Dated Lahore, the 12th September, 2017
NO.SO(SE-1155-226/2017. Assistant Education Officers (AEOs). inducted by the School Education Department, Government of Punjab are mobile administrators and managers responsible for efficient and effective supervision, maintaining discipline and to provide support to schools through coaching and managing performance of all schools assigned to them by their respective CEOs / DEO’s. They are also required to ensure that each school prepares its annual school improvement plan and teachers attend all specified training programmes. Schools assigned to an AEO are collectively called a Mark. and an AEO is judged on the overall performance of his / her Markaz across a combination of prescribed access. equity. quality and governance indicators. The following Job Descriptions (JDs) / Functions of AEOs are hereby notified:
1. Ensuring Annual Survey of OOSC & enrollment drive:
1.1. AEOs shall be responsible to conduct annual survey to collect data on out-of-school children of their respective area, notified by the CEO / DEO through school teachers and employees / staff during summer vacations. The data set would also include OOSC working in brick kiln and other places of work in his / her area. The data collected will be digitized / computerized and ensured that the 100% OOSC are enrolled in schools.
1.2. Ensuring 100% retention of all enrolled students. It will be ensured that all enrolled students in schools complete at-least primary cycle and there is no drop-outs in schools under his / her area of jurisdiction. In case of any student drop outs, track these children and work closely with the school council to bring these children back to school within 10 days,
2. Ensure delivery of quality Education
2.1 Whether Class work and homework is being assigned and checked regularly.
Also ascertain that regular feedback is provided to students on their work.
2.2. During the school visit he / she shall provide professional supervision, guidance and support to teachers in the areas of classroom management / organization, quality delivery of lessons, teaching plan and its execution etc.
2.3. Ensure fair conduct of annual school exams, six monthly assessment (MA). annual PEC exams for Grade 5 & 8 (in line with the prescribed SOPs for conduct of exams). RISE exams and monthly (LND) tests and any other formal assessments conducted by the schools.
2.4. Ensure students and parents receive progress reports on a regular basis and the teachers maintain a personal file for each student. Reports should be shared with parents through regular parent Teacher meetings.
2 5 Suggest methods to improve the general academic performance of a school which includes using assessment data, remedial support materials (e.g. LND Kitabcha. monthly LND practice tests. teacher guides and textbooks and anyother supplementary materials provided by SED) to the head teachers and teachers.
2.6. Using student assessment data and lesson observation, make recommendations for all teachers to attend the monthly and summer training’s through the Academic Development Units (ADUs) paining and summer trainings by Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development (QAED)
2.7 Ensure quality education is delivered effectively in all schools by observing lessons and providing valuable feedback for teachers to improve student learning outcomes. He / She shall also supervise, monitor, review and evaluate performance of the HTs and teachers in schools.
2.8. Be aware of the trends in assessment results of students in your Markaz and suggest support strategies for teachers to drive student teaming outcomes. The LND monthly target is 80% The six-monthly assessment target is 75. For PEG, all students should pass with a majority obtaining an A grade.
2 9 Assess the performance of teaching and non.leaching staff and ensure all teachers are attending training at the ADUs every month and during summer vacations by QAED.
- Improve functionality 8 child friendly environment in schools:
3.1 Monitor teachers’ attendance. ensuring all teachers are present and teaching effectively in all classes. Check if school maintaining record of teacher leaves and try to ensure that student Teachers ratio is maintained at 1:40.
3.2 Encourage the usage of free textbooks and teachers Guides , keep track of lessons being delivered according to the Taleemi calendar.
3.3 Ensure a child friendly school atmosphere that is conducive to learning. It will be ensured that funds are spent as per the NSB guidelines / manual and classroom have adequate teaching-learning material. Also ensure early child education rooms (ECE) are attractive for children.
3.4. Visit all schools at least twice per month and conduct activities outlined in the AEO checklist during the visit. Plan extra visits to low performing schools, based on their enrollment and learning outcomes as depicted in the monthly data-packs received from the PMIU.
3.5 Organize co-curricular activities like sports competitions, science fairs, Qirat or naat recitations, Bazam-e-Adab and arrange prize distribution ceremonies. and celebrate national days in the schools in their markaz.
3 6 Work closely with the school councils to identify areas of improvement, engage additional teachers through School Council , and assist them in making the school function better.
3.7. Check the functioning of ECE rooms including, but not limited, to availability of ECE inventory, teaching plan of ECE rooms etc.
3.8. He / She shall supervise and monitor construction, maintenance and development work in schools.
- Implement SED initiatives in the field:
4.1. Ensure distribution and effective implementation of all policies of the School Education Department (SED) at the markaz level.
4 2. Provide support and ensure appropriate logistics for smooth conduct of Grade 5 & 8 Punjab Examination Commission (PEC), BISE and LND exams in their respective Markaz AEOs shall also ensure timely registration of all students enrolled in grade 5 & 8 with PEC & BISEs.
4 3.Attend all Pre-DRC meetings each month, including monthly check-ins with CEO. DEO, DDEO and all Head Teachers In the Markaz, that are focused on improving school performance indicators.
4.4. Ensure conduct of monthly meeting with HTs of all schools in a Markaz to discuss RM / performance indicators and develop smart actions to improve performance in schools. Also ensure participation in monthly meeting between DDEO & AEOs at Tehsil level to discuss Markaz level performance and plan overcoming the challenges.
4.5. AEO will be responsible to Coordinate with the relevant UC and collect data of newborns in the respective areas.
4.6. Ensure that schools’ security related SOPS issued by the Department are strictly followed by all schools
- Maintain proscribed administrative and financial record (NSB utilization plan) of schools:
5.1 Support Head Teacher to develop the annual school development plan. NSB utilization plan and ensure the funds are being utilized as per the directions of SED / procurement plan released by the Department and NSB Manual In addition, ensure this record is maintained and meets audit requirements.
5.2. AEO will be responsible to Manage all service related matters such as maintenance of service record. Performance Evaluation Reports (PERs) of all teaching and non-teaching staff, UP register, cashbook, FTF register and other important record / documents of the primary and Middle schools.
5.3 Ensure inspection of schools’ accounts and record observation / comments in the logbook of the school. The record includes SC, FT, NSB, salaries, cashbook. stock register. property register. plantation register of schools to eliminate the occurrence of irregularities, misappropriation and embezzlement.
5.4 Ensure that the development work started in the school is being carried out in accordance with the prescribed procedure /TORs. Report and monitor the progress of all school related development schemes in their markaz for e.g dangerous building /rooms, repair, provision of missing facilities etc.
5.5. Support the head teacher in maintaining school records e.g teacher leave record, NSB / FTF, AEO checklist. 03 forms. etc.
6. Community mobilization for school improvement:
6.1 Ensure implementation of the School Council Policy in letter and spirit. issued by the School Education Department (SED).
6.2 Ensures School Councils meetings are convened at least once every month
6.3 AEO will be responsible to Attend and monitor, School Council meetings and ensure members are contributing effectively.
6.4 Identify and implement strategies to engage parents and teachers to improve student retention and enrollment.
6.5 AEO will be responsible to maintain close interaction with parents, local community on school development plan and other matters relating to enrollment drives and schools’ improvement.
- Other Tasks:
7.1, Assist and coordinate with other government organization / departments working with School Education Department in implementation of various interventions e.g. Zaver—e-Taleem Programme. PSSP , PEF , PITB. enrollment of children working in brick kilns and other places of work.
7.2. Keep liaison with district to facilitate visits of delegations, provincial education officials, other partners and private person authorize by the department and CEO / DEO.
7 3 Any other duty / task assign. by the Department / DEA.
No.& Dale Even:
A copy is forward. for information and necessary action to:
1. The Chief Secretary Punjab, Lahore
2. The Chairman. P&D Board. Punjab, Lahore
3. The Secretary. Finance Department
4. The Secretary, Planning and Development Lahore
5. The Member Social Sector. P&D Board. Punjab, Lahore
6. Programme Director. PMIU.
7. Director General, Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development. Lahore
8. Chief Executive Officer. PEC
9. Managing Director. Punjab Text Book Board Lahore.
10. The Cruel. Education. P&O Board, Punjab. Lahore
11. Ms Fatima Zed, Head. SMU. Lahore
12. Team Leader. TAMO, Lahore
- Mr. Benjamin Gibbons. CM Team. Lahore
14. All Commissioners in Punjab
15. All Deputy Commissioners in Punjab
16. All Chairpersons. District Education Authonties in Punjab
17. All CEOs. District Education Authorities in Punjab
18. All DEOs CEE-Maie / Female) m
- PS to Minister for School Education, Punjab. Lahore
20 All AEOs in Punjab
- Notification File
All Additional Secretaries. School Education Department
4 PS to Secretary School Education
5 PS to Special Secretary School (Operation)