United Nations Questions Answers MCQs Online Quiz download

United Nations General Knowledge MCQs

21. Which of the following is true of the International Court of Justice?

A. The Court consists of 20 judges
B. The judges of the court are appointed according to the discretion of the Security General
C. The statute of the International Court of Justice is not an integral part of the UN Charter
D. No two judges may belong to the same country

D. No two judges may belong to the same country

22. Which of the following is used as the logo of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)?

A. Lion
B. Camel
C. Deer
D. Panda

D. Panda

23. Which organ of UNO is considered as world parliament?

A. General Assembly
B. Security Council
C. International Court of Justice
D. Trusteeship Council

A. General Assembly

24. “Match the following:
Organization    Headquarters

A. ILO        1. Paris
B. UNESCO      2. Rome
C. IBRD    3. Geneva
D. FAO     4. Washington DC

A. A(1) B(4) C(3) D(2)
B. A(2) B(1) C(4) D(3)
C. A(3) B(1) C(4) D(2)
D. A(3) B(2) C(4) D(1)

C. A(3) B(1) C(4) D(2)

25. The headquarters of UNESCO is in

A. New York
B. The Hague
C. Paris
D. Moscow

C. Paris

26. Who amonst the following leaders took major initative in the formation of the league of Nations?

A. Abraham Lincoln
B. Woodrow Wilson
C. Franklin Roosevelt
D. George Washington

B. Woodrow Wilson

27. Which one of the following is not an official language of the United Nations Organization?

A. Arabic
B. Russian
C. Chinese
D. German

D. German

28. Which one of the following is not a principal organ of the United Nations Organization?

A. International Court of Justice
B. Economic and Social Council
C. Trusteeship Council
D. Food and Agriculture Organization

D. Food and Agriculture Organization

29. “Consider the following statements with reference to the United Nations Organization:
1. The General Assembly meets once in two years
2. The Security Council has 15 members
3. The non-permanent members of the Security Council are elected for a two-year term
Which of the statement given above is/are correct?”

A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 only
D. 1, 2 and 3

B. 2 and 3

30. The united Nations (UN) General Assembly proclaimed the period 2003-2012 as the

A. United Nations Literacy Decade Education for All
B. Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries particulary in Africa
C. Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonalism
D. InternationalDecade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the Childrne of the World

A. United Nations Literacy Decade Education for All

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