Class 10th Biology MCQs Quiz 2 pdf download Homeostasis

10th Class Chapter No.2 Quiz No.2
Biology MCQs Online Quiz

All MCQs Selected from Old Board Papers
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Total MCQs ( in this Quiz ) = 56

71.Which would NOT be present in the filtrate entering the Bowman\’s capsule of nephron?

A. To keep the body cool and to remove excess proteins.
B. To keep the body warm and to filter the blood
C. To filter the blood and to remove waste products
D. To remove waste products and to cool the body

D. To remove waste products and to cool the body

72.During peritoneal dialysis, the waste materials move from:

A. Water
B. Calcium ions
C. Blood cells
D. Urea

B. Calcium ions

73.The core temperature of human body remains at about:

A. The abdomen to the dialysis fluid
B. The dialysis fluid to the peritqneum blood vessels
C. The peritoneum blood vessels to the dialysis fluid
D. The dialysis fluid to the abdomen

C. The peritoneum blood vessels to the dialysis fluid


A. 38°C
B. 37°C
C. 39°C
D. 36°C

B. 37°C

75.Stable internal conditions are important for the

A. the maintenance of internal condition of body at equilibrium despite changes in external environment
B. changes in the environment
C. change the internal condition according to external
D. change the external condition according to internal

A. the maintenance of internal condition of body at equilibrium despite changes in external environment

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