General Knowledge Question Answers Test MCQs Quiz pdf

General Knowledge Question Answers Test MCQs Quiz pdf

Category : General Knowledge
Topic : General World Issues
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China etc.
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]

General Knowledge Test No. 02


General Knowledge Test No. 02

General Knowledge Test No. 02

1 / 100

Who was the first to classify the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?

2 / 100

Mount Everest is located in...

3 / 100

Which among the Seven Wonders listed by Antipater has survived?

4 / 100

Who among the following is regarded as the "Father of Russian Revolution"

5 / 100

Which country is called "The Playground of Europe"

6 / 100

The greatest contribution of the Romans to the world civilisation has been

7 / 100

The first nuclear device was detonated in...

8 / 100

Which one of the following Sultans established diplomatic relations with China

9 / 100

STD is the abbreviation of which of the following?

10 / 100

Who painted Mona Liza

11 / 100

Deep Blue Black Box is connected with...

12 / 100

Which of the following is the second most populous country of the world?

13 / 100

Which country is called the Land of Pagoda?

14 / 100

The house or shelter of a Zulu tribe is called

15 / 100

The Japanese Prime Minister at the time of World War II was

16 / 100

Laissez faire means

17 / 100

This broadcasting company is funded by the viewers and listeners of its home country who pay a license fee to keep it free from government control as well as advertisers. Name it

18 / 100

The object of the Cabinet Mission was to...

19 / 100

Granivorous animals are those that live on

20 / 100

Brunei is a member of which of  following group of nations?

21 / 100

The Leaning Tower is located in...

22 / 100

The famous "Tennis Court Oath" is associated with the

23 / 100

" Light Year" is the unit of measuring

24 / 100

Which one of the following languages is spoken by the largest number of persons?

25 / 100

The first country to legalise medically assisted suicide is....

26 / 100

Homer was the greatest poet of the language namely:

27 / 100

Name the tree whose wood is used for making cricket bats

28 / 100

Nelson Mandela was the President of which country?

29 / 100

The term 'Green Revolution' stands for

30 / 100

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:


31 / 100

Amnesty International is ...

32 / 100

International Women Day is observed on which of the following dates?

33 / 100

Kalahari Desert is in the country of...

34 / 100

Who among the following is regarded as the forerunner of revenue administration in medieval India

35 / 100

A place where birds are kept is called..

36 / 100

Which of the following pairing is wrong

37 / 100

A bill becomes a law when.......

38 / 100

The number of times in a day the hour-hand and the minute-hand of a clock are at right angles is

39 / 100

The North Atlantic sea route is regarded as an important international trade route because...

40 / 100

Lotus dispute arose between Turkey and France in

41 / 100

Which of the following is not correctly matched

42 / 100

Which one of the following deals with the measurement of the depth of spans, seas, etc?

43 / 100

The house or shelter of an Eskimo is called

44 / 100

The world's busiest inland waterway is

45 / 100

Which is the largest animal in the world

46 / 100

What is the approximate length of the Great Wall of China?

47 / 100

The American Declaration of Independence was written by

48 / 100

Who amongst the following won a Nobel Prize for literature when he was the Head of a Government?

49 / 100

Which of the following statements is incorrect of Bahrain?

50 / 100

Name the place where Gautam Baddha was born

51 / 100

The Divine Right Theory was propogated to

52 / 100

Who introduced the principle of the Doctrine of Lapse

53 / 100

ORBIS is a

54 / 100

Symbol of which of the following is 'White Flag'

55 / 100

The term Fourth Estate refers to

56 / 100

The Moplah Rebellion broke out in

57 / 100

The house of shelter of an Arab called

58 / 100

A place where government records are kept is called

59 / 100

Which American president declared that consumers had the right to safety, to be informed to choose, and to be heard?

60 / 100

Who has said, "Child is the father of man"?

61 / 100

The British Prime Minister at the outbreak of World War II was

62 / 100

The Eiffel Tower is located in...

63 / 100

What was the immediate cause of the outbreak of the First World War

64 / 100

Who was the person behind conversion of East India Company from a trading company into regional power?

65 / 100

Civil Disobedience Movement was started in 1930 for

66 / 100

Niagara Falls are situated in...

67 / 100

Who has not been a Prime minister of Pakistan?


68 / 100

The term 'Billion' is an Expression of which of the following?

69 / 100

Which of the following is not an essential element of the State?

70 / 100

A place where fish are kept is called

71 / 100

The Declaration of Independence of the American Colonies was adopted by the Constitutional Congress on July 4, 1776 at

72 / 100

Why was number seven chosen for a classification of the world's great wondres?

73 / 100

Ten Downing Street is related to whom?

74 / 100

A place where bees are kept is called

75 / 100

The eleven independent states of the former Soviet Union have assumed the name of...

76 / 100

The act or process by which an alien is allowed to enjoy the privileges of a citizen of a country and ceases to be an alien is

77 / 100

What is the name of the clown of the fast food giant McDonald?

78 / 100

Which one of the following is not a sea port?

79 / 100

The immediate cause for the outbreak of the First World War was...

80 / 100

Which of the following countries were the first member countries of the European Economic Community when it was established in 1957

81 / 100

While functioning, what is the temperature level inside a refrigerator?

82 / 100

The movement withdrawn immediately after the Chauri-Chaura incident was...

83 / 100

Which country is called the "Sick Man of Europe"

84 / 100

Which one of the following is known as the "Coffee Port" of the world?

85 / 100

What is the new name of European Community (E.C.)?

86 / 100

The most important reason for dwindling forest resource today is

87 / 100

Scholar Amir Khusro was patronised by the ruler

88 / 100

Who is the founder of the organisation 'Red Cross'

89 / 100

Which of the following Presidents of  America abolished slavery?

90 / 100

The deputation of Muslim leaders to the Viceroy, Lord Minto II, seeking separate electorate was headed by

91 / 100

MOSAD and AMAN are secret agencies of

92 / 100

In the worst ever terrorist attacks on the U.S. soil, South Tower of the World Trade Center in New York was hit by which of the following flights

93 / 100

The East India Company acquired in 1668 the island of Bombay from...

94 / 100


Which of the following countries/nations are referred to as 'Third World'?

95 / 100

One liter of water is equivalent to how many kilograms?

96 / 100

Which one of the following represents the dark, thick rain clouds?

97 / 100

The Parliament of Russia is known as...

98 / 100

The former Soviet Republics that joined Russia to form the "Eurasian Alliance" include

99 / 100

The only couple to win Nobel Prize were the

100 / 100

The first man to reach the south pole on December 14, 1911 was

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The average score is 28%
