DPI SE Lahore Punjab finalized a committee which can verify and update the seniority list of SST all over the Punjab. They consolidate the seniority list accordance to merit score assigned by the Selection Committee / authority at district level. For this purpose the committee need the Merit score of all Teachers inducted especially in 2009 and onwards.
Some of DEO in Punjab still fail to understand the things. In this letter all clarifications are very clear. According to service rules. Now this committee need the one more column in Seniority list from each district which include the Merit score marks assigned the Selection Authority / Committee in each District.
A committee is hereby constituted comprising of the following members regarding updation / verification of Seniority Lists of officers / teachers (Male & Female / BS-I6) at Provincial level corrected upto 31.12.2008. The detail of the committee members is as under-
1. Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Hyder, Assistant Director (Admn-Male)
2. Mr. IJaz Ahmad, Superintendent (PC-I).
3. Mr. Suleman Innayat, Assistant (Admn-Female).
4. Mr. Shabbir Ahmad, SST (Science) GHSS, Muzang, Lahore.
In the consolidated seniority list of SSTs (Malc!BS-16) and SSTs (Female/BS-16) corrected upto 31.12.2008, regular officers working in BS-16 against the posts of Secondary School Teachers, Head Teachers of the Elementary Schools, regular Assistant Education Officers (General & Physical Education) will be included accordingly.
The following preparation criteria has been adopted with reference to the direction issued by The Secretary Schools, Govt. of the Punjab, School Education Department, vide No. SO(SE-111)7-207/2019 dated 02-06- 2022 containing subject.
It is clarified that seniority is determined in accordance with the provisions of Section-7 of the Punjab Civil Servants Act 1974 read with rule 8(1) &(2) of the Punjab Civil Servants(Appointment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1974 made thereunder, Section-7 of Punjab Civil Servants Act 1974 provides “Seniority in a post, service, or cadre to which a civil servant is promoted shall take effect from the date of regular appointment to that post provided that civil servants who are selected for promotion to a higher post in one batch shall on their promotion to the higher post retain their inter-si- seniority in the lower post”
Furthermore. Rule-8 of the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1974 provides that the inter se seniority of persons appointed to posts in the same grade in a functional unit shall be determined in the following manner:-
(a) In the case of persons appointed by initial recruitment in accordance with the order of merit assigned by the Selection Authority, provided that the persons, selected for appointment to the grade in an earlier selection shall range senior to the persons selected in latter selection.•
(b) In the case of persons appointed otherwise, with referene to the dates of their continus appointment in the grade, provided that if the date of continue appointment in the case of two or more persons appointed to a grade is the same, the older if not junior to the younger in the next below grade, shall rank senior to the younger person.
2. The seniority of the persons appointment by initial recruitment to the grade ,vis-a-vis those appointed otherwise shall be determined with reference to the date of continuous appointment to the grade; provided that if two dates are the same, the person appointed other wise shall rank senior to the person appointed by initial recruitment; provided further that Inter se seniority of person belonging to the same category will not be altered.”
Refer to the Rule-8 of the the Punjab Civil Servants(Appointment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1974 provides that the Inter se seniority of persons appointed to posts in the same grade in is functional unit shall be determined in the following manner:-
I. (a) In the case of persons appointed by initial recruitment in accordance with the order of merit assigned by the Selection Authority, provided that the persons, selected for appointment to the grade in on earlier selection shall rungs senior to the persons selected in latter selection.
(b) In the case of persons appointed otherwise, with referene to the dates of their continues appointment in the grade, provided that if the date of continous appointment in the case of two or more persons appointed to a grade is the same, the older if not junior to the younger in the next below grade, shall rank senior to the younger person.
The seniority of the persons appointment by initial recruitment to the grade vis-a-vis those appointed otherwise shall be determined with reference to the date of continuous appointment to the grade; provided that if two dates are the same, the person appointed otherwise shall rank senior to the person appointed by initial recruitment: provided further that inter se seniority of person belonging to the same category will not be altered.”
Endst. No. /AD(PC-I),
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to.
1. P.A to Director Public Instruction (SE) Punjab, Lahore.
2- All officers (Members) concerned.
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