AEOs suspended on Misconduct , Inefficiency , Poor Performance and Non Cooperative behavior in Layyah
WHEREAS, the District Education Officer (EE-W) Layyah reported about the non-Co-operative behavior / lethargic attitude and involving in lodging fake complaints against Govt. Officers on Citizen Portal of Mst. Annosha Kafayet Assistant Education Officer Markaz Pahar Pur (F) Tehsil Layyah. The above discussing way of said officer comes towards negligence and poor performance of her markaz.
Hence, the seniors of Mst. Annosha Kafayet Assistant Education Officer Markaz Pahar Pur (F) Tehsil Layyah is hereby placed under SUSPENSION on account of Misconduct, Inefficiency, poor performance and non-cooperative behavior with controlling officers immediately.
However, she will draw suspension allowance under
Chief Executive Officer (DEA) Layyah
Cc :
1. The Deputy Commissioner. Layyah.
2. The District Education Officer (EE-W) Layyah with the request to inquire the matter and report for further necessary action please.
3. The District Accounts Office, Layyah.
4. The District Monitoring Officer, Layyah.
5. The Dy. District Education Officer IW), Tehsil Layyah.
6. The Officer Concerned.
7. The Office
WHEREAS, the District Education Officer (EE-W) Layyah reported about the non-Co-operative behavior / lethargic attitude and involving in lodging fake complaints against Govt. Officers on Citizen Portal of Mr. Muhammad Waqas Assistant Education Officer Markaz Oalakh-1 (F) Tehsil Choubara. The above discussing way of said officer comes towards negligence and poor performance of her markaz.
Hence, the seniors of Mr. Muhammad Waqas Assistant Education Officer Markaz Oalakh-1 (F) Tehsil Choubara is hereby placed under SUSPENSION on account of Misconduct, Inefficiency, poor performance and non-cooperative behavior with controlling officers immediately.
However, she will draw suspension allowance under
Chief Executive Officer (DEA) Layyah
Cc :
1. The Deputy Commissioner. Layyah.
2. The District Education Officer (EE-W) Layyah with the request to inquire the matter and report for further necessary action please.
3. The District Accounts Office, Layyah.
4. The District Monitoring Officer, Layyah.
5. The Dy. District Education Officer IW), Tehsil Layyah.
6. The Officer Concerned.
7. The Office
WHEREAS, the District Education Officer (EE-W) Layyah reported about the non-Co-operative behavior / lethargic attitude and involving in lodging fake complaints against Govt. Officers on Citizen Portal of Mr. Muhammad Amin Assistant Education Officer Markaz Marhan (F) Tehsil Layyah. The above discussing way of said officer comes towards negligence and poor performance of her markaz.
Hence, the seniors of Mr. Muhammad Amin Assistant Education Officer Markaz Marhan (F) Tehsil Layyah is hereby placed under SUSPENSION on account of Misconduct, Inefficiency, poor performance and non-cooperative behavior with controlling officers immediately.
However, she will draw suspension allowance under
Chief Executive Officer (DEA) Layyah
Cc :
1. The Deputy Commissioner. Layyah.
2. The District Education Officer (EE-W) Layyah with the request to inquire the matter and report for further necessary action please.
3. The District Accounts Office, Layyah.
4. The District Monitoring Officer, Layyah.
5. The Dy. District Education Officer IW), Tehsil Layyah.
6. The Officer Concerned.
7. The Office
WHEREAS, the District Education Officer (EE-W) Layyah reported about the non-Co-operative behavior / lethargic attitude and involving in lodging fake complaints against Govt. Officers on Citizen Portal of Mst. Rabia Tasneem Assistant Education Officer Markaz Sonhara wasava (F) Tehsil Layyah. The above discussing way of said officer comes towards negligence and poor performance of her markaz.
Hence, the seniors of Mst. Rabia Tasneem Assistant Education Officer Markaz Sonhara wasava (F) Tehsil Layyah is hereby placed under SUSPENSION on account of Misconduct, Inefficiency, poor performance and non-cooperative behavior with controlling officers immediately.
However, she will draw suspension allowance under
Chief Executive Officer (DEA) Layyah
Cc :
1. The Deputy Commissioner. Layyah.
2. The District Education Officer (EE-W) Layyah with the request to inquire the matter and report for further necessary action please.
3. The District Accounts Office, Layyah.
4. The District Monitoring Officer, Layyah.
5. The Dy. District Education Officer IW), Tehsil Layyah.
6. The Officer Concerned.
7. The Office
WHEREAS, the District Education Officer (EE-W) Layyah reported about the non-Co-operative behavior / lethargic attitude and involving in lodging fake complaints against Govt. Officers on Citizen Portal of Mst. Tasneem Akhtar Assistant Education Officer Markaz Kot Sultan-1 (F) Tehsil Layyah. The above discussing way of said officer comes towards negligence and poor performance of her markaz.
Hence, the seniors of Mst. Tasneem Akhtar Assistant Education Officer Markaz Kot Sultan-1 (F) Tehsil Layyah is hereby placed under SUSPENSION on account of Misconduct, Inefficiency, poor performance and non-cooperative behavior with controlling officers immediately.
However, she will draw suspension allowance under
Chief Executive Officer (DEA) Layyah
Cc :
1. The Deputy Commissioner. Layyah.
2. The District Education Officer (EE-W) Layyah with the request to inquire the matter and report for further necessary action please.
3. The District Accounts Office, Layyah.
4. The District Monitoring Officer, Layyah.
5. The Dy. District Education Officer IW), Tehsil Layyah.
6. The Officer Concerned.
7. The Office
WHEREAS, the District Education Officer (EE-W) Layyah reported about the non-Co-operative behavior / lethargic attitude and involving in lodging fake complaints against Govt. Officers on Citizen Portal of Mst. Mehwish Shaheen Assistant Education Officer Markaz Nawan Kot (F) Tehsil Choubara. The above discussing way of said officer comes towards negligence and poor performance of her markaz.
Hence, the seniors of Mst. Mehwish Shaheen Assistant Education Officer Markaz Nawan Kot (F) Tehsil Choubara is hereby placed under SUSPENSION on account of Misconduct, Inefficiency, poor performance and non-cooperative behavior with controlling officers immediately.
However, she will draw suspension allowance under
Chief Executive Officer (DEA) Layyah
Cc :
1. The Deputy Commissioner. Layyah.
2. The District Education Officer (EE-W) Layyah with the request to inquire the matter and report for further necessary action please.
3. The District Accounts Office, Layyah.
4. The District Monitoring Officer, Layyah.
5. The Dy. District Education Officer IW), Tehsil Layyah.
6. The Officer Concerned.
7. The Office
WHEREAS, the District Education Officer (EE-W) Layyah reported about the non-Co-operative behavior / lethargic attitude and involving in lodging fake complaints against Govt. Officers on Citizen Portal of Mst. Ayesha Shahid Assistant Education Officer Markaz Chapri (F) Tehsil Choubara. The above discussing way of said officer comes towards negligence and poor performance of her markaz.
Hence, the seniors of Mst. Ayesha Shahid Assistant Education Officer Markaz Chapri (F) Tehsil Choubara is hereby placed under SUSPENSION on account of Misconduct, Inefficiency, poor performance and non-cooperative behavior with controlling officers immediately.
However, she will draw suspension allowance under
Chief Executive Officer (DEA) Layyah
Cc :
1. The Deputy Commissioner. Layyah.
2. The District Education Officer (EE-W) Layyah with the request to inquire the matter and report for further necessary action please.
3. The District Accounts Office, Layyah.
4. The District Monitoring Officer, Layyah.
5. The Dy. District Education Officer IW), Tehsil Layyah.
6. The Officer Concerned.
7. The Office