Meeting Notice with Heads of High and Higher SECONDARY schools(Male/Female) in GHSS MANAWALA on 22.09.2019 at 03:00pm with District EDUCATION OFFICER (SE) Faisalabad
District Education Officer(SE)
All Heads of High and Higher Secondary Schools (M/F)
District Faisalabad
Subject : Meeting Notice in Faisalabad
It is to intimate you that a meeting of heads of High and Higher Secondary School (M/F) District Faisalabad (With Primary Position) is being held under the chairman ship of Chief Executive Officer (DEA) Faisalabad as per following schedule.
Participants : Heads of High and Higher Secondary Schools(M/F) District Faisalabad
Venue : GHSS 203/RB Manawala
Date : 22.08.2019
Time : 03:00pm
The following agenda will be discussed in the meeting.
1. 100% acheievement of CM Road MAP
2. Student attendance
3. New Pattern of LND test will be discussed specially
4. Boundary Wall
5. Data Health
6. Ensure 100% retention of students from Katchi Class to 12th
7. 100% Tagging of Students admitted in Public Schools on SIS.
8. Verification of Data of Teachers by Head of Schools on HRMS
All concerned Heads are directed to attend the meeting in Person. In case of non-Compliance strict action will be taken against the Head of institution as per Law.
District Education Officer