Class 10th Biology MCQs Quiz 2 pdf download Homeostasis

10th Class Chapter No.2 Quiz No.2
Biology MCQs Online Quiz

All MCQs Selected from Old Board Papers
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Total MCQs ( in this Quiz ) = 56

96.What is removed by rubber plant as a waste material?

A. latex
B. gums
C. calcium oxalate
D. mucilage

A. latex

97. On the basis of available amount of water and salts, plants are divided into

A. two groups
B. three groups
C. four groups
D. five groups

B. Three groups

98.Hydrophytes are the plants which live completely or partially sub-merged in

A. fresh water
B. marine water
C. stagnant water
D. hard and dirty water

A. Fresh Water

99.Which plants have broad leaves and large number of stomata

A. Hydrophytes
B. Xerophytes
C. Halophytes
D. Bryophytes

A. Hydrophytes

100.Which of the following statement is false about hydrophytes:

A. They have developed mechanism for the removal of water
B. They do not face the problem of water shortage
C. They have large number of stomata on their upper surface
D. They live in stagnant water

D. They live in stagnant water

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