SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC Past PAPER No.46

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Category : EDUCATION
Category : PPSC Past Papers & Model/Sample Papers

Topic : Education
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China etc.
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]

Time Limit : 40 Minutes
Total MCQ’s : 40

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SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC PAST MODEL PAPER No. 46

SS Lecturer Education Headmaster PPSC PAST MODEL PAPER No. 46

1 / 40

Research study starts form

2 / 40

A continuous process of human development which never comes to an end is

3 / 40

Pedagogy is concerned with

4 / 40

The concept of free education was given by

5 / 40

Which of the following is NOT associated with non-verbal communication

6 / 40

National Education Policy 1998-2010 was introduced by the government of

7 / 40

The analysis, synthesis and evaluating the student thoughts are measured through

8 / 40

Which of the following are achievable in the classroom

9 / 40

Which of the following is the heart of management process

10 / 40

Planned and systematic effort by open universities to provide the individuals with a second chance of education is called

11 / 40

A relatively permanent influences on behavior through experiences is

12 / 40

In planning and implementing curricula, it draws concepts from

13 / 40

At which stage of cognitive development (Piagetian) the child develops object permanence

14 / 40

Socio_Situational theory of learning is linked with

15 / 40

Symposium is a type of

16 / 40

Nadva-Tul-Ulema was established by

17 / 40

School heads guide their school teachers in appropriate directions. It means they are displaying the behavior related to

18 / 40

Effective teaching is least frequently characterized by

19 / 40

Budgeting is an estimation of

20 / 40

Curriculum which cover the maximum subjects at a time is called

21 / 40

PEC stands for

22 / 40

Which graph illustrates how numerical values change over time

23 / 40

Peoples National University (MOU) was established in the policy of

24 / 40

Which of the following is not an instrument of data collection

25 / 40

Usually co-curricular activities in school are or organized/conducted under the management of

26 / 40

The concept of IQ was first created by

27 / 40

Informal education is

28 / 40

Non-formal education has

29 / 40

SOLO taxonomy has phases

30 / 40

Desirable models of behavior of a society are called

31 / 40

It can be facial expression body language and signal

32 / 40

What kind of knowledge comes from Allah through Prophets

33 / 40

Goals are based in selection of

34 / 40

Project, role playing practical method & laboratory method Is included in

35 / 40

Evaluation is a process of

36 / 40

In motivation process, the reward which are awarded by others as a consequences of an action is

37 / 40

The first all Pakistan Education Conference was presided over by

38 / 40

First detailed report on education in Pakistan was produced in

39 / 40

Education index is one example of a

40 / 40

Charles Wood Dispatch was declared in

Your score is


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