WORLD RECORDS – General Knowledge TEST NO. 3 – Online M.C.Qs for Competition Commission JOB Exams

WORLD RECORDS – General Knowledge TEST NO. 3 – Online M.C.Qs for Competition Commission JOB Exams

Category : General Knowledge
Topic :    The world Records
Basic Purpose : Online Preparation for Competition and Commission Exams for different Jobs/Recruitments in Pakistan , India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Iran and China etc.
Test Type : Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ’s]
Time Limit : 75 Minutes



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WORLD RECORDS - General Knowledge TEST NO. 3

WORLD RECORDS - General Knowledge TEST NO. 3

1 / 75

Who was the first woman to travel into space

2 / 75

Name the largest oil company of the world

3 / 75

Ariha (renamed as Jericho) is considered as the

4 / 75

Which British explorer was the first European to see the Victoria Falls

5 / 75

What is the height of the second highest Mountain peak K-2

6 / 75

Which country has the largest GNP

7 / 75

Which is the most spoken language of the world

8 / 75

Who was the first man to sail round the world

9 / 75

Name the mountain range found in South America

10 / 75

Who was the first President of USA

11 / 75

River Nile finally falls in which of the following seas

12 / 75

Which is the busiest seaport of the world

13 / 75

Which was the first animal to orbit around the earth in November 1957

14 / 75

Which is the deepest ocean in the world

15 / 75

Which is the heighest mountain pass of the world

16 / 75

Which is the leading electricity producer of the world

17 / 75

Name the first person who reached South Pole in 1911

18 / 75

In which Continent mountain range Alps is found

19 / 75

The first Nuclear Power Plant in Pakistan was established at

20 / 75

The first man to receive an artificial heart is

21 / 75

Which of the following is the height of Nanga Parbat

22 / 75

When was the worlds first artificial satellite, sputnik I. launched

23 / 75

Himalaya range is based in

24 / 75

Who was the first lady Prime Minister of a country

25 / 75

was the first recipient of Nishan-e-Haider

26 / 75

Who was the first Chief Justice of Pakistan

27 / 75

Area with the least sun shine is

28 / 75

Which is the largest oil consumer of the world

29 / 75

Which is the richest country of the world

30 / 75

Yuri Gagrin, a Russian was the first person to go in space Which was the year

31 / 75

Who was the first Woman President of a country

32 / 75

Which is the longest mountain range in the world

33 / 75

Which is the largest country in the Arabian Peninsula

34 / 75

China has most land borders with how many countries

35 / 75

Name the first Commercial Bank which started its operation in Pakistan on August 17, 1947

36 / 75

The Soccer World Cup was first contested in 1930 in

37 / 75

The oldest written language is

38 / 75

Mt Everest is located in which country

39 / 75

Name the first astronaut to walk in space in 1965 He remained in space for twenty minutes

40 / 75

Which set of two rivers form the worlds largest delta before their waters flow into the respective sea

41 / 75

Which is the largest dam of the world

42 / 75

The largest vilcano crater in the world is

43 / 75

Sputnik I was the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth on

44 / 75

Name the first man to walk in Space in 1965

45 / 75

Who was the first President of Chinese Republic

46 / 75

Worlds largest dam has been constructed in China What is its name

47 / 75

Which of the following is the first man who successfully climbed Mt. Everest n 1953

48 / 75

Who was the first woman to climb Everest

49 / 75

Which is the least populated continent of the world

50 / 75

First telegraph signal was transmitted in

51 / 75

Nanga Parbat is located in which of the following countries

52 / 75

Which is the highest mountain peak of the world

53 / 75

Which country has the largest foreign debts

54 / 75

Who built the first fully practical airplane

55 / 75

Which is the largest island of the world

56 / 75

Who built the first steam railway locomotive

57 / 75

Which is the second longest river of the worId

58 / 75

Most densely populated country is

59 / 75

Which country is the largest foreign aid donor

60 / 75

The first rocket launched by Pakistan was

61 / 75

Which is the largest bank of the world

62 / 75

When the first census was done in Pakistan

63 / 75

Who was the first Foreign Minister of Pakistan

64 / 75

Which of the following is the largest bank in the world

65 / 75

Which country keeps largest regular armed force

66 / 75

Name the country with the highest number of internet user

67 / 75

Who was the first American to reach North Pole in 1909

68 / 75

Which is the biggest restaurant chain

69 / 75

Neil Alden Armstrong. an American was the first man to set foot on the moon in the year

70 / 75

Name the country with the shortest Coastline of 3.49 miles or 5.58 km

71 / 75

The first man on the moon was

72 / 75

Who was the first woman doctor of medicine in modern times

73 / 75

Which of the following countries is the largest in area in the world

74 / 75

Area wise which is the smallest continent of the world

75 / 75

Who was the first Prime Minister of England

Your score is

The average score is 79%


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