Submission of Monthly reconciliation of expenditure current FY-2019-20 in Rahim Yar Khan
Submission of Monthly reconciliation of expenditure current FY-2019-20 in Rahim Yar Khan
Submission of Monthly reconciliation of expenditure current FY-2019-20 in Rahim Yar Khan
Kindly refer to the direction duly issued from the Accountant General Punjab Lahore letter No. SPS/AG PB/O5 dated 26.01.2018 and with reference to Secretary School Education Department Government of Punjab bearing letter no. SO (G-II) 1-44/17 dated 09.02.2018 regarding the reinforcement of financial property and discipline among DDO’s. It is stated with regret that the regulations and instructions regarding monthly reconciliation expenditure are not being comply within true letter and spirit by the DDOs. In accordance with the rule 13.84 (I) of the Punjab Budget Manual the DDO’s are responsible to prepare and forward their expenditure statement for reconciliation to the Accountant General Punjab. District, Accounts Officer so as to reach it by the 20″ of the month following that to which the accounts relates. According to Punjab District Authorities (Budget) Rules 2017 vide rule 4(n). Chief Executive Officer has to ensure monthly reconciliation of District ONicer and institutions expenditure with the A.G Punjab or DAO and that it reccives consolidated statement of monthly expenditure duly reconciled. According to Punjab District Authorities (Budget) Rules, 2017 vide rule 8 responsibilities DDOs sub section (¢) preparation of monthly and annual statement of expenditure and get them reconciled with AG or DAO” The Punjab District’ Authorities (Budget) Rules, 2017 section 57 sub section (2)(ii)reconcile expenditure with accounts ollicer by 10 day of ever following month for the previous month. According to Rules 2.31(a) 7.12 and 8.8 of Punjab Financial Rules Vol 1. the Head of an office/DDO are entirely responsible for any irregularity, overcharge. fraud and misappropriation. In light of the above mentioned instructions from the Finance Department it is noticed that couple of times you were dirccted to implement such practice and get the monthly reconciliation of expenditure accounts verified [rom the District Accounts Office and submit the compliance report in this regard. but no practice has been made from your side. ‘the Higher Authority has great concems regarding in this pivotal matter. You are once again directed to submit your verified Expenditure Statement from the District Accounts Office, Rahim Yar Khan (Month wisc, DDO Code wisc) for the period of July 2019 to November 2019 positively on 30.12.2019 (Monday) at 02:00 PM sharp and from now onwards implement this practice on monthly basis i.c. the submission of verified report should reach to this office on 10″ of every month. NOTE: In case of non compliance and non submission of this pivotal report strict legal action will be initiated.
Submission of Monthly reconciliation of expenditure current FY-2019-20 in Rahim Yar Khan