No. 10356/Admin-II Dated 21.11.2017
Phone : +9268-9230044 , Fax No. +9268-9230385
WHEREAS, Mr. Khalid All SSE (HM) BS-16 posted at Govt. Boys Elementary School Kacha Bhutta Tehsil Sadiq Abad was proceeded under Contract Policy on account of following charges
- Involved in inappropriate activities like writing the letters to female student of 8th class of his school.
- Often called the female students of school In the office in privacy.
- Irritating / annoying the female students by the statement of female student.
The matter was pointed out by the complainant Mr. Rasheed Ahmed 5/0 Barkat All resident of Kacha Bhutta Tehsil Sadiq Abad.
AND WHEREAS, upon this serious nature of complaint, the undersigned appointed Mr. Muhammad Ashraf Chandia Deputy District Education Officer (M) Tehsil Sadiq Abad as an enquiry officer with the direction to ascertain the factual position vide this office order No. 9263 / PA dated
AND WHEREAS, the enquiry officer submitted his repot to this office vide No. 1858 dated 24.10.2017. Wherein he stated that charges leveled upon the accused are found proved and he also suggested that the accused may be shifted to any high school. After perusal of the enquiry report the undersigned shifted the accused teacher to Govt. Boys Higher Secondary School Jamal Din Wali Tehsil Sadiq Abed District, Rahimyarkhan immediately vide this office order No. 9834/Admn-II dated 01.11.2017.
AND WHEREAS, the undersigned also served a Show Cause Notice under Contract Policy upon the accused and also offered an opportunity of personal hearing bearing No. 9835/Admn-II dated 01.11.2017. The accused appear in person on 06.11.2017 and heard by the undersigned patiently. He also produced a self explanatory reply during the Hearing which was perused by the undersigned and found unsatisfactory and irrelevant from the charges.
NOW THEREFORE, in the light of foregoing facts and after careful perusal of relevant record and enquiry report, I, Mukhtar Hussain the Chief Executive Officer (DEA) District Rahimyarkhan has satisfied that the charges leveled upon the accused are based on facts. Hence! Being Competent Authority in this case the contract of Mr. Khalid All SSE/HM ex-Posted Govt. Boys Elementary School Kacha B tta now posted as SSE at Govt. Boys Higher Secondary School Jamal Din Wali is hereby quashed e urinated with immediate effect.
Malik Mukhtiar Hussain
Chief Executive Officer
District Education Authority
Rahim Yar Khan
- The District Education Officer (EEM/SE), Rahimyarkhan.
- Principal GBHSS Jamal Din Wali Tehsil Sadiq Abad.
- The Deputy District Education. Officer (M) Sadiq Abed.
- The Accused Concerned.
- Office Record File.