Class 10th Biology MCQs Quiz 2 pdf download Homeostasis

10th Class Chapter No.2 Quiz No.2
Biology MCQs Online Quiz

All MCQs Selected from Old Board Papers
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Total MCQs ( in this Quiz ) = 56

76.Despite eating a rich meal in carbohydrates, the blood glucose level remains:

A. inefficient functioning of oxygen
B. inefficient functioning of sensitive body organs
C. efficient functioning of enzymes
D. inefficient functioning of carbohydrates

C. efficient functioning of enzymes


A. 1 g per litre
B. 2g per litre
C. 5g per litre
D. 6g per litre

A. 1 Gram per litre

78.The maintenance of internal body temperature is called

A. is maintenance of amount of water and salts in body fluids
B. is maintenance of internal temperature of body
C. is maintainance of external environment according to internal environment
D. is maintainance of glucose level in sugar

A. is maintenance of amount of water and salts in body fluids

79.The process in which metabolic wastes are eliminated from body to maintain internal condition is called:

A. Osmoregulation
B. Theromoregulation
C. Excretion
D. Digestion

B. Theromoregulation

80.Materials that are produced during body metabolism that may harm the body is

A. excretion
B. respiration
C. digestion
D. oxidation

A. excretion

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