Physics MCQs 2nd Year Chapter No.10 Nuclear Physics Test No.1, FSc, Grade 12, Second Year Multiple Choice Questions, Medical College ( MDCAT ) , ECAT & University Admission Entry Test Exams Online Preparation, Chapter Wise Questions Answers Quiz Notes in Pdf Download, All Old Board Papers included, All Queries reply within 24 Hours. Click here to Contact us for any Query/Question regarding Exams.

PHYSICS – 2nd Year
Chapter No. 10 [ Test No.1 ]
Multiple Choice Questions
Note : All MCQ’s selected in this test are from OLD F.Sc. board , UHS and PMC(Pakistan Medical Commission) Islamabad Papers.

Book Name :  PHYSICS
Chapter No.  10 (Test No. 1)
Total MCQ from Text Book :  159
Book Version  :

Published By : Punjab Text Book Board Lahore
Approved By : Govt of the Punjab and Federal Ministry for Education
Test Type : MCQ’s
Exam conduct By : Inter Boards of Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab & Federal
Class / Grade  : 12 ( F.Sc. Intermediate)
Total Marks : 159
Total Time :   159 minutes 30 Seconds




1 / 159

For fission to occur, neutrons must posses

2 / 159

Which one of the following material has smaller half life?

3 / 159

When a nucleus emits an alpha particle, its atomic mass decreases by (D.G.Khan 2015 Group II)

4 / 159

The mass of β particle is euqal to the mass of: (FSD 2016)

5 / 159

Fusion chain reaction is controlled by: (MTN 2016 GI)

6 / 159

Mass spectrograph can he used to

7 / 159

Fission chain reaction is controlled by introducing

8 / 159

Radioactive traces are also employed to follow the path that various chemicals or food constituents taken in

9 / 159

0.1 Kg is equivivalent to the energy of (D.G.Khan 2015 Group II)

10 / 159

To start a fusion reaction, the temperature required is about

11 / 159

The mass of the nucleus is always less than the total mass of the protons and-neutrons that make up the nucleus. The difference of the two masses is called

12 / 159

Nuclear forces are

13 / 159

A solid state detecter mainly consists of a

14 / 159

Various types of cancer are treated by

15 / 159

Mass of the proton is of the order of

16 / 159

The diameter (size) of an atom is of the order of

17 / 159

Neutron was discovered in

18 / 159

The energy needed to create an electron-hole pair in a solid state detecter is

19 / 159

Mass of neutron is of the order of

20 / 159

The units of decay constant is (D.G.Khan 2016 G I)

21 / 159

Charge on electron is:

22 / 159

The diameter (size) of the nucleus is of the order of

23 / 159

The γ-rays radiographs are used in

24 / 159

Which one of the following can produce little ionization?

25 / 159

Both Xenon and cesium each have isotopes

26 / 159

Cancerous tissues in a thyroid gland can be detected by the intake of

27 / 159

If half life of a radioactive element is one year, percentage of sample decays after two years is

28 / 159

Product of half life(T1/2) and decay constant(λ) of a radioactive element is

29 / 159

Which of the following is the approximate density of nuclear matter (nucleus)

30 / 159

Relation for half life of any radioactive element is (SGD 2016 GI)

31 / 159

The number of neutrons in Li are (D.G.Khan 2016 G I)

32 / 159

Nuclear forces are mediated by

33 / 159

1 a.m.u. is equal to (SWL 2016)

34 / 159

For atomic nuclei, the binding energy per nucleon

35 / 159

S-1 is not the unit of

36 / 159

Complete the euqation for following fission process: 92U235 + °ree;n138Sr90

37 / 159

The distance traveled by α-particle in a medium before coming to rest, is called

38 / 159

The chemical chavior of an atom is determined by

39 / 159

Half life of radon gas is (D.G.Khan 2015 Group I)

40 / 159

Quenching of discharge means making the gas

41 / 159

Mass spectrograph is used to determine

42 / 159

The number of isotopes of caesium aer: (LHR 2015 Group II)

43 / 159

The thin wire at the centre of G.M. tube act as

44 / 159

With one up quark and two down quarks, which of the following can be made?

45 / 159

The range of particle depends upon the factor

46 / 159

The process by which a heavy nucleus splits into two lighter nuclei is called

47 / 159

Radioactivity was discovered in

48 / 159

A pair of quark and anti-quark make a

49 / 159

The potenetial difference between anode and cathode in a neon-bromine filled G.M. counter is

50 / 159

Isotopes of the nucleus of hydrogen are

51 / 159

Thyroid cancer is cured by

52 / 159

Nucelar fuission chain reaction is controlled by using: (MTN 2016 G II )

53 / 159

Neon gas have three isotopes whose atomic number are

54 / 159

The process of nuclear fission was explained by

55 / 159

If M is mass of nucleeus and A I s the mass number then M-A/M is called its

56 / 159

The phenomenon of neutral radioactivity was discovered by

57 / 159

The sum of the masses of constituent nucleons as compared to the mass of the resultant nucleus is

58 / 159

The number of type of quarks are: (FSD 2016)

59 / 159

Which of the following is used as a moderator in nuclear reactor?

60 / 159

The cosmic radiations consists of

61 / 159

γ-rays are

62 / 159

The number of Neutrons in 23892U is: (MTN 2016 GI)

63 / 159

Mass of proton is

64 / 159

Charge on proton is

65 / 159

Pair production take place when energy of γ-rays photon is:

66 / 159

In a nuclear reaction 2XA +2He4z+2YA+3 + W what praticle does w denote?

67 / 159

The half life of radioactive depend upon

68 / 159

A detector which can count fast and operate at low voltage is

69 / 159

One gray(Gy) is equal to (Mirpur 2015)

70 / 159

Which one of the following belongs to hadrons group?

71 / 159

In which radioactive disintegration neutron dissociates into proton and electron?

72 / 159

Which one of the following rays can pass through 20 cm thickness of steel?

73 / 159

Energy needed to produce an electron-hole pair in solid state dectecter is (D.G.Khan 2015 Group II)

74 / 159

Speed of β particles is nearly equal to (SGD 2016 GI)

75 / 159

Dead time of G.M counter is (D.G.Khan 2016 G I)

76 / 159

Cosmic rays consists of

77 / 159

Mass number is the combined number of

78 / 159

It is possible to understand nuclear fission on the basis of the

79 / 159

How much times, the α-particle more massive than an electron?

80 / 159

Electron was discovered in 1891 by

81 / 159

One joule of energy absorbed per kilogram of body is

82 / 159

Coloured television sets and microwave ovens emit

83 / 159

Mass of neutron is

84 / 159

Which one of the following leptons group?

85 / 159

Solid state detecter with amplifier can be used to detect

86 / 159

The central part of an atom is called

87 / 159

The number of isotopes of helium are

88 / 159

The radio active process is

89 / 159

The tumors are traced by using

90 / 159

In a nuclear reactor using 92U235 as fuel, the power output is 4.8MW. Which of the following is the number of fission per second? (enrgy released in one fission of 92U235 = 200 MeV)

91 / 159

1u = __________

92 / 159

Subatomic particles are divided into groups: (BWP 2016)

93 / 159

The chemical properties of an element depends upon the number of

94 / 159

1 Kg mass will be equivalent to Energy (SGD 2016 GII)

95 / 159

In radioactive decay, the original element which disintegrates to another element is called

96 / 159

Quarks carry

97 / 159

Which particle has large range in air: (LHR 2015 Group I)

98 / 159

The types of quarks are

99 / 159

The most abundant isotope of neon is

100 / 159

The main interaction of radiation with matter is

101 / 159

Leptons are

102 / 159

Unit of radio activity is curie which is equal to: (D.G.Khan 2016 G I)

103 / 159

The binding energy per nucleon is

104 / 159

Thermal neutrons can cause fission in

105 / 159

The penetrating power of β-particle is:

106 / 159

The most useful tracer isotope for the treatment of Thyroid gland is: (MTN 2016 G II )

107 / 159

Strength of radiation source is measured in

108 / 159

Proton was discovered by

109 / 159

Radioactive iodine-131 is used to combat cancer of the

110 / 159

Proton was discovered in

111 / 159

Atomic bomb depends upon the process of

112 / 159

The most important and the vital part of a reactor is

113 / 159

The gamma camera is desgined to detect

114 / 159

If the half life of a radioactive substance is T, then its decay constant λ is given by

115 / 159

G.M. counter uses

116 / 159

The missing mass which is converted to energy in the formation of nucleus is called

117 / 159

In Karachi Nuclear power plant(KANUP)__________ is used as moderator

118 / 159

Radioactive ______ gas enters building from ground

119 / 159

Thyroid cancer is cured by (SGD 2016 GII)

120 / 159

The solid state detectors is a p-n junction which operates at the

121 / 159

Solid state detecter is

122 / 159

In G.M. counter The electrons take time to reach the anode

123 / 159

The average amount of energy produced during fission process of 23592U is about

124 / 159

G.M. counter is not suitable for

125 / 159

The branch of Physics which deals with the study of atomic nucleus and sub-atomic particles is called

126 / 159

The most useful tracer is

127 / 159

Which of the following particle has the greatest relative biological?

128 / 159

If A= 235 and Z= 92, then number of neutrons in the nucleus is

129 / 159

Two up quarks and one down quark mates a (SGD 2016 GII)

130 / 159

With two up quarks and one down quark, which of the following can be made?

131 / 159

Thyroid cancer is cured by (SWL 2016)

132 / 159

Nuclear fusion is the source of energy in

133 / 159

Neutron was discovered by

134 / 159

Radiotherapy is often used in the treatment of cancer with:

135 / 159

In nuclear reaction, there is conseration of

136 / 159

Which of the following particle is unstable out side the atom?

137 / 159

In a mass spectrograph, the mass of each ion reaching the detector is proportional to

138 / 159

In GM-counter the quenching gas must have an ionization potential ______ that of principle gas

139 / 159

The potential difference between the top and bottom of a clound chamber is of the order of

140 / 159

α β and γ rays emitted by a radioactive substance are passed through a region at right angle to their path. The energy gained will be

141 / 159

Fraction of the decaying atoms per unit time is called

142 / 159

Which of the following particles can be added to the nucleus of ______________________ an atom without changin its chemical properties

143 / 159

Complelete the equation for the following fission reaction
23592U + 10n → 14054Xe+_______+energy

144 / 159

At least three quarks are necessary to form a

145 / 159

Three quarks take a

146 / 159

The amount of energy required to break the nucleus is called the

147 / 159

In G.M. counter. The positive ions take time to reach the cathode

148 / 159

When nitrogen is bombarded by Alpha Particle, Nitrogen nucleus change into: (BWP 2016)

149 / 159

What %age of mass of atom is concentrated in the nucleus?

150 / 159

The range of Β-particles in air is greater than that of α-particles by:

151 / 159

A neutron decays into a proton, an electron and _______?

152 / 159

The building blocks of protons and neutrons are called

153 / 159

The safe limit dose for persons working in a nuclear facilities or mines is normally considered

154 / 159

The quantity called absorbed radiation dose 'D' is defined as

155 / 159

If N°ree; is the original number of atoms of radioactive element, then the number of undecayed atoms after two half lives is

156 / 159

Two down and one up quarks marke: (LHR 2015 Group I)

157 / 159

Film badge dosimeter are used to monitor radiation in:

158 / 159

The SI unit of radiation dose is

159 / 159

The SI unit of decay constant is

Your score is

The average score is 40%


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2nd Year PHYSICS notes and MCQs are according to latest Paper Pattern of Punjab Boards, All Exercises in Textbooks are solved to ensure the Quality Education to Medical College Students. All MCQs are according to UHS (University of Health Sciences) Lahore approved Syllabus.

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