (Schools and Colleges),Electricity(WAPDA) or in any Private Industry.

This online Practice Test with Examples leads the Candidates towards Success.

For ONLINE PREPARATION OF NTS TEST FOR EDUCATORS JOBS IN PUNJAB SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ,Ā HM/SHM/SS Education Preparation of Competition Exam we provide near about 2000 MCQ’s , Which definitely give you success in PPSC , SPSC , FPSC , KPSC , BPSC Exams..




1 / 87

How much concession in fees is admissible for brothers/ sisters of a student in an institution under same management:

2 / 87

Determination of human and material resources for successful management is:

3 / 87

Wastage of resourses, time and work is prevented in administration by the function of:

4 / 87

The biggest library in pakistan is:

5 / 87

Coordinating, stimulating and directing the growth of teacher is the purpose of:

6 / 87

Who belongs to vacation department:

7 / 87

The process undertaken to coordinate the activities of others to achieve the results is known as:

8 / 87

An element of fear and anxiety is found in:

9 / 87

How many times maternity leave can be availed by female servants in vacation department:

10 / 87

When is stock annually checked or physically verified:

11 / 87

What is the major penalty under E&D rules:

12 / 87

The maximum period of leave on full pay that can be granted at one time with medicial certificate is:

13 / 87

Earned leaves that a civil servant in vacation department can avail per month:

14 / 87

In which register, remarks are written when a students is commended for a special merit or report or punished for misbehaviour:

15 / 87

After devolution the post created to control education at district level is:

16 / 87

The first step in the process of administration is:

17 / 87

Funds of schools are received from:

18 / 87

Money received and disbursed is entered in:

19 / 87

The period of maternity leave is:

20 / 87

The budget in which salaries of employees are demanded is:

21 / 87

Time table of a school depends upon:

22 / 87

The space required for classroom in Elementary school is:

23 / 87

Chairperson of school council is:

24 / 87

Selecting people to meet needs of activities is:

25 / 87

Generally a primary school timing is:

26 / 87

Maximum leaves sanctioned at atime under ordinary circumstances are:

27 / 87

The special daily allowance of an officer in BPS-19 is:

28 / 87

Layoff of an employee means:

29 / 87

The concept of inspection was first introduced in:

30 / 87

The element that regulates the management activities is:

31 / 87

Stock register is used for writing stock:

32 / 87

The process of efficiently getting activities completed with and through other people is called:

33 / 87

Maternity leave can be availedby ladies in non vacation departments for:

34 / 87

Tuition fee is received from:

35 / 87

Maximum casual leaves sanctioned at a time under special circumstances are:

36 / 87

The space required for classroom in secondary school is:

37 / 87

The leaves that can not be refused is:

38 / 87

The Service Book is maintained for the civil servants of grade:

39 / 87

Co-curricular activities organized to develop social values in student are:

40 / 87

Earned leaves of non-gazetted officers maintained:

41 / 87

The budget in which grants for new construction are demanded is:

42 / 87

First statement of excesses and surrender is sent to department in month of:

43 / 87

School Management is concerned with:

44 / 87

The least distance for which traveling allowance can be availed is:

45 / 87

For how many consecutive days absence without leave, name of boys shall be struck off the rolls:

46 / 87

The last step in decision making is to:

47 / 87

Job specification means:

48 / 87

Correspondence register is used:

49 / 87

Casual leaves per annum are:

50 / 87

The share of science fund in union fund at Elementary level is:

51 / 87

The maximum Limit for maternity leave is:

52 / 87

The maximum period of leave preparatory to retirement is:

53 / 87

Which one is not the basic Element of Management:

54 / 87

The maximum period of leave on full pay without medicial certificate is:

55 / 87

All entries in cash book are initiated by:

56 / 87

The salary is given as leave encashment for:

57 / 87

The use of funds received from students is:

58 / 87

The condition for leave encashment is:

59 / 87

The function of school Management Committee is:

60 / 87

Inspection officers of education department pen down the particulars, merits, demerits,and views in:

61 / 87

Which register is used to convey the orders to head of institution and Govt to employee:

62 / 87

The characteristics of community is:

63 / 87

School management committees were established on:

64 / 87

Cash book should be written:

65 / 87

The maximum period of leave without pay is:

66 / 87

The period of study leave for the degree of Doctorate is:

67 / 87

What is the minor penalty under E&D rules:

68 / 87

The sources of income of school is:

69 / 87

Private school in pakistan were nationalizated in:

70 / 87

The determination of human and material resources for successful management is:

71 / 87

If the manager is doing the evaluation of a project he is at stage of:

72 / 87

The earned leave account of Gazetted servants is maintained by:

73 / 87

Budgeting is an estimation of:

74 / 87

In 1964 Loontz and Donel divided management into five parts as:

75 / 87

Expenses of newspapers, coal, ice, stationery are written in:

76 / 87

The authorized person of staff performance is:

77 / 87

In Laissez faire Leadership- the leader:

78 / 87

Marriage grant can be received by a grovenment servant or the marriage of the daughter:

79 / 87

Earned leaves that a civil servant in non-vacation department can avail per month:

80 / 87

Who manages the elementary school at District Level:

81 / 87

M.I.S is the abbreviation of:

82 / 87

Study leave is granted to a government servant after continuous service of:

83 / 87

When a new programme is started the management process will start from the element:

84 / 87

Sparkplug of the school is:

85 / 87

The successful andsystematic working of a school depends on suitable:

86 / 87

School Management Committee was renamed in 2000 as:

87 / 87

For how many consecutive days absence without leave, name of girls shall be struck off the rolls:

Your score is

The average score is 64%


[mtouch quiz 231]

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