Updation of Students Profile on IEMIS in KPK
Updation of Students Profile on IEMIS in KPK, Integrated Education Management Information System E&SE KPK, Record of Students in KPK, Public Sector Schools in KPK,3.2 Million Students Data on IEMIS in KPK, Elementary & Secondary Education Department Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, E&SE Peshawar, Student Profile in School Education Department,EMIS Code,EMIS COde Stand for Education Management Information System,
I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to state that KPK IEMIS has developed student MIS in the Integrated Education Management Information System (iliNtS) to keep record of students and its allied information. As per record, there are 5.4 million students registered in public sector schools in which 3.2 million students data have been uploaded in the system so far, and remaining 2.2 million students data upload is still awaited. Because of the incomplete data the E&SE department cannot start with teacher/student attendance module in time due to which Secretary E&SE has concerned and directed to complete the students data uploading within a month time.
It is, therefore, Requested to direct all the District Education Officers male/Female for strict compliance the direction of Secretary EASE cited above.
![Updation of Students Profile on IEMIS in KPK Updation of Students Profile on IEMIS in KPK](https://sstpunjab.files.wordpress.com/2022/10/1888.jpg)