General Knowledge Question Answers Test MCQs Quiz No.3 pdf

General Knowledge Question Answers Test MCQs Quiz No.3

Category : General Knowledge
Topic : General World Issues
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China etc.
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]


General Knowledge Test No. 03

General Knowledge Test No. 03

1 / 59

Which is the largest country in the Arabian Peninsula?

2 / 59

Which one of the following lakes forms an international boundary between Tanzania and Uganda?

3 / 59

Which one of the following is not a part of the United Arab Emirates ?

4 / 59

Which of the following is the most porous rock?

5 / 59

The production of rubber tree is better adopted to areas where the climate is_______.

6 / 59

The Prime Minister of which one of the following countries is chosen by the ruling prince from a slate of three candidates put up to him by the President of France'?

7 / 59

Lines joining place of the same earthquake intensity are known as

8 / 59

The theory that refers to an explosin about 10 to 15 billion years ago, which most astronomers believe to be the origin of the Universe, is called ________.

9 / 59

Which type of plants are adapted to grow under drought conditions?

10 / 59

Which one of the following is a metamorphic rock?

11 / 59

Culf streams are caused by ________.

12 / 59

The minimum land area recommended for forest cover to maintain proper ecological balance is

13 / 59

Atmosphere around the earth maintains its ________.

14 / 59

Thickness of atmosphere around the earth is________.

15 / 59

Bill Gates is associated with

16 / 59

The atmospheric pressure at any place is measured by________.

17 / 59

If a magnetic needle is freely suspended at the geographic North Pole_______.

18 / 59

Which next layer is above the troposphere?

19 / 59

Kosovo, is now independent country, before its independence it was part of which of the following counrties?

20 / 59

Which of the following is the smallest ocean of the world?

21 / 59

Which of these cloud forms is found at the highest altitudes?

22 / 59

Which among the following trees is considered the tallest in the world?

23 / 59

Canola refers to special type of oil seed mustard varieties bred for human consumption. The main characteristic of these varieties is that the_______.

24 / 59

Days and nights are of equal duration on March 21 at_______.

25 / 59

Which one of the following was used as a chemical weapon in the First World War?

26 / 59

All vital atmospheric process leading to various climatic and weather conditions take place in the

27 / 59

Which of the following republics did not belong to Yugoslavia?

28 / 59

Which peninsula lies between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov?

29 / 59

The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) has its headquarters at...

30 / 59

The layers of atmosphere are divided into________.

31 / 59

East Timor, is now independent country, before independence it was part of _______.

32 / 59

The mesophere extented above the earth's surface is upto________.

33 / 59

Which of the following sequences represents correctly the different atmospheric layers from the earth's surface?

34 / 59

Select the stranger in the group:

35 / 59

All the following are following are planetary winds except________.

36 / 59

Black holes are stellar objects which ________.

37 / 59

The soil which cracks and shrinks most as it dries is__________.

38 / 59

Which mountain system lies between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea?

39 / 59

On the day of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, the length of day-time on the Antarctic Circle is ______.

40 / 59

Which river forms the Grand Canyon in the United States?

41 / 59

Rows of trees grown along the coastal areas to reduce the impact of cyclones are known as

42 / 59

In which one of the following positions does the Earth revole at a faster rate around the Sun?

43 / 59

South Pole is located in the continent of________.

44 / 59

On the banks of which river is the city of London located?

45 / 59

What kind of soil is treated with gypsum to make it suitable for cropping?

46 / 59

Which one of the following Scholars suggested the earth's origin from gases and dust particles?

47 / 59

Which country was earlier known as Siam?

48 / 59

Which one of the following parts of cold deserts and contitents is correctly matched?

49 / 59

A land-locked country in Africa is

50 / 59

What was the official name of the Simon Commission whicn was appointed, by the British Government in 1927?

51 / 59

Weathering is_______.

52 / 59

Which one of the following phenomena occurs when water vapour condenses around a particle of smoke?

53 / 59

Which one of the following countries has highest percentage of land under cultivation?

54 / 59

According to Simon Winchester's book, how many Tictonic plates are there in the earth?

55 / 59

Which of these cities once served as the capital of Japan?

56 / 59

Which of the following currencies has the highest value in terms of rupees?

57 / 59

State funding of elections takes place in...

58 / 59

Above the earth's surface, troposphere extends to a height of _________.

59 / 59

Which form of iron has got the highest carbon content ?

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