More than 268 Schools in Punjab have No Teacher
268 Schools have No Teacher in Punjab,Teacher Shortage in Punjab,No Teacher in Schools, Schools Without Teachers in Punjab,District Wise Detail of Schools without Teachers, No Teacher No Home Work No Classes,Meet the Schools Without Teachers in Punjab,Schools with one Teacher in Punjab,SIS Data,Schools without Building in Punjab,
According to notification of DPI office Lahore more than 268 School in Punjab have no Teacher, Simply these schools working without Staff. No classes conducted in these Schools. District wise detail report issued by School Education Department.
Government Of the Punjab
School Education Department
(Monitoring Wing)
All the Chief Executive Officers
District Education Author in Punjab
Kindly find attached herewith list of schools without teachers as per SIS.
2. As per SIS, the following No. of schools are showing no teachers in Schools.
Sr. No. | District | Schools Without Teachers | Sr. No. | District | Schools Without Teachers |
1. | Attock | 5 | 17. | Layyah | 2 |
2. | Bahawalnagar | 25 | 18. | Lodhran | 5 |
3. | Bahawalpur | 3 | 19. | Mianwali | 11 |
4. | Chakwal | 5 | 20. | Multan | 9 |
5. | Chiniot | 4 | 21. | Nankana | 2 |
6. | D.G.Khan | 32 | 22. | Okara | 11 |
7. | Faisalabad | 3 | 23 | Pakpattan | 4 |
8. | Gujranwala | 7 | 24. | RYK | 18 |
9. | Gujrat | 2 | 25. | RajanPur | 5 |
10. | Hafizabad | 1 | 26. | Rawalpindi | 5 |
11. | Jehlum | 2 | 27. | Sahiwal | 4 |
12. | Jhang | 3 | 28. | Sargodha | 5 |
13. | Kasur | 3 | 29. | Sheikhupura | 2 |
14. | Khanewal | 4 | 30. | Sialkot | 7 |
15. | Khushab | 5 | 31. | T.T. Singh | 65 |
16. | Lahore | 2 | 32. | Vehari | 7 |
You are requested to provide information regarding zero teacher in schools as per attach. Proforma, to this office through email at (soft copy in Excel sheet) by 02-09.2022 till 10:00 AM positively for information of the Authority.
(Malik Ghulam Fareed) DIRECTOR (MONITORING)
- PSO to Secretary. School Education Department, Lahore.
- PSO to Special Secretary. School Education Department, Lahore.