EXTENSION IN SCHEDULE FOR ENROLMENT/ADMISSION IN 9TH CLASS FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2023-2025, Punjab Boards Chairmen’s Committee today notify the new date for registration in 9th Class without late fee. This notification issued from PBCC office in Lahore Board Punjab. After this letter , all students which want to get admission in Class 9th as regular students.
I am directed to inform that the Punjab Boards Committee of Chairpersons (PBCC) has approved, in-anticipation, the following revised schedule for online Enrollment / Admission for Class-IX (9th) for the academic session 2023-2025 for all BISEs in Punjab:

Sr. # | Schedule | Last dates of admission in Educational Institutions, online data entry and submission of original computerized Fee Challan/hard copy of Enrollment Return |
i) | Admission in Class-IX (9th) without late fee | 01-04-2023 to 22-05-2023 |
ii) | Admission in Class-IX (9th) with late fee of Rs.600/- per student (payable to Board) | 23-05-2023 to 06-06-2023 |
Accordingly, you are requested to circulate the above mentioned revised schedule of enrollment / admission to all the affiliated educational institutions within the territorial jurisdiction of your Board.
Secretary PBCC/BISE, Lahore
Copy to:-
1. P.S to Chairman PBCC/Secretary HED
2. All the Secretaries BISEs in Punjab
3. Public Relations Officer, PBCC

9th Class Past Papers download pdf
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