Corrigendum – Date of Regularization Of Educators SSE/SST(CS) in Gujrat
In partial modification of this office Orders Nos.7716/A-1 dated 29.12.20 IS, 7717/A¬1 dated 29.12.2015, 39 I/A-1 dated 27.01.2016, 392/A-I dated 27.01.2016, 393/A-I dated 27.01.2016, 395/A-I dated 27.01.2016, 396/A-I dated 27.01.2016, 600/A-I dated 09.02.2016, 602/A-I dated 09.02.2016, 603/A-I dated 09.02.2016, 604/A-I dated 09.02.2016, 1646/A-1 dated 29.03.2016, 1655/A-1 dated 29.03.2016, 1657/A-1 dated 29.03.2016, 1872/A-1 dated 09.04.2016, 3492/A-1 dated 21.06.2016, 3933/A-I dated 02.08.2016, 5800/A-1 dated 05.12.2016, 2055/A-i dated 16.05.2017 & 3711/A-I dated 11.09.2017 governing regularisation of services of Educators. tie date of regularisation of the following 55 SSEs/SSTs (CS/IT) appointed in 2010-11 under tllc Recruitment Policy 2008-09 may be read as 10.09.2011 instead of 07.08.20I5 as per directions issued by the Govt. of the Punjab, School Education Department, Lahore vide letter No. SO (SE -1)W 5-47/2020 dated 25.09.2020 and the subsequent letter of even No. dated 15.02.2021 and as per recommendation of Scrutiny committee and guideline issued by the Government of the Punjab School Education Department Lahore. The other terms & conditions laid down in their original orders of regularisation shall, however, remain the same:-