Class 10th Biology MCQs Quiz 2 pdf download Homeostasis

10th Class Chapter No.2 Quiz No.2
Biology MCQs Online Quiz

All MCQs Selected from Old Board Papers
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Total MCQs ( in this Quiz ) = 56

101.Plants live in dry environment are:

A. xerophytes
B. halophytes
C. hydrophytes
D. amphibians

A. xerophytes

102.In Xerophytes, what is the function of parenchyma cells

A. to store large quantities of water
B. to remove large quantities of water
C. to remove waste products
D. to remove useless salts from plant body

A. to store large quantities of water

103.Due to parenchyma cells, the plant roots and stems become juicy and wet, and these organs are known as:

A. succulent organs
B. dehydrated organs
C. dry organs
D. dormant organs

A. succulent organs

104.The common example of xerophytes is:

A. water lily
B. seagrass
C. touch me not
D. cactus

D. cactus

105.Which statement is false about xerophytes?

A. They have less stomata to reduce the rate of transpiration
B. They have thick, wexy cuticle over their epidermis
C. Such plants have deep roots to absorb water
D. The common example of xerophytes is water lily

D. The common example of xerophytes is water lily

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