Report Regarding Visit of Commissioner to GGHS Ghaziabad
Report Regarding Visit of Commissioner to GGHS Ghaziabad with CEO DEA Lahore, Quality Education and missing facility in School,
- During Visit of 9th Class students did not answer properly about tenses (English).
- During Visit of different classes there was not proper arrangement of light/bulbs/Energy savers (only one bulb was available).
- Drinking Water cooler and dustbin was not available.
- Zero Period regarding Dengue was not properly observed.
- Pana flexes regarding Dengue awareness out said the School not available.
- No proper cleanliness in the School.
Kindly refer to the subject cited above.
It is submitted that worthy Commissioner Lahore Division, Lahore alongwith Chief Executive Officer (DEA) Lahore paid surprise visit to Govt. Girls High School Ghaziabad, Tehsil Shalimar, Lahore and found following observations regarding quality education and missing facilities.
- During Visit of 9th Class students did not answer properly about tenses (English).
- During Visit of different classes there was not proper arrangement of light/bulbs/Energy savers (only one bulb was available).
- Drinking Water cooler and dustbin was not available.
- Zero Period regarding Dengue was not properly observed.
- Pana flexes regarding Dengue awareness out said the School not available.
- No proper cleanliness in the School.
Whereas, 3 Lacs NSB Funds is available and 08 Class-IV Employees are available. It shows that the directions passed by the higher authorities had not been implemented in the schools.
Therefore, I am directed by the authority to request you to provide all the above mentioned missing facilities in the school within 02-days (26-09-2022 to 27-09-2022) positively without failure. On third day, i.e. 28-09-2022 worthy CEO (DEA) Lahore will personally visit the school i.e. GGHS Ghaziabad, Tehsil Shalimar. Lahore to check the provision of missing facilities.
As well as concerned to quality of education, Head is directed to prepare the students for test for the syllabus taught during one week (26.09-2022 to 30-09-2022). Test will be conducted on 03-10-2022 at 09:00 AM.
Syllabus must be conveyed till 12:00 noon on 30-09-2022. In case of failure. Disciplinary proceedings under PEEDA Act-2006 will be initiated against the head of the institution and concerned teachers.
Note: All DEOs arc requested to ensure and make their field visits effective and produce the on daily basis.
Before a few days ago, Dy. Commissioner Lahore Visit the Govt. Boys High School Gulberg-II Lahore and Recommend PEEDA Act against Headmaster. Click here to read PEEDA Act 2006 Report against Rana Mahmood Headmaster GHS Gulberg-2 Lahore